Originally posted by Elbow
imma keep it 💯 wit u speedy that really doesnt matter on this forum like it is no obstacle at all you can just gaslight, gatekeep, and girlboss ur way thru it and still annoy the shit out of people with zero issues
She's right, you know. Unsurprising, of course... it's rather stereotypically goyishe how easily deceived all of you are. This community is a font from which flows endless examples to make the case for Jewish stewardship over the goyim.
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A Trump presidency would make for an America that is a much stauncher ally to Israel and the Jewish people, and so I must hope that he wins, but I think Elbow is right. More's the pity. I believe Kamala Harris will win. I believe antisemitism will win in America, a least for this election. It is tragic, but that is the struggle of the Jewish people. It is wearying for us to remain optimistic, because we know the evils that lie in the hearts of the goyim.
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Originally posted by Far McFar
You don't know shit, PAL. FUCK OFF
I'm sure he knows at least that you are a rabid antisemite. This much is plain to see for anybody with functioning eyes.
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Originally posted by Far McFar
The name of this account is unfamiliar to me, but this schizophrenic accusation you have levelled against me is not. I can't remember what people here usually call you, but it is disheartening to see that you are still spreading your antisemitic hate.
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Originally posted by ner vegas
I don't think there's a Hebrew translation for 'thank you'
It is תודה you fool. The תו is pronounced toh, and the דה is pronounced da. "Toda." "Thank you." Educate yourself, you idiot buffoon.
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The following users say it would be alright if the author of this
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Originally posted by infinityshock
Abodah Zara 26b: "Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed."
Yebhamoth 11b: "Sexual intercourse with a little girl is permitted
if she is three years of age."
Nidrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L: "Jehovah created the non-jedi in human
form so that the jedi would not have to be served by beasts. The
non-jedi is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to
serve the jedi day and night."
hey rabbi, how exactly did the ADL get formed…
be as detailed as you think you can be
I would provide the missing context for these timeworn canards if I thought you had any hope of accepting that you do not know what you think you know. As you asked Meikai to research things, I would perhaps ask that you do the same? Explanations for the true context behind these libelous excerptions is easily found. You are not some brilliant truth-seer who has arrived at these particular partial quotations on your own. This is merely antisemitic propaganda which you have uncritically internalized.
Your hatred blinds you to the truth. Even if I explained to you the error in your thinking, you would accuse me of lying.
The worst part of this is you could even convert. My people do not evangelize, but we do accept sincere coverts who wish nothing more than to learn, and worship. You could study the Tanakh and learn the truth from reading the Talmud yourself. You could go to Rabbinical school. There is truly nothing stopping you from becoming a good and knowledgeable Jеw but this baseless hatred that was inculcated in you by your fellow fools. This hatred that you refuse to let go of keeps you from G-d. Perhaps you are simply too stupid to learn. At any point in your life you could have learned the truth about these lies and begun to question your antisemitic beliefs, but you have yet to do so. Your lack of curiosity is criminal.
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What an offensively stupid question. Why do you think, you shmendrik? It is in the name. Do you think "ultra orthodox" is a cartoon pokeman? Those words have meaning! It means our faith in G-d is unshakeable. We uphold the covenant more strictly than anyone else. All you had to do was read a dictionary to clear up this confusion, goy. This forum is nothing but ignorant ameratsim. Do not pester my people with your inanity in this difficult time.
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My wife, she was in the IDF and they trained her in the art of stimulating Arab men in the anus to break them for interrogation. It only breaks the Arab man because he is afraid of the supposed "gayness" that goyim perceive in such an act. She is very talented, but I have not once been made to feel gay or ashamed by her skillful stimulation.
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2023-10-07 at 8:04 PM UTC
5000 rockets hit Israel
oy vey its like anuddah june war
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2022-09-15 at 7:22 AM UTC
Fat People Have Low IQ
I see the administrator of this forum has yet to remove his antisemitic prank program that purges all mention of my people. I will be certain to come back so that I can correct these messages your administrator has edited and preserve the jedi identity in this place, but I fear for my people's future to see what is being done here. Not even the Nazis who perpetrated the shoah went so far as to declare damnatio memoriae on the jedi people in their entirety. Oy vey.
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You see why we had to do it yes? Why my people demanded that Pilate do as he did? We have known from the very start that these cultist worshipers of a heretical Jеw were a dangerous breed. They do no at all take seriously our torah, they do not have the talmud to guide them by its thousands of years of religious scholarship. We underestimated people's stupidity it seems. All it took was for a handful of this sacrilegious cult leader's lieutenants claiming he magically "came back to life"! Absurd. Can you believe it? I cannot, and yet history shows that it worked. This woman did not even graduate from high school and yet was chosen as a leader of her people, in a country founded by believers in that same cult. Tragedy. We, the Jеwish people, are chosen by G-d precisely because it is we who have the wisdom to lead the goyim (or to pick from among them suitable leaders). The goyim make terrible decisions on their own, and Lauren Boebert's life choices as well as her being elected at all are a perfect example of how this goyish ineptitude manifests itself.
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How many Jеws will there be in 100 years? My father and mother both survived the camps, yes, but we are all — every single Jеwish man, woman, and child — survivors of the Shoah, and we always will be. The camps were liberated, my parents freed from Majdanek. My parents walked away from Lublin, and then from Poland. They left. Physically. How can we as a people ever truly escape what was done to us? We never left those camps. Not spiritually. Not in our hearts. The trauma that was inflicted upon my people will reverberate throughout history for far longer than the lifespan of a single generation of Jеws. I long for nothing more than I do a day when we might finally be freed from the pain. Will that day come in this century, however? The next? Will it come even in this millennium? I do not think so.
Such is the struggle that our G-d has in store for us. Our people are Jacob, are Israel, and our wrestling match with the angel does not end. We may have earned a name, and earned G-d's respect — earned EVERY DROP of respect that he continues to give us as his chosen people — but in turn we must CONTINUE to earn it. And earning it is a struggle. The struggle. My people's struggle.
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2022-05-14 at 4:38 PM UTC
I thought the problem was me
Sounds like you were trying to make a friend, and your neighbor was the raw materials you had at your disposal. You were expecting payment in the form of a mutual social attachment. You were imposing on him your need for a social connection. You aren't "too nice", you're a scheming little worm who was trying to get something out of it. Normally when you help out your neighbors, the most you can hope for is a cold beer if they have one and are feeling nice. You wanted an entire friendship out of it, and that probably showed.
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I must be honest and say that although I am fond of Biden and his administration (he is a loyal friend to Israel, and a self-described Zionist), even I have misgivings about this. Yes, certainly the threat of antisemitism looms large and many people are content to spread lies about the truth of the Holocaust... but what happens when the next Trump comes along? Biden is unwittingly building the infrastructure for a powerful fascist regime of the future.
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Originally posted by smokemon
Tiny hat gang literally sucks bloody baby peckers.
This was a traditional method that increased the likelihood of proper healing and recovery, but many modern brit milahs have modified the procedure (some even going so far as to forego the circumcision itself!). There is nothing strange about this, any more than sucking the venom out of a snake bite! We use the tools at our disposal!
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2022-04-10 at 6:17 PM UTC
if someone comes out as trans
Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood
that kikes won
Is this meshugenah antisemite not himself dating a wonderful transsexual woman? I do not understand this website sometimes.
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2022-04-09 at 12:29 AM UTC
Jéws are white
We are not, although antisemitic nazis like the users on this site frequently believe themselves to be very clever for accusing us of having such privilege. No. Whites put us in the camps. Never again!
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Originally posted by aldra
I hope you get turned into a lampshade used for lighting in a halaal slaughterhouse
And now we see the truth: antisemitism is still a vile animus propelling whiteness in the 21st century. Proof that it hasn't been stamped out. Disgusting.
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A little off topic, but it's a nuisance to type Jеwish properly on this forum. Will the administrator please consider changing his or her mind about the implementation of these blatantly antisemitic "enhancements" which could only be intended to turn our entire people into a taboo whose name cannot be spoken?
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