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Wariat or Warcry has had a substantial effect on me and others.
2024-07-24 at 12:11 PM UTCFolks I used to be big into pornography. It helped me discover that I love having sex with foreigners, immigrants and minorities which was a major catalyst for my penis and I developing equality standards in terms of racial composition of the United States and flavor in my sex life.
Before I start this I will state that I don't remember exactly what year Wariat and I met, it was on Zoklet I think. He wasn't there when I started because he was busy doing time for the attempted 12 year old neckrub "incident"
However I have known him for at least 6 years. I have watched an otherwise healthy, normal (albeit a bit retarded/naive) ish man go from wanting to have sex with people to developing bizarre fantasies as a direct result of watching pornography all day.
Originally posted by trippymindfuk I haven't looked at porn in a couple years. It actually makes me feel like a somewhat better person. It's honestly a waste of time and warcry proves it can warp your view of sex.
I'm not alone in recognizing this pattern of behavior. Wariat or Warcry devleoped this problem as a result of being an unlikeable loser who can barely speak a language from a country he was deported back to, unable to get any pussy, he combined locally available intoxicants (beer & mephedrone) with easily accessible internet pornography.
Folks he hhas in the past discussed watching (not an exhaustive list and this is only what we know)
Horse porn
Dog porn (Extensively)
Child porn (extensively)
Scat porn
Gore porn
Mom and Son porn (extensively)
Rimjob pornography involing children and old men (His favorite)
Child Camwhore porn
What can we learn from this? Well folks it didn't start off liek this. It starte doff with a horny wariat 8 years ago typing with one hand into pornhub "hot young girl gets fucked." and transformed into this child predator monster who spends the majority of his day thinking, discussing, watching or actively trying to communicate with children.
What can you take from this situation? By not watching pornography for 12-25 hours each day you can avoid developing what I call the "Porno Brain" whereby you are unsatisfied in all relationships, sex is ruined for you and teh only thing left to do to get off is type in "{Craziest thing you can think of at the moment} Hardcore FUll Length" and finger your asshole because your weiner isn't even working for you anymore, he quit.
The end.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2024-07-24 at 12:31 PM UTCwhen did I ever say I watch child porn or camwhore porn? or scat porn? braldye ur imagination is fascinating.
2024-07-24 at 12:34 PM UTCITT op warns us not to be like wariatThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2024-07-24 at 12:48 PM UTC
2024-07-24 at 1:31 PM UTCWAriat YOU told me you look at it...
We have known each other for a decade. Granted I was fucked up for 90% of it but you're also higih right now so what the fuck? -
2024-07-24 at 1:33 PM UTCI remember when you sent me a link to TheShitSite or something and I thought it was gonna be like gore or revolting images
and they were but it was literal shit smeared on people on video
I think it's crazy you want HOT YOUNG TEENS to lick your old man ass but you don't keep toilet paper in your home. Whats up with that? Do you need 16 zoloty for some toilet paper bro I will Western Union u -
2024-07-24 at 2:22 PM UTCbro i never told you i look at it. never not even once. I said I know what exist son the dark web but never claimed or admitte dor anything to seen any of it. Someone on a fpurm could have descirbe dit or in some legal document many other ways you cna learn what exists without lookinga t it.s econdly even if i had looked at it never claimed i had this is a what if doesnt mean i do it regularly or anything of the sort. thirdly,. you muredered a guy. your murked some dude. ur lucky to not be in prison right onw for life if it was in claifornia im sure you would be.
2024-07-24 at 2:23 PM UTCnot once did I sent you a link to scat porn bro. I embedded some images in telegram of grandpa and teen or beauty and senior oldje shit like that. standard regular normal folk porn here folks.
2024-07-24 at 2:34 PM UTC
2024-07-24 at 5:02 PM UTC
2024-07-24 at 5:09 PM UTCthis is my copypasta from ym wariat trolling days please use with caution , historical purposes only
Originally posted by Ghost dogs/beastiality
porn/jacking off
teenagers/15 16 14 13
age of consent
toxic masculinity
licking ass
junkie brained morons
DOOM and Quake
teh wariat rotation -
2024-07-24 at 5:10 PM UTCit all just feels like one category
2024-07-24 at 5:36 PM UTCya im real disappointed in you warison
2024-07-24 at 5:40 PM UTCwe learn and grow together