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any of u suffer from this like reoccuring lifelong depression?

  1. #21
    Originally posted by Warcry jig what if i dont wanna be a normie what if my entire life goal is to be one of thos emiddle aged men those dirtbags in porn like bootleg on facial abuse or those old dude son what if thats my lfie goal jig?

    Then when you are, when you reach those goals your life will be full of joy and happiness...and blumpkins
  2. #22
    Warcry Space Nigga
    is this really too much to ask for from life what this stupid guy got not me?
  3. #23
    Warcry Space Nigga
    what if i dont want any relationships? what if i dont wanan eb a sucker or spend money in clubs onr etard young bitches anymore:? waht if i dont wanna go ons tupid dates at all? and all i want is to be in porn and not event alk to them much get my ass licke dfuck theme tc and never see them again,.w aht if that smy ultimate wish jig? what should I do?
  4. #24
    Warcry Space Nigga
    i hate female sin egenral outsid emy fmaily like mom etc but i hate them and hate being used for money or stupid shit without them putting out like its beenc osntantly the case jig the als tlike 6 yrs i was here. again i hate them. all i want is to get my ass licked. why is this so hard?
  5. #25
    Warcry Space Nigga
    like i said jig i didnt choose to be born ins tupid piland where thye haveahrdly any feiths porn like age gaps shit i could have done it when i live din cali as usa has some good stuff but i was too young then and didnt want it like i do now or id have joine or facial abuse but that was then jig i was stil in my very late 20s last time i was in the usa and had other issues to worry about again none of this is my fault i cant trad eplaces wiht those dirtbag strupid men who won lottieries in lfie and got to get their asses lciked by 18 yr olds.
  6. #26
    Warcry Space Nigga
    why cant i find someone like this ever in my life?
  7. #27
    kill yourself
  8. #28
    Originally posted by Warcry what if i dont want any relationships? what if i dont wanan eb a sucker or spend money in clubs onr etard young bitches anymore:? waht if i dont wanna go ons tupid dates at all? and all i want is to be in porn and not event alk to them much get my ass licke dfuck theme tc and never see them again,.w aht if that smy ultimate wish jig? what should I do?

    Remember "if" games are a waste of time.

    What if I was a small mountain goat who learned how to type and found an abandoned mountaineers Ipad up on a mountain ledge after he fell to his death and it just happened to be screen locked with the same password I used when I was a stunning and brave medieval transsexual back in a small Italian town shortly before I was set on fire for fingering a pie that didn't belong to me...what if?!.
  9. #29
    i'm a little horse
  10. #30
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood i'm a little horse

    Like you can't talk, or you're actually a four-legged animal?
  11. #31
    Warcry Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Remember "if" games are a waste of time.

    What if I was a small mountain goat who learned how to type and found an abandoned mountaineers Ipad up on a mountain ledge after he fell to his death and it just happened to be screen locked with the same password I used when I was a stunning and brave medieval transsexual back in a small Italian town shortly before I was set on fire for fingering a pie that didn't belong to me…what if?!.

    because why do u and why do all normies assume every non normie like me and scron want the normie life? I mean wes watson said it well when he said how he told guy sin prison i dont wnana be liek you or on the streets tlak show hsots tlaking to him id otn want ur life.
  12. #32
    Warcry Space Nigga
    i dont want his lfi eiether wes watsons but i woudlnt mind going out like those guys on oldje or grnadpa mireck the problem with mireck and chech porn is all thsoe dudes do gay shit too or have to just to gt to those young chisk and i dont want tha tlife eithe rmaybe theyre jsut naturally bi or they have to who knows.
  13. #33
    Warcry Space Nigga
    like seirously i dont wannabe mireck anymore guys:
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. #34
    Warcry Space Nigga
    i dont get why mireck takes it so in stride i mean doesnt get how lucky at his age to pond even 23 yr olds is and he jsut fucks dudes and shit why dont they hire someone like me scorn orstar trek who would appreciate it knowing full well otusid eof porn none of us would ever get that?
  15. #35
    Originally posted by Warcry because why do u and why do all normies assume every non normie like me and scron want the normie life? I mean wes watson said it well when he said how he told guy sin prison i dont wnana be liek you or on the streets tlak show hsots tlaking to him id otn want ur life.

    People who claim to be non normie are usually the biggest normies of admit to being a stereotypical shut-in who has zero life achievements and zero desire to better yourself...that's like 95% of the population .
  16. #36
    Warcry Space Nigga
    no thats not man. I simply refuse to date anything above 20 even 19 is old for me. thats very not normal or ubnormie bro.
  17. #37
    Originally posted by Warcry no that snot ture man. I simply refuse to date anything above 20 even 19 is old for me. thats very not normal or ubnormie bro.

    It's not like you have a choice now is it...

    I refused to be a multi billionaire because I can't stand having a lot of loose change in my pockets.
  18. #38
    Warcry Space Nigga
    dude im only 39 and look great how can u say i shouldnt have a choice and someone like u or finny should? it jsut doensnt make sens ebro. or those dirtbag men in porn why would they be avel to get it and not me? just make slittle sens ebro.
  19. #39
    Warcry Space Nigga
    it snot just all about money bro. i got looks too plus im artistic or creative which chicks love.
  20. #40
    Instigator Space Nigga
    No if I ever feel depressed I remember when I lived in the subway in New Jersey.
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