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Poll: Which one did you have a crush on?

Who is your favourite Charmed Girl

  1. #61
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Eccentricity comes at a cost.
  2. #62
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I hate how men get off the hook for being cray but not women.
  3. #63
    Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by Dirtbag I did meet my aunt for lunch, it was my social butterfly sister whom arranged it. She seemed super interested in me but she's also a hardcore unionist so maybe that's why we've been estranged.

    Your situation seems similar to mine, I'm close with my Mom's family and always spent time with my cousins on my mom's side when I was younger. I like my Dad's side of the family, but never got close to them when we were young.

    It's a little less extreme since both sides of my family are nominally catholic, though I think my paternal grandmother was COI at one point (shekelton).

    It's sad to be estranged from family due to a silly thing like Nationalism/Unionism, when the political elites of both the Nationalists and the Unionists (through the Conservative party) are determined to import about 100 million Africans into Ireland and convert both communities into tiny hated, marginalised and oppressed ethnic minorities in our own countries. I knew a legit IRA sort (General staff) in NY, his advice was it was time to start taking our own side, no matter what. It seemed silly back in the day, but time has proven him right.
  4. #64
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    My dad was admitted to a pysch ward once bcus of delirium from sudden alcohol withdrawel once, they let him out a few weeks later. That wouldn't be the case for me because I'm female.
  5. #65
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    My mum's family are like jedi vultures. I def have my dad's spirit and it's hard being in a family with people you have different values to.
  6. #66
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    It's weird having my psychopathy streak nd using my dad's example as a moral compass. He was the opposite of a psychopath.
  7. #67
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    It's a weird having his spirit nd also the aspergers psychopathy, but at least I like who I am and can sleep at night. Dunno how people here do
  8. #68
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    When I come to a qualm like, murder is madness but so are emotions which can also be madness. I legit wouldn't know what was right by myself, I have to go with what my dad would think and that's that murder is madness.
  9. #69
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I think my parents were dismayed by the way I am but also glad. I never did housechores and they couldn't make me. I think some part of them was glad I was selfish because it was better for me.
  10. #70
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I think they were glad I wasn't emotional at deaths. It meant I was cold but also less likely to be hurt.
  11. #71
    Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by Dirtbag I think they were glad I wasn't emotional at deaths. It meant I was cold but also less likely to be hurt.

    You weren't emotional at deaths? How is that?

    Yes, less emotional is less likely to get hurt.
  12. #72
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Uh oh. Need a reminder not to let Akira in the room.

  13. #73
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Donald Trump You weren't emotional at deaths? How is that?

    Yes, less emotional is less likely to get hurt.

    Idk it's the little things that get to me, not big things. Some people are that way.
  14. #74
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    My first instinct was to get another glass but thinking clearly now I should clean this one up.
  15. #75
    Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by Dirtbag Idk it's the little things that get to me, not big things. Some people are that way.

    Maybe it's different boys to girls. What got me was when I realised dead people are cold, like the ground is cold.

    And my biggest problem with dogs in the house is them wiping their bums on the carpet. You wind up with stains on every carpet in the house. We don't let the cats into the house, and that's a good thing.
  16. #76
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
  17. #77
    Kinks Actually pretty straight [bitch the twenty-second stewpan]
    Kafka, every thread you enter.... you cover in shitposts

    I wanted to put that politely but there wasn't an appropriate term

    come to our NiS telegram party and cam with me
  18. #78
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Gross skank
  19. #79
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I'm aways back to the community I thought was toxic but is sanity compared to this shithole
  20. #80
    Kinks Actually pretty straight [bitch the twenty-second stewpan]
    our cam chat Is quite sane

    quite quaint

    come cam with me, I'll drink with you bish
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