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Pubic hair on women

  1. Dirtbag African Astronaut
  2. Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    Though it's not about tinting eyelashes but rather curling them; make them thicker/longer. They also try to thicken their eyebrows and color them darker if possible. Some of the dudes even wear make-up. They will go to great lengths just to look better; from softmaxxes to hardmaxxes (plastic surgery; implants, etc). And all I ever do there is shitpost. I don't know why they picked me as a moderator, but most people there like me. Some say I'm the best mod. I believe I made a thread here about a poll that was made over there; I also remember people here shitting on me for it. In hindsight, I think it's just jealousy. That people like me and not them. I don't know why they do, I don't even like myself. Oh well.
  3. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Narc Hair gel is pretty gay too. And women aren't that into looks like we are, they want a man to be a man, not a pretty boy.


    Women do care about looks.
  4. Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    Originally posted by Narc Hair gel is pretty gay too. And women aren't that into looks like we are, they want a man to be a man, not a pretty boy.


    I don't use any products. Hell, even when I shave off my beard, I only use water. No shaving creams or shaving gels or aftershave. Just water.
  5. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I know who all the girls can crushes on and they were the ones with the great eyelashes. Esp this ginger guy, everyone thought he was wearing mascara but he wasn't. He stood out.
  6. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Dirtbag Women do care about looks.

    But its not so high on their list like it is for men. For us looks are right at the top.

  7. Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    Originally posted by Dirtbag I know who all the girls can crushes on and they were the ones with the great eyelashes. Esp this ginger guy, everyone thought he was wearing mascara but he wasn't. He stood out.

    The only ginger I know who gets all the bitches as the cool kids say, is some singer. Dude's got some pipes.
  8. Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    Originally posted by Narc But its not so high on their list like it is for men. For us looks are right at the top.


  9. Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    Funniest thing I have read all month.
  10. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Narc it's at the top of their list what a man looks like but I think you may be confused because you don't know what exactly women find attractive. It can be subtle things like their eyes having a thicker dark ring around them, that makes everyone more attractive because it shows good health. Then there's eyelashes etc. Like just because a man is chubby doesn't mean he can't be attractive, he could have a lot of hair which shows high testosterone, a good facial ratio, wide eyes.
  11. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    That is women for you pal, they'll talk like it is, but its not as important to them as they pretend it to be. Women are thinking more about the genetics that you may potentially pass on to a child. They want good strong genes and a strong man to provide and raise any sons you might have. Pretty boys aren't so great in that department, most women are intuitive enough to know that pretty boys are either fags, or extremely self-centered and will be way more likely to run off with the first girl or guy they see that is prettier than them. At least that is what a women's insecurities will be telling her.

  12. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Dirtbag Narc it's at the top of their list what a man looks like but I think you may be confused because you don't know what exactly women find attractive. It can be subtle things like their eyes having a thicker dark ring around them, that makes everyone more attractive because it shows good health. Then there's eyelashes etc. Like just because a man is chubby doesn't mean he can't be attractive, he could have a lot of hair which shows high testosterone, a good facial ratio, wide eyes.

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  13. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Narc That is women for you pal, they'll talk like it is, but its not as important to them as they pretend it to be. Women are thinking more about the genetics that you may potentially pass on to a child. They want good strong genes and a strong man to provide and raise any sons you might have. Pretty boys aren't so great in that department, most women are intuitive enough to know that pretty boys are either fags, or extremely self-centered and will be way more likely to run off with the first girl or guy they see that is prettier than them. At least that is what a women's insecurities will be telling her.


    As a woman I find men who enhance their appearance without worrying about what other men think as being more confident.
  14. Originally posted by Buff Billy I'd sooner get my ass hair tinted than my eyelashes

    I'd hate to be the beautician.
  15. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Idk why you think it's bad for men to be pretty. Women don't have to shave their legs or anything, they've always had hair and men still wanted them.
  16. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I don't see why men have an issue with enhancing their appearance when they demand it off women. Are you a real man if you don't want a natural women that doesn't shave?
  17. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    It isn't black and white, like men want intell wives but dumb fucks.
  18. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    You know I'm not saying women don't consider appearance at all, they generally consider it in a different way. It all comes down to genetics tho. Men are naturally masculine, being obsessed with your appearance and spending so much time on it isn't a very masculine trait overall. Women are naturally feminine and so looking good to attract a man is a very feminine thing to do. Hence why when a man goes too overboard on it it comes over as feminine, which is not very manly. Obviously looking good is also a sign of good health, so in that regard a man who looks too unkempt and scruffy will come over as looking unhealthy, so that is going to be a concern, nobody wants their offspring to have bad unhealthy genes. Its what drives evolution, but there is a balance for a man, look too pretty and you come over as too feminine and self-obsessed. Men generally look good by building up and being strong and physically fit, that doesn't just show healthy genes but also good ability to provide and protect. For a woman tho she can never be too pretty, and they're not required to be physically strong. And they look awful when they bulk up with too much muscle, that is very unattractive.

  19. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Narc You know I'm not saying women don't consider appearance at all, they generally consider it in a different way. It all comes down to genetics tho. Men are naturally masculine, being obsessed with your appearance and spending so much time on it isn't a very masculine trait overall. Women are naturally feminine and so looking good to attract a man is a very feminine thing to do. Hence why when a man goes too overboard on it it comes over as feminine, which is not very manly. Obviously looking good is also a sign of good health, so in that regard a man who looks too unkempt and scruffy will come over as looking unhealthy, so that is going to be a concern, nobody wants their offspring to have bad unhealthy genes. Its what drives evolution, but there is a balance for a man, look too pretty and you come over as too feminine and self-obsessed. Men generally look good by building up and being strong and physically fit, that doesn't just show healthy genes but also good ability to provide and protect. For a woman tho she can never be too pretty, and they're not required to be physically strong. And they look awful when they bulk up with too much muscle, that is very unattractive.


    I doubt that's true, I think its an aftereffect of sexism. A lot of men want to enhance their appearance but don't because they fear other men rebuking them. In the past it was men whom wore pink and women wore blue. Men have worn makeup throughout history. So I don't think evolution has anything to do with it. Men can never look too attractive.
  20. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    You say masculine men don't care about their appearance but then they chase steroids bodies by going go the gym. It's the same thing.
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