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Sophie is confirmed dead

  1. #41
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by That forum guy that helps you understand sarcasm lol good

    better than you :D

    oh yeah?

    hows abot I follow you around for 10 years ill show you emotional energy you darth beever speedy rodent billy goat hooker cane faggot nigger
    welcoenm to RETARDVILLE

    do you happen to like cranverry juice and billy goat spam also dont gorget to check 4 infinityshocks cum while youre up there lmrao






    pauliwog pakrer will NEVER recover from this one

    Way too much energy expended for you not to be hurt of butt
  2. #42
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker


    Way too much energy expended for you not to be hurt of butt

    oh he mad now!
  3. #43
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by That forum guy that helps you understand sarcasm oh he mad now!

    Says the one who was too angry to use the quote function properly. 🙄
  4. #44
    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man The dark rodent was always one of the more pathetic members of this community. I remember on some failed totse derivative we argued about the prospects for investing in gold and he banned me. Guess I won in the end huh? Gold is way down.

    i hope you've lost plenty of money trying to invest in that yellow metal you stumpy little bitch.

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man I swear it must be §m£ÂgØL or michael meyers or someone equally as pathetic.

    whoever you are, you wish you had my influence. When i speak people listen, on your old username nobody listened to you. You were an embarassing joke. I hope you go back to the shit hole apartment you were raised in and hang yourself in the bathroom. As your body drifts back and forth your burden of existence will be lifted. Only in that instance will you feel content.

    when I was a child I had a dream, a dream to find the girl with the biggest thighs as possible. I was a bit chubby when I was younger - at this time I weigh over 400 pounds. I have an eating disorder, my car is full of taco bell, wendy's, and other discarded fast food wrappers. No one told me to avoid this path. my parents, migrant workers from Poland died before I could remember them. I was raised by a distant cousin in Ohio where I dveloped a deep passion for Israel and the bible.

    As a student in high school I was very popular. I would dress like Michael Jackson every day and say smart things all the time. One day a teacher during lecture blurted out that he served in Vietnan only because he wanted to kill yellow people.
  5. #45
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    proof OP?

    yah thought so, liar
  6. #46
    Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Way too much energy expended for you not to be hurt of butt

    Oh he butt hurt 4 shore
  7. #47
    I am considering leaking sophies Pms, leaving out anything. I don't remember talking to him about kafka but it's sus

    where is cupocheer and sophie and mike meyers. I think ellaria sand murdered them or something , those are all the people that could reveal her shit too. Maybe she has been trying to get one of you to kill me, pls post all pms :) I posted some and will dump more when I can figureout what alt i talked to people on, i never delete SHIT so its alllllll somewheere
  8. #48
    Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by RIPtotse proof OP?

    yah thought so, liar

    They did a Romeo and Juliet type deal I believe
  9. #49
    Originally posted by Kafka I have been in touch with someone who was close to him irl and they've confirmed it.
    Originally posted by Rape Monster I've been in touch with someone who knows her, apparently she overdosed on something.

    Originally posted by Rape Monster They did a Romeo and Juliet type deal I believe

    months apart?
  10. #50
    Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by That forum guy that helps you understand sarcasm months apart?

    Yeah, she didn't hold up her end of the bargain at first because she's a cunt but eventually succumbed to the guilt
  11. #51
    guilt of what? he was going off and pretty unhinged and I don't think there has been anything posted that would indicate anything, I haven't even gone through his history but he never comes up in anything. I have walls of text from him in PM's threatening me, I basically told him look dude I don't give a shit, fuck everyone here . Do your gay shit yourself because I don't fucking care

    I feel pretty bad about tyhat now that i'm learning programming and stuff, he was always asking me how it was coming along, not good lol I learneed more in months than I have in years.

    Also I find it funny that octavian and haxxor and §m£ÂgØL I think all get into shit fights with kafka who also get trolled by haxxor and eventually pressed off the forum by me when they become triggered little faggots

    it's like a well oil machine of GET TUFFERY
    I almost have been helping in a way, because we have no room for frothy lil twinks and BIG DICK TRILL NIGGAs
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby
    more like raw data for raw pussies

    Originally posted by mmQ Literally not one person likes you fang. Remember that when you wake up each day. Your temper tantrum may have been the cringiest thing I've witnessed since joining zoklet, which needless to say is pretty fucking cringe. This is coming from a depressed alcoholic who spends most his nights on TC. Even I feel pity toward your behavior which speaks volumes. You realize that you let richardburnish affect you to the point of shitting all over the rest of us users who wanted to make plans for a new site and say our goodbyes or whatever the fuck. Probably the most UN-TUFF response you could have made. The scary part is that you're not able to see that…

    Now I'll get back to not giving a fuck.

    ^ all these people got pressed off the forum like how every Dher like STL1 and tech PRESSED (mostly by me)

    wellhung has thick skin and is an honorary NISer in my eyes because he can roll in the mud with the TUFF CREW
    everyone else should be pressed more
  12. #52
    Sohpie did NOT get pressed off the forum by no means and in fact was running gay ops on multiple DHers and kafka , or something. He was into some deep shit and I don't know where the fungazi chips fall on which fraction , as I consider myself anti fractionalist and instead beleive in tribal TAOism
  13. #53
    frala Avant garde shartist
    Originally posted by Rape Monster They did a Romeo and Juliet type deal I believe

    Her and Sophie? This cannot be serious.
  14. #54
    i thought i was kafka -_-
  15. #55
    Kafka was murdered and ended up in a suitcase, legs arms, head and torso.
  16. #56
    cryptographiccontrarian African Astronaut
    leak it faggot
  17. #57
    Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by frala Her and Sophie? This cannot be serious.

    I'm just relaying information
  18. #58
    frala Avant garde shartist
    Originally posted by Rape Monster I'm just relaying information

    Sure, it just seems really far fetched, especially on Sophie’s end.
  19. #59
    Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Kafka I can't give all the details because I don't think he'd want anyone from here to be able to find his family. I have been in touch with someone who was close to him irl and they've confirmed it.

    Originally posted by Kafka Lanny you have until 3pm tomorrow to do the right thing, otherwise I'm leaking his irl friends contact details so everyone here can track him down so we can finally get the truth since you won't do the right thing and then Sophie's irl reputation will be ruined alongside him already going to jail because of you. 3pm tomorrow. Don't think I won't do it. I will get answers one way or another.

    Originally posted by Kafka Remember when you said you were mad and accused me of driving him away? Well you already helped me put him behind bars, and now you're going to help me ruin his irl reputation.


    This makes no sense, how have you put him behind bars and ruined his irl reputation after begging for proof of life and claiming proof of death simultaneously?


  20. #60
    Ruh roh
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