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Shit names for craft beer

  1. #1
    Instigator Naturally Camouflaged [the staring tame crusher]
    Hi mate can I have a pint of peyronies disease please
  2. #2
    Instigator Naturally Camouflaged [the staring tame crusher]
    Yes if like a pint of jugular tentacle plz
  3. #3
    Instigator Naturally Camouflaged [the staring tame crusher]
    6 pints of tepid discharge please barkeep 👍
  4. #4
    EduCaTional CATastropHE African Astronaut
    Bitchcraft, like witchcraft but bitchcraft instead. Or butchcraft is pretty horrendous as well.
  5. #5
    Ghost Black Hole
    I'm gonna make the best craft beef ever and call it "To Get Fucked in the Ass because i'm a little slut" and have variants like "To get fist fucked in the ass because i'm a big faggot" that way you will have to specify that you want TO GET FUCKED IN THE ASS not GET FISTED IN THE ASS and all the bros in the bar will laugh at the faggot ordering craft beer
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. #6
    A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    PIGEON-STOOL. Preferred by atheist-piece-of-shit PI-rats worlwide

    use in a sentence: "im a piece of shit i would like some pigeon stool to really up my game being a bad person"
  7. #7
    blackbird Tuskegee Airman
    butt fungus
  8. #8
    Bradley Dogsbane
  9. #9
    infinityshock Black Hole
  10. #10
    Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Divine Bovine Bladder Pale Ale
  11. #11
    Indian Pale Ale - Pale Poojah, Pasty Pajeet, or Ghostly Vikram
  12. #12
    Elbow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Pasty Pajeet

    This is a fantastic name.
  13. #13
    Elbow African Astronaut
    The worst names are always IPAs though. Specifically ones with really lame puns. Like an IPA called Hop Around The Clock.

    I bet this is real. It is all but guaranteed to be real.
  14. #14
    trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Itchy Balls IPA
  15. #15
    Kafka sweaty
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. #16
    Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Bootylicious Butt Brewed Ball Basher

    Idiot-Proof Hops Infusion, Nugget Nectar of the Dumbasses

    Queerly Blackened Nutcase Nitro Stout

    Graveyard Gold Pilsner: A Deceased Delight

    Rotting Corpse Stout: A Decaying Brew for the Deceased

    Zombie Rot Lager: Decayed Delight in a Bottle

    Tiny Twerp Tantalizing Taint IPA

    Mountain Miner Pilsner: Liquid Gold for Dwarven Showers.
  17. #17
    Kafka sweaty
    أي شيء بهذه اللغة
  18. #18
    Speedy Parker Black Hole
    'akul alqaraf wayamut khinzir
  19. #19
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]

  20. #20
    Elbow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka أي شيء بهذه اللغة

    رُهاب الإسلام
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