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I'm re-watching Tokyo Ghoul

  1. #81
    Elbow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Michael Myers Can you show a screenshot of the live-action list? Curious to see what they have on there.

    The list of live action shows/movies isn't really conducive to screenshots, but suffice it to say they've got a lot of stuff.

  2. #82
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I don't have enough time to do everything I need to bcus of fatigue, I should go back to listening to hypnosis now, wasting 20 mins here is too much bcus that's the time for another track.
  3. #83
    Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    Originally posted by Dirtbag I never watched the second one, now I want to

    The second one is shot in black-and-white, not sure if you like those type of movies.
  4. #84
    Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    Originally posted by Elbow The list of live action shows/movies isn't really conducive to screenshots, but suffice it to say they've got a lot of stuff.

    I meant the titles that they have on there. Can you name some of the movies they got on there? I want to see if I can find them elsewhere, if that's the case then I wouldn't have to rely on a tracker I can't get in anyway.
  5. #85
    Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    Originally posted by Dirtbag I don't have enough time to do everything I need to bcus of fatigue, I should go back to listening to hypnosis now, wasting 20 mins here is too much bcus that's the time for another track.

    I understand how you feel. I should be watching Tokyo Ghoul instead of posting on forums. Oh well.
  6. #86
    Elbow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Michael Myers I meant the titles that they have on there. Can you name some of the movies they got on there? I want to see if I can find them elsewhere, if that's the case then I wouldn't have to rely on a tracker I can't get in anyway.

    I know you *meant* that, but the layout of the site being what it is, any screenshot I took would only have shown like 3 shows/movies. Figured it made more sense to just show you that they have >1300 of them.

    But, sampled at random:

    Devilman [2004]
    Marmalade Boy [2018]
    GTO Revival [2024]
    Freesia: Bullet Over Tears [2007]
    NANA [2005]
    Gokudou Heiki [2011]
    Shoujo Tsubaki [2016]
    Shakotan Boogie [1987]

    You get the idea, man.
  7. #87
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    So far tonight I've listened to 8 tracks and feel so much better already. Gonna do three more then do my skincare and housechores, nap or take stimulants then revision videos marathon. Idk why I make these plans everyday they never go to plan.
  8. #88
    ner vegas African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Elbow Devilman [2004]

    I know you're not talking about the original but I love the dub, it's like 7 year olds who just learned what swear words are
  9. #89
    Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    Originally posted by Elbow I know you *meant* that, but the layout of the site being what it is, any screenshot I took would only have shown like 3 shows/movies. Figured it made more sense to just show you that they have >1300 of them.

    But, sampled at random:

    Devilman [2004]
    Marmalade Boy [2018]
    GTO Revival [2024]
    Freesia: Bullet Over Tears [2007]
    NANA [2005]
    Gokudou Heiki [2011]
    Shoujo Tsubaki [2016]
    Shakotan Boogie [1987]

    You get the idea, man.

    I see. Well, I tried searching for the first two and I could find them, but the first had only 2 or 3 seeders and the other one 0, it was just audio. How many seeders does the first one have, for instance over there?
  10. #90
    Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    Originally posted by Dirtbag So far tonight I've listened to 8 tracks and feel so much better already. Gonna do three more then do my skincare and housechores, nap or take stimulants then revision videos marathon. Idk why I make these plans everyday they never go to plan.

    Hahah I know how you feel about plans always falling through. I was supposed to hang out tomorrow (read: today) with a friend. I suggested 7 pm and they wanted 3 pm so I said let's hang out another day then. And I was supposed to watch Tokyo Ghoul but I still haven't started it. -_-
  11. #91
    Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    Originally posted by ner vegas I know you're not talking about the original but I love the dub, it's like 7 year olds who just learned what swear words are

    The only acceptable dub is Dragon Ball, because Goku sounds annoying in the subs.
  12. #92
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    The plan's gone astray already. I'm supposed to do skincare rn but Akira came clawing at door and wants to nap on me.
  13. #93
    Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    Originally posted by Dirtbag The plan's gone astray already. I'm supposed to do skincare rn but Akira came clawing at door and wants to nap on me.

    Akira's your cat, right? My cousin is married to an Indonesian (of Chinese descent) and their daughter is named Akira. Anyway, yeah. I should be watching Tokyo Ghoul right now. But I'll do it in a few minutes. Currently listening to music (J-pop).
  14. #94
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Michael Myers Akira's your cat, right? My cousin is married to an Indonesian (of Chinese descent) and their daughter is named Akira. Anyway, yeah. I should be watching Tokyo Ghoul right now. But I'll do it in a few minutes. Currently listening to music (J-pop).

    Yeah she's my cat, Akira is a name for boys and girls. I've claimed another stray black cat, he seems old, a little ghoulish and is fluffy. Akira gets along with other cats but doesn't seem to like him. Honestly the cats spooked me a few times, sort of like NoFace from Spirited Away and its eyes are lime green and always glowing. I have to take him in though, it's been sleeping in the garage for months. Idk what to name him yet. 3 syllables are ideal.
  15. #95
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I thought of Sam but when I call him it would sound like sa-am, so it has to be 3 syllables so then it doesn't sound warped when I call him, the cat won't recognise its name otherwise.
  16. #96
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I might try to see if he tells me his name with an ouija board. Apparently cats can see ghosts but I really just don't have anyone to play it with me.
  17. #97
    Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    Originally posted by Dirtbag Yeah she's my cat, Akira is a name for boys and girls. I've claimed another stray black cat, he seems old, a little ghoulish and is fluffy. Akira gets along with other cats but doesn't seem to like him. Honestly the cats spooked me a few times, sort of like NoFace from Spirited Away and its eyes are lime green and always glowing. I have to take him in though, it's been sleeping in the garage for months. Idk what to name him yet. 3 syllables are ideal.

    That's very nice of you, to take in stray animals. I wish I could do it, but my OCD stops me from doing it.
  18. #98
    Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    Originally posted by Dirtbag I might try to see if he tells me his name with an ouija board. Apparently cats can see ghosts but I really just don't have anyone to play it with me.

    I heard something like that. That's why they stare off into space, right? Or whatever. I don't believe in ghosts but I do believe in jinns, so they're probably looking at the jinns, thinking "What the heck is this\?!"
  19. #99
    Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    I'm on season three episode five now. And it's 8:25 am. After I'm done watching, I'll go to bed. My sleeping schedule has been completely effed but I'll have to turn it around soon. I'm going to hang out with my two best friends and my brother on Saturday. I will also start eating again on Saturday. I'm probably going to eat two meals since I went for so long without anything at that point (would be my fifth day of not eating if I decided not to eat the entire day).
  20. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Michael Myers I heard something like that. That's why they stare off into space, right? Or whatever. I don't believe in ghosts but I do believe in jinns, so they're probably looking at the jinns, thinking "What the heck is this\?!"

    What's a jinn? I remember reading a horror story about them when I was a child but that's unlikely to be accurate.
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