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Kamala is the only choice Dems have if they boot Biden

  1. #61
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frala Hey guys Republicans are trying to kill women

    Hey guys if the Republicans are put in power all women should kill themselves

    Teamwork makes the dream work

    Women will mass suicide anyway like they are in Afghanistan. People need to see it coming and know who to blame.
  2. #62
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I'm imagining scenarios like "You knew about the suicide pact and still voted for him. My daughter's dead because of you!" *punches*
  3. #63
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    MAGA supporters don't care if women die and everyone needs to see their true colours.
  4. #64
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Dirtbag MAGA supporters don't care if women die and everyone needs to see their true colours.

    Only you and Rosie O'Donnell.
  5. #65
    Originally posted by Dirtbag MAGA supporters don't care if women die and everyone needs to see their true colours.

    *Dem women can die, there are PLENTY of good republican woman.

    No one is going to miss the obese ugly lesbo Dem ones.
  6. #66
    Originally posted by Dirtbag Women will mass suicide anyway like they are in Afghanistan. People need to see it coming and know who to blame.

    It’s fucking DUMB
  7. #67
    Originally posted by Dirtbag Women will mass suicide anyway like they are in Afghanistan. People need to see it coming and know who to blame.

    Biden for quitting on them.
  8. #68
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker RFK Jr is a shill. Otherwise he would "living" with his father,uncle, and cousin.

    or they don't feel he's a threat just yet
  9. #69
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frala It’s fucking DUMB

    So are your lopsided titties but they're still functional
  10. #70
    Yeah thank God I got the one good tit
  11. #71
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frala Yeah thank God I got the one good tit

    post it
  12. #72
    H3y u goT loPsid3d titti3z!

    Can I s3e thym?
  13. #73
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frala H3y u goT loPsid3d titti3z!

    Can I s3e thym?

    no just the one. Im ok with that
  14. #74
    You know what I’m ok with? You choking on your own jizz.
  15. #75
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frala You know what I’m ok with? You choking on your own jizz.

    OMG what the effen heckerz is wrong with you. we were having such a wonderful conversation.

    I didn't know you were old enough to suffer from menopause already.
  16. #76
    So Newayz how bout those dems
  17. #77
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Dems arent the dems from the 1960s. they're all radicalized communist but oddly enough they're all rich. Not sure how you can be a fucking marxist and be wealthy unless you're a liar for the popular vote that the Bolsheviks Oligarchs did to the Ukranian J'ewish Farmers while stealing their crops in the name of "Collectivism" aka Communism.

    then they sold it and pocketed money into their own bank accounts. Fucking CROOKS. and thats what our politicians are.
  18. #78
    Originally posted by Lanny Lanny Dems arent the dems from the 1960s. they're all radicalized communist but oddly enough they're all rich. Not sure how you can be a fucking marxist and be wealthy unless you're a liar for the popular vote that the Bolsheviks Oligarchs did to the Ukranian J'ewish Farmers while stealing their crops in the name of "Collectivism" aka Communism.

    then they sold it and pocketed money into their own bank accounts. Fucking CROOKS. and thats what our politicians are.

    And yet you support and vote for them. Go figure.
  19. #79
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ And yet you support and vote for them. Go figure.

    I havn't voted for a democrat since Clinton's first run. I gave money to Obama but didn't even bother voting and then I found out about Harper Reed and all of the Weather Underground Shit. but that being said, Bush was never a true Republican and I did vote the first time for him as well as a Neo-Con which was just "The New Con". conned us all. Fucking cunt. Also Dick Cheney was said to have been secretly a democrat the entire time and didn't want to work for Bush because of his part affiliation. he taught his daughter Liz that trick. running under the Republican Platform only to be a leak for the DNC
  20. #80
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Im a Centrist. I'd vote for RFK Jr but maybe Speedy is right and this dude is fake as shit.
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