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Epilepsy Engine (Theory)

  1. #1
    ner vegas Space Nigga
    Practical -

    Before we get into the technique, this is about 'entraining' the brain to operate at specific frequencies. In terms of 'frequency' we mean that the brain registers spikes of activity at regular intervals on an EEG, and the frequency of these spikes correlates to different states of mind. For example:

    Generally speaking you want to go lower for concentration and relaxation, higher frequencies are associated with being alert and rapidly switching between ideas and stimuli rather than focusing on one. My goal is going to be to bring the frequency as low as possible but the tools I'm building are meant to be flexible enough to target any range.

    A secondary goal is to rapidly achieve 'hemispheric synchronisation', which is a state where both sides of the brain fire at the same frequency - this happens naturally for short periods at random times and has been associated with 'profound inspiration' and can be trained through meditation. This 'hemispheric synchronisation' system was pioneered by Robert Monroe in the 50s and 60s, where he would use binaural beats in order to simultaneously bring down the subject's brain frequency and 'synchronise' the left and right hemisphere.

    Robert Monroe experimented extensively with the paranormal, specifically Astral Projection, which attracted the attention of both the US Army and the CIA. Most of the agents assigned were trained and able to enter a 'trance' state where they felt they were able to leave their bodies, but because of the way it 'works' they weren't able to retrieve information from precise locations (ie. handlers would write a number inside a shed down the street and ask the agents to read it without actually visiting the site) so it was never proven that they were actually 'projecting' rather than in some internal hallucination state. Monroe claims to have trained several groups to 'project' who have collected vast amounts of data on their experiences over the years up until he died.

    So, the goal is to drive down brainwave frequency while encouraging both the left and right side of the brain to fire consistently with the goal of going into an altered mental state that could create intense internal hallucinations or the possibility to leave the body. We're going to combine Monroe's method of using binaural beats with photic driving; creating spikes of brain activity at desired frequencies using both the visual and aural senses, which should create a significantly more intense effect.

    Will add technical data on frequencies, times etc. shortly
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #2
    Bradley Dogsbane
    if u need some normie to try this stuff out I'm sober now and will help you
  3. #3
    ner vegas Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bradley if u need some normie to try this stuff out I'm sober now and will help you

    I fully plan to try it out on myself and at some point I'm going to nigger-rig an EEG to measure my own brainwaves to verify data and do 'biofeedback'

    but sure if you want to give it a try I'll build a binary once it's done. if you've got time (I'm guessing you do) Robert Monroe wrote two books on his experiences and methodology for 'Out of Body Experiences' that I'm trying to get through now, they're very interesting even if he was insane
  4. #4
    Charles Ex Machina Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by ner vegas I fully plan to try it out on myself and at some point I'm going to nigger-rig an EEG to measure my own brainwaves to verify data and do 'biofeedback'

    but sure if you want to give it a try I'll build a binary once it's done. if you've got time (I'm guessing you do) Robert Monroe wrote two books on his experiences and methodology for 'Out of Body Experiences' that I'm trying to get through now, they're very interesting even if he was insane

    what bradely meant was he wanted to get naked and lie infront of you while you probe him with an assortment of probes and wires.
  5. #5
    Bradley Dogsbane
    shit i'd try it, i like aldra
  6. #6
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by ner vegas I fully plan to try it out on myself and at some point I'm going to nigger-rig an EEG to measure my own brainwaves to verify data and do 'biofeedback'

    I was gonna suggest mice but bradley would be a better mouse
  7. #7
    EduCaTional CATastropHE African Astronaut
    Id try it. I mean shit, I've already put my brain through all kinds of crazy tests and shit in addition to all the shit others have experimented on it with. Might as well. Somehow I doubt that the frequency causes things like the profound inspiration state though, seems like it would probably be the other way around. Like what if you were able to reproduce that frequency/state and induced it on someone who was just staring at a wall? Would they suddenly become profoundly inspired by the wall
  8. #8
    Bradley Dogsbane
    it be really cool if you could make it feel good or give you energy/make you tired like for people while they're studying/trying to get to sleep.

    If I have 1 seizure I'd stop being the guinea pig but I'd let you play around with it until it does do that.
  9. #9
    Bradley Dogsbane
    i aint scared of shit but I really don't wanna do something repeatedly that harms myself
  10. #10
    Bradley Dogsbane
    unless it gets me drunk lol
  11. #11
    ner vegas Space Nigga
    Originally posted by EduCaTional CATastropHE Id try it. I mean shit, I've already put my brain through all kinds of crazy tests and shit in addition to all the shit others have experimented on it with. Might as well. Somehow I doubt that the frequency causes things like the profound inspiration state though, seems like it would probably be the other way around. Like what if you were able to reproduce that frequency/state and induced it on someone who was just staring at a wall? Would they suddenly become profoundly inspired by the wall

    it probably wouldn't work, if you want to use it on someone involuntarily you'd probably need to eliminate all other sources of sensory stimulation.

    Originally posted by Bradley it be really cool if you could make it feel good or give you energy/make you tired like for people while they're studying/trying to get to sleep.

    If I have 1 seizure I'd stop being the guinea pig but I'd let you play around with it until it does do that.

    it's entirely possible, a lot of people target the beta-high theta range for focus and creativity or low-theta if they have problems getting to sleep
  12. #12
    Bradley Dogsbane
    u literal said what i said after saying its possible
  13. #13
    ner vegas Space Nigga
    yeah I mean it's actually done other ways, so this should work as a shortcut
  14. #14
    Bradley Dogsbane
    ya im ready when u interested
  15. #15
    ner vegas Space Nigga
    so I made a mistake with the epileptic response range; NORMALLY it's around 40hz that triggers a seizure but it's still relatively common for anything between 5-60hz to summon a spastic demon.

    also, red light triggers a more intense response, as do patterns - that is, you get a more intense flashing a stroboscope through etched glass than you do if you just fire the stroboscope directly into someone's face.
  16. #16
    EduCaTional CATastropHE African Astronaut
    Your machine is a fraud, it isn't capable of producing a certain frequency, if you actually attempt to make the measurement it's very apparent it's not holding any rhythm but instead just spamming photons and you are either purposely or unintentionally looking for evidence that will confirmation bias your hypothesis into existence
  17. #17
    infinityshock Black Hole
    I'll stick my fingers into an electric socket for that 60hz power boost...that should get me some xray vision and frikken lazer beams out if my eyes.
  18. #18
    EduCaTional CATastropHE African Astronaut
    I complain about how people are easily offended pussies and when someone else tells me they are not so upright about people's reactions and don't let it get to them I curse at them and storm off
  19. #19
    EduCaTional CATastropHE African Astronaut
    I am having an identity crisis
  20. #20
    EduCaTional CATastropHE African Astronaut

    what is its name
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