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My New Boots (again)

  1. #1
    Fonaplats victim of incest [daylong jump-start that nome]

  2. #2
    Fonaplats victim of incest [daylong jump-start that nome]

    Only took me 2 hours across 2 days to pick them out.
    I like everything except that part about them being made in Bangladesh.
  3. #3
    infinityshock Black Hole
    coincidentally...that has the toe and heel protector similar to boots i just bought

    small world
  4. #4
    Fonaplats victim of incest [daylong jump-start that nome]
    Originally posted by infinityshock coincidentally…that has the toe and heel protector similar to boots i just bought

    small world

    That's Walmart shoes.
    I got boots.
  5. #5
    I want to buy some new boots but hard to find
  6. #6
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Fonaplats That's Walmart shoes.
    I got boots.

    Then that makes your clod hoppers alibaba-tier ankle warmers.

    What I got is real working man's footwear.

    Also...your day-glo orange accents are very pretty. You can be sure the peacocking will come in handy when you order your roofie daquiri at the gay bar.
  7. #7
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked I want to buy some new boots but hard to find

    Theyre easy to find online...but you get what you pay for. The sad thing is back in the olden days you could buy work boots made by actual craftsmen then when they wore out...get them re-soled. Then they'd last forever. Nowadays boots are made by 8 year olds in some sub-third world country for about $1.99 then sold in the west for a few thousand percent markup and only last a few months. They're so shit-tier there's no way to repair them so it's cheaper to just toss them in the trash and buy new ones
  8. #8
    Instigator Space Nigga [the staring tame crusher]
    Might get me some velcro boots.
  9. #9
    Originally posted by infinityshock Theyre easy to find online…but you get what you pay for. The sad thing is back in the olden days you could buy work boots made by actual craftsmen then when they wore out…get them re-soled. Then they'd last forever. Nowadays boots are made by 8 year olds in some sub-third world country for about $1.99 then sold in the west for a few thousand percent markup and only last a few months. They're so shit-tier there's no way to repair them so it's cheaper to just toss them in the trash and buy new ones

    I wear 17 so there just arent a ton of options. Tbf tho, im def not blue collar and im not allowed to wear boots at work anymore so its most comfort and aesthetics.
  10. #10
    Originally posted by infinityshock Theyre easy to find online…but you get what you pay for. The sad thing is back in the olden days you could buy work boots made by actual craftsmen then when they wore out…get them re-soled. Then they'd last forever. Nowadays boots are made by 8 year olds in some sub-third world country for about $1.99 then sold in the west for a few thousand percent markup and only last a few months. They're so shit-tier there's no way to repair them so it's cheaper to just toss them in the trash and buy new ones

    be a real man and make your own boots/
  11. #11
    also lol at fona wearing a 42.

    i wear at least 43, 44 actual.
  12. #12
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked I wear 17 so there just arent a ton of options. Tbf tho, im def not blue collar and im not allowed to wear boots at work anymore so its most comfort and aesthetics.

    I wear boots everywhere. If I dont...I never fails...I wind up in a situation where I should have been wearing boots.

    One time was running wearing sneakers and had to run thorough a puddle to get where I was going

    One time was on a road trip wearing sneakers and had to stop in the middle of bfe nowhere to piss and had to walk through jungle

    Everything I wear now is boots. I even have black boots that I wear to official functions that go with a suit.
  13. #13
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny be a real man and make your own boots/

    This isnt 10,000BC...I have someone do it for me
  14. #14
    Originally posted by infinityshock This isnt 10,000BC…I have someone do it for me

    then why are you still complaining about not getting a pair of good boots
  15. #15
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny then why are you still complaining about not getting a pair of good boots

    the only complaining going on is your complaining about fonas feet not being big enough for you and you trying to put a bunch of chinese children out of work
  16. #16
    BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by infinityshock

    Those look hideous.
    First off Wolverine is/was a Walmart brand boot. Everything about them is cheap and they generally suck on all counts.
    The grey part reminds me of this old bouncy ball I had in the 90's that was suppose to be a moon rock or asteroid.

    ^kind of like that.
    Do those boots make you feel like a stripper while you lace them up so high?
    Waterproof PLUS? Plus what? Plus you bought a shitty pair of loser boots that make you look like the cum dumpster faggot of the recycling center's apprentices.
  17. #17
    BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Let's see your boots.
    Your actually boots.
    I wanna see how they are holding up.
  18. #18
    Originally posted by infinityshock Theyre easy to find online…but you get what you pay for. The sad thing is back in the olden days you could buy work boots made by actual craftsmen then when they wore out…get them re-soled. Then they'd last forever. Nowadays boots are made by 8 year olds in some sub-third world country for about $1.99 then sold in the west for a few thousand percent markup and only last a few months. They're so shit-tier there's no way to repair them so it's cheaper to just toss them in the trash and buy new ones

    You can still do that, but you seem happy with your WalMart shoes
  19. #19
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy Those look hideous.
    First off Wolverine is/was a Walmart brand boot. Everything about them is cheap and they generally suck on all counts.
    The grey part reminds me of this old bouncy ball I had in the 90's that was suppose to be a moon rock or asteroid.

    ^kind of like that.
    Do those boots make you feel like a stripper while you lace them up so high?
    Waterproof PLUS? Plus what? Plus you bought a shitty pair of loser boots that make you look like the cum dumpster faggot of the recycling center's apprentices.

    the way they look is irrelevant...theyre work boots intended to be functional, not froofroo. the heel and toe protection are specifically for protection from heavy use for someone who is going to use them for heavy use. i dont buy cheap boots with the specific intention of getting what is paid for in terms of quality...and definitely dont buy them from walmart where work boots last about a month. ive been wearing that brand for years...i have a pair of boots that are a year and a half old and have worn out the tread and split the side from so much use.

    poorfag. my boots cost more than yours. stop shopping at alibaba. hold out your alms cup and ill toss you a rupee so you can feed your family for a week

    those things you have are the equivalent of suburbanite office denizens driving a full sized pickup truck: for pure appearances and the larping as someone who does something instead of pretending to.

    you call those things 'boots' but if you showed up on a work-site wearing that froofroo shoe, the only work they'd be doing is keeping your ears warm while the real workers wearing real boots dipped their wicks in your dainty little dooper.

    theyre not 'boots'...theyre more like dancing slippers. something a stripper would wear. stop wasting time online and get yourself back on the stage so you can work that pole in your pretty dancing shoes for your day job so you can afford your nigh classes in ballet. fulfilling your lifelong aspirations to be a ballerina, prancing around wearing that dayglo orange footwear to match your frilly tutu and underoos.
  20. #20
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy Let's see your boots.
    Your actually boots.
    I wanna see how they are holding up.

    show me at your ballet class doing plies

    i wanna see what your stripper job is paying for
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