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Atheist vs Christian debate ends in total Christian victory, Atheist Leader Richard Dawkins declares total surrender
2024-04-01 at 5:17 PM UTC
2024-04-01 at 5:42 PM UTCOn Easter? Christ works another miracle. There is hope for him yet. If he keeps this up he might even manage to secure a knighthood before he inevitably succumbs to the cold, meaningless embrace of the entropic void and spends an eternity in the absence of God.
2024-04-01 at 7:05 PM UTCProve God exists
Summon him
Oh you can't? Nice flaying spaghetti man. I bet you ascent to fiducia supplicans like A FAGGOTThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2024-04-02 at 2:18 PM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2024-04-02 at 2:20 PM UTCI always knew trudeau was a deep fake.
2024-04-02 at 2:35 PM UTC
Originally posted by Iron Ree Prove God exists
Summon him
Oh you can't? Nice flaying spaghetti man. I bet you ascent to fiducia supplicans like A FAGGOT
The kikes claim they can. Their fictional tome says their kike kin a few thousand years ago were arguing with some other brand of cultists and allege they set some random shit aflame as proof their deity is a better deity. -
2024-04-02 at 4:18 PM UTC
2024-04-02 at 4:32 PM UTC
2024-04-02 at 5:13 PM UTC
2024-04-02 at 5:14 PM UTCyou can call this guy a deep
2024-04-02 at 6:11 PM UTCnice hair tho
2024-04-02 at 6:32 PM UTC
2024-04-02 at 6:48 PM UTCCanadian politics is like a bunch of overacting drama students.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2024-04-02 at 7:07 PM UTC
2024-04-02 at 7:09 PM UTC
2024-04-02 at 7:18 PM UTC
Originally posted by Donald Trump Canadian politics is like a bunch of overacting drama students.
Drama students actually learn things and go on to broadway and develop skills, maybe they aren't perfect as students but they are learning.
The average Canadian voter will never learn anything their entire life and will just swallow every pill from society, metaphorical and not until they become good little worker drones that always vote red/blue just like Americans. I understand that Aus/UK/Canada has different parlimentary systems with different parties like Labor, Tories (which we call the CONS), Libs, Tards, NeoRetards, No Fascism allow, immigrants ONLY god save the queen
Idk it all just feels irrelevant to me, the average blue collar white male born in the west.
I agree with aldra, I don't want to vote. I just want a gun and a monkey supercollider and I will shoot anyone that tries to take that from me as it's my GOD GIVEN right by GOD not the UN not the charter of faggot rights and freeDUMBS. I believe every natural citizen on earth is given these rights BY GOD and the governments shouldn't exist to verify these rights or decide which ones we should be allowed to express but they should exist within this natural structure framework of humanity and anything trying to take humans away from their natural rights of free trade, free speech, free association and other free and dumb things is tyranny plain and simple and goes against the natural logical conclusions that come from believing in any religion as they are all morally relative unless you believe in JESUS anyways
The system is clearly evil and supporting it is evil.
2024-04-02 at 7:20 PM UTC
2024-04-02 at 7:35 PM UTCThe best way to frustrate and confound the enemy is to completely ignore him. Ignore the distractions. Ignore the orders. Ignore the threats. This drives the enemy crazy. Non-compliance. Non-cooperation. Non-involvement.
2024-04-02 at 7:39 PM UTC
Originally posted by Iron Ree …why do we need a bible if you can just perceive God from nature itself by taking LSD or something
The bible is for direction and guidance, not realization. The realization comes from the study of the complex, beautiful, elegant, amazing and clock-like precision of the creation all around you, which makes the existence of God undeniable. -
2024-04-02 at 7:44 PM UTCSociety is completely wrong on the abortion issue. I think the real root of the issue stems from Liberalism, not LEFTISM .
the idea that your rights do not exist unless the state enforces them even though they say you already have those rights. OH RWEALLY???? I HAVE THOSE RIGHTS NATURALLY BY WHOM??? PERHAPS GOD??? so why the FUCK do I need a state?
the reason christians don't shoot up abortion clinics isn't because it's illegal but because they believe murder is wrong. I think the "market" can solve a lot of these issues just from natural market forces and no top down interference and the only issue is if the government should be funding abortion clinics or not but people never consider the fact that the government funding anything at all is the real problem and where the waters start to get very muddy