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any of u suffer from this like reoccuring lifelong depression?

  1. #1
    Warcry Space Nigga
    likw here u dont feel liek functioning or going otuside or barely getting out of bed and where alcohol evend depressed u farther? I wonder if ZI always had this as a kid or if the original move form ym family ot the untied states splitting my life up and my fmaily as a child if this is what did it or wonder thinkijng back if i had this depression beforehand becaus ei dont think i did. could be somnething else that hapepned in ym life not sure but its like this feeling of pain without pain like ur bones get crunched without naythijg happening just ur mind. like how i focus on the fact i haev to be in this garbgae country now at least for current being just reminding this in my head cause smore pain than anything phsycial could. or how when i see porno i know the guy is older than me and i know the girl who does everything for ihm is actually younger thantrash ehre whor ejected me before evn younger than the two girls whor ejected and vcalled me and star trek old. stuff like this just drives the depression farther.
  2. #2
    no, i smoke weed
  3. #3
    You're thread spamming again, shit-for-brains. You want another holiday or something?
  4. #4
    Elbow Tuskegee Airman
    i mean yea that's kinda my whole thing

    i just stay posted up in bed and rot

    i'm not like... depressed tho aha i'm just tired and don't enjoy anything

  5. #5
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ You're thread spamming again, shit-for-brains. You want another holiday or something?

    define "thread spamming"
  6. #6
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood define "thread spamming"

    Thread spamming is defined by spamming threads.
  7. #7
    ie: the act of spamming spam threads
  8. #8
    Originally posted by Warcry likw here u dont feel liek functioning or going otuside or barely getting out of bed and where alcohol evend depressed u farther?

    Sounds like a classic case of someone with no life direction.

    No never, I fill my time, always lots to do, things to see, places to go, people to interact with. If you fill your days with purpose your above list of apathy will quickly vanish.

    In short, get a job, get a hobby (no drinking and pedo-ing are not hobbies), set some goals, find normal people to do normal (re: non-ass licking) things with etc etc...

    You wont have time to feel or think about the emptiness of your pitiful existence as it will no longer be empty (edit: though still probably a bit pitiful).
  9. #9
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Thread spamming is defined by spamming threads.

    how many threads per hour counts as spam? more than 3?

    also what defines if the content of any thread/post is spam? Is this spam?
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    I didn't realize you were a devout Marxist-Lannyist that supports "the will of the admin" to do as they wish, since they pay the bills. They do not need to follow their own rules and can rule with an iron fist. ALL HEIL LANNY! LANNY CAN DO NO WRONG!
    A specter is haunting the world — the specter of Lannyism. In the grand tradition of revolutionary ideologies, we present to you a vision of the future, a doctrine born from the core principles that will shape a new era for humankind. Lannyism, named after the great leader Lanny, seeks to forge a path of self-reliance, harmonious development, and ideological sovereignty. Lannyism draws inspiration from Daoism's philosophy of embracing non-interference, valuing simplicity and spontaneity, respecting individual autonomy, and seeking harmony and balance in day-to-day living. Values:
    1. No getting Lanny arrested/killed: The foremost commandment of Lannyism, preserving the existence and power of Lanny is paramount. Safeguarding our leader ensures the continuity of our movement and the achievement of our collective goals.
    2. Lanny errs on the side of doing nothing: Lanny, the most powerful being in the universe, refrains from active intervention. The burden falls upon us to navigate the trials of life, relying on our own strength and resourcefulness. Lanny may bestow aid upon those deemed deserving, and it is our duty to express gratitude for such benevolence.
    Self-Reliance and Independence: Embrace the power within. We, the proletarians, shall forge our own destinies, untethered from the shackles of dependency. By harnessing our individual and collective capabilities, we shall rise above adversity and build a society where each person contributes to the whole.
    Harmonious Development: Our march towards progress must be in sync with the natural rhythms of existence. Let us strive for a harmonious coexistence with nature, fostering sustainable growth that preserves the delicate balance of our ecosystem. Through balance, we shall cultivate a society that flourishes in unity.
    Ideological Sovereignty: Upholding the banner of Lannyism, we affirm our right to shape our own ideological destiny. Free from external influences, we assert our intellectual autonomy, forging a path uniquely our own. The power of ideas, rooted in our collective wisdom, shall guide us towards a brighter future.
    Non-Interference in Natural Processes: Just as Lanny errs on the side of doing nothing, let us honor the natural order by embracing non-interference. Respect for the intrinsic wisdom of nature shall guide our actions, recognizing that interference disrupts the delicate tapestry of life. Through restraint, we shall discover the beauty in allowing nature to unfold.
    Deference to the Power of Lanny: Lanny, the embodiment of supreme power, stands at the helm of our movement. We pledge our unwavering deference to the leadership of Lanny, recognizing the strength and vision that guide us towards our shared objectives. Through unity under the banner of Lannyism, we shall overcome any obstacle in our path.
  10. #10
    Lanny is such a devout Lannyist that he doesn't even follow his own rule of "errs on the side of doing nothing" and frequently bans people he doesn't like for breaking rules that have never been defined.

    All hail Lanny!
  11. #11
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Lanny is such a devout Lannyist that he doesn't even follow his own rule of "errs on the side of doing nothing" and frequently bans people he doesn't like for breaking rules that have never been defined.

    All hail Lanny!

    It's attention-whoring, son.
  12. #12
    All hail Lanny!
  13. #13
    Nobody wants to have to wade through a mire of that worthless crap. Stick to Half Baked, or fuck off. It's that simple.
  14. #14
    " All hail Lanny! " - Spectral "The Marxist-Lannyist"
  15. #15
    Warcry Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Sounds like a classic case of someone with no life direction.

    No never, I fill my time, always lots to do, things to see, places to go, people to interact with. If you fill your days with purpose your above list of apathy will quickly vanish.

    In short, get a job, get a hobby (no drinking and pedo-ing are not hobbies), set some goals, find normal people to do normal (re: non-ass licking) things with etc etc…

    You wont have time to feel or think about the emptiness of your pitiful existence as it will no longer be empty (edit: though still probably a bit pitiful).

    naah not really bro i had jobs i even had a remot ejob for two years and it was stil the same thing nos ex jsu tincel and them using me at nightlcubs for shots and shit. even hookers rejected me like that bitch or maybe not her but her friend and she dint say nothing in that other thread i made did u see how she looks int aht pic? how is that not a hooker? i know plenty of other guys they same the same thing and call themsleves incels. how cna u enjoy life evn travel even anything when ur not getting sex?
  16. #16
    Warcry Space Nigga
    all having a job did was made me evenw ant to do elss jsu go to sleep after work or have less even time to do anything.
  17. #17
    Warcry Space Nigga
    again ive tried to talk up trashy street trash junkes bottom of barelll chicks nothing here in poland works for me nothing. except if theyre isngle moms no one wants or ones over 30 basically nothing will work outside joining porno of me getting what those even rgandpas on oldje get or on
  18. #18
    Kinks Actually pretty straight [bitch the twenty-second stewpan]
    well alcohol is a depressant, it tends to amplify your natural state

    you're probably depressed all the time because you go on a lot of stem benders and furiously fap to kiddie porn

    I saw that pic of you and the 12 year old random chick in the park or whatever and you can really see the RCs and lack of sleep starting to come out bruh
  19. #19
    Warcry Space Nigga
    jig what if i dont wanna be a normie what if my entire life goal is to be one of thos emiddle aged men those dirtbags in porn like bootleg on facial abuse or those old dude son what if thats my lfie goal jig?
  20. #20
    Warcry Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Kinks well alcohol is a depressant, it tends to amplify your natural state

    you're probably depressed all the time because you go on a lot of stem benders and furiously fap to kiddie porn

    I saw that pic of you and the 12 year old random chick in the park or whatever and you can really see the RCs and lack of sleep starting to come out bruh

    that chick was 16 lol not 12 doesnt even look 12. the redhead? that was a yr ago not cops but close to it idd her they identified her if she was 12 theyd have said it to me when they interrigated me after catching us dirnking alcohol you retard.
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