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Faking evidence that Santa is real to trick children of the future
2023-03-23 at 3:01 AM UTCWe must create INDISPUTABLE EVIDENCE that Santa is Definitely real (he is) so that in the future the entire generation of youth grows up being told about Santa and is literally unable to deny the existence of such a entity based on the amount of fake evidence we create
We must keep the magic alive and there is nothing more magical than disinformation, propaganda and conspiracy.
Imagine if we did this to zoomers, they would be ANTI "trust the science" as society tells them they are conspiracy theorists for believing in Santa TRUST THE SCIENCE not all those topographical maps, satellite photos of the north pole, old geocities pages with pictures and old youtube uploads/video evidence (similar to UFO's) of SANTA ACTUALLY FLYING AROUND
I don't know the best way to do it but I think hijacking an old geocities website to put up a fake "santa watch" community like pretending it's the first website about santa and then slowly creating a massive web and trying to get articles written or plant evidence that santa is 100% real and there is a disinfo campaign to create discourse around it
We don't even have to convince a single person alive right now that Santa is real, in fact this could fail/be easily undone if it becomes widely known about and prevented I think. I think if enough fake evidence was created eventually we would reach a point where news stories start coming out where people talk about the "phenomenon" of children/teenagers unwilling to deny santa exists when confronted by their parents, etc
Like do your parents believe 9/11 was a hoax? OR that Trump really won the election? Same kinda deal
https://medium.com/the-twilight/the-ultimate-question-is-santa-real-or-fake-d0ea87b6308dAt FactCheckNI we are interested in facts. Through the training we deliver, we also come face-to-face with many of the beliefs people hold dear. Here we unpack one of the most cherished beliefs, and show how even fact checkers can engage with a little bit of magic …
Where did “Santa Claus” come from?
So where did “Santa Claus”/ “Santa”/ “Father Christmas” come from? The legend may have begun in the Lowlands, where every year, Sinterklaas, an old man with a long white beard wearing a red robe and mitre, holding a golden crosier, delivers presents to good children the night before 6th of December. He and his horse walk over the roofs of the houses, accompanied by his helper, Zwarte Piet (Black Pete), who enters the houses through the chimney. Once inside, Piet finds the shoes of the children living there sitting alongside a carrot that has been left to feed Sinterklaas’ horse, and a bottle of beer for himself. Piet takes the carrot and beer, replacing them with sweets and toys.
https://factcheckni.org/articles/news/the-santa-myth-a-joyful-act-of-confirmation-bias/ -
2023-03-23 at 6:13 AM UTCsanta was real and i'll always remember what he gave me on christmass night of nineteen nienty three.
2023-03-23 at 6:56 AM UTC
2023-03-23 at 6:57 AM UTCfull sack
2023-03-23 at 7:01 AM UTC
Originally posted by Stupid noob opened the secret cow portal I don't know the best way to do it but I think hijacking an old geocities website to put up a fake "santa watch" community like pretending it's the first website about santa and then slowly creating a massive web and trying to get articles written or plant evidence that santa is 100% real and there is a disinfo campaign to create discourse around it
I'm gonna use AI tools to create high quality realistic stuff like satellite photos of the north pole
I figure it shouldn't be too impossible with everything exists already -
2023-03-23 at 7:02 AM UTC
2023-03-23 at 12:28 PM UTC
2023-03-23 at 12:31 PM UTC
2023-03-23 at 1:12 PM UTC
Originally posted by vindicktive vinny was that what you got.
my parents worked for a big local corporation that would hire SANTA and everyone brought their family to this giant warehouse done up with a christmas tree and free food
free pictures with ZANTA also he would give you a gender based gift and you sit on his lap. I asked santa if he could make anti gravity hover crafts and he said "YOU HAVE TO BE REALLLLLY GOOD TO GET ONE OF THOSE HO HO HO"
I got a spy set
The only thing I remember from the spy set was a laser alarm. I used it to troll my cat -
2023-03-23 at 2:20 PM UTC
Originally posted by Stupid noob opened the secret cow portal my parents worked for a big local corporation that would hire SANTA and everyone brought their family to this giant warehouse done up with a christmas tree and free food
free pictures with ZANTA also he would give you a gender based gift and you sit on his lap. I asked santa if he could make anti gravity hover crafts and he said "YOU HAVE TO BE REALLLLLY GOOD TO GET ONE OF THOSE HO HO HO"
I got a spy set
The only thing I remember from the spy set was a laser alarm. I used it to troll my cat
how old were you then -
2023-03-23 at 2:26 PM UTCwell my parents started doing cocaine when I was 10-11 and shit was fucked up the years before/after that
so It had to be like 9 year old or maybe younger. Anywhere from grade 2-4 I would guess which I can't remember the exact age for but I "learned about santa" or "realized" the "truth" maybe only 1-2 christmases after that. -
2023-03-23 at 2:28 PM UTC
2023-03-23 at 2:34 PM UTCi never had a santa session.
here they walk around handing out candies or shit at the mall but thats mostly it.
no lap sits or dances. no ques for pictures. -
2023-03-23 at 2:56 PM UTC
Originally posted by vindicktive vinny i never had a santa session.
here they walk around handing out candies or shit at the mall but thats mostly it.
no lap sits or dances. no ques for pictures.
I don't see it as much nowadays in secular society the "mall santa" has fallen out of favor
people gotta go out of their way to track down a family friendly santa operation. I can't remember the last time I saw a "mall santa" or even one of those operations at all, maybe when I lived in a small town at a community thing like 10 years ago is the last I can remember -
2023-03-24 at 4:40 AM UTCyou should bury reindeer bones like they do with dinosaurs
2023-03-24 at 4:43 AM UTCor a junkyard of animal towed sleds
2023-12-26 at 1:52 AM UTC
2023-12-26 at 2:01 AM UTC
2023-12-26 at 2:52 AM UTC
2023-12-26 at 2:57 AM UTCSanta is real. St Nicholas was a real person. a St of Gift giving or something like that. he was a generous person. it just evolved into this germanic version of him. flying reindeer and magical ability to see everything is just Pagan in nature as sticking a tree in your house and illuminating it.
not sure how that part evolved but it's a cute story. we always told our children that Santa wasn't real but in the spirit of gift giving is real in the heart but figurtive. took a while to understand this.
the point was not to have them think God the Creator of everything was fake too. and I always told them that God is not the man in the clouds. his spirit is existing in all things which is real. the spirit is there. we're created in his image in spirit and not that God has 10 fingers and 10 toes. but hey .. maybe he did.
if you argue Jesus was a man in flesh and God, its because God had to place part of his spirit in flesh to show other humans of flesh how to live. and he gave his life and suffered like man for man. so men wouldn't do stupid sacrifices and evil Pagan shit.
FUcking PAGANS and False jedis (Did not hear my calling) killed him.