2024-05-24 at 10:33 AM UTC
[my enumerable hindi guideword]
Does anyone dye their eyelashes?
2024-05-24 at 4:38 PM UTC
My eyebrows are darker than both my natural hair colour and my eyelashes. It's weird. My arm hair isn't the same colour as my leg hair.
2024-05-24 at 4:51 PM UTC
Now I'm wondering why guys don't get their eyelashes tinted, it makes them super-attractive especially when they have light-coloured hair.
2024-05-24 at 5:13 PM UTC
I'd sooner get my ass hair tinted than my eyelashes
2024-05-24 at 5:16 PM UTC
Tinting doesn't look the same as mascara, it looks natural. No one would know.
2024-05-24 at 5:17 PM UTC
It changes your face as well, makes it look more lifted when you have the lower lashes dark or eyeliner under the eyes.