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Canadian cops get murked by some skitzo teen that then killed his mom and himself

  1. #1
    Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman

    thank GOD we banned guns!

    or something like this might happen with a chance of increased frequency. We should ban MORE GUN

    Originally posted by Ghost We already banned literally everything so that they are micromanage banning anything left like crypto, nicotine anything that can be used to make any drug or chemical OTC and Kinder Surprise Eggs. The vendors, store owners, big tax money investors and voters all play along. We never have a public outrage about anything (except for that native catholic school rape) because nothing ever happens

    When things do happen it's always some black swan event freak thing that nobody could have ever stopped or seen coming and the world is fascinated when we go BIG USA BIG GUN RAMBO MASS SHOOT COLUMBINE JAMES HOMES BANG BANG HOLLYWOOD, because we are bored weirdos and when we murder people we don't fuck it up like LITERALLY EVERY FUCKING MASS SHOOTER IN THE USA THAT GIVES UP AFTER THE 3RD DRUM MAG JAMS AND THEY NEVER EVEN USED THE FUCKING GIANT KNIFE THEY BROUGHT

  2. #2
    Donald Trump Black Hole
    "Edmonton police officers didn't know teen shooter had a gun"

    Very Canadian
  3. #3
    Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    I mean how would they know?

    The kid wanted a gun, was a skitzo so didn't ever bother with any legal avenue and just found some Junt hussies on DA STREETS
    let me tell ya folx if you want to buy a pistol in Edmonton you don't have to go very far. It's a cocaine town, the provincial capital, billions of dollars flow through it daily.

    If you rub enough elbows with "the streets" you can find pretty much anything
  4. #4
    Donald Trump Black Hole
    Just cos he's a teen shooter doesn't mean he has a gun.
  5. #5
    Instigator Space Nigga [the staring tame crusher]
    You can smoke kinder eggs, quicker than chasing the dragon.
  6. #6
    Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Instigator You can smoke kinder eggs, quicker than chasing the dragon.

    those are delicious
  7. #7
    Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman

    What about legalizing guns so you know who has them LUL
  8. #8
    Originally posted by Donald Trump "Edmonton police officers didn't know teen shooter had a gun"

    Very Canadian

    he identified as unarmed.
  9. #9
    jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Doyle Sauce

    What about legalizing guns so you know who has them LUL

    lol Being a cop isn't very dangerous. A taxi driver, fisherman, logger or farmer is more dangerous.
  10. #10
    good thing they banned guns
  11. #11
    Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by Doyle Sauce

    Always a great turn out for cop funerals ... they get paid as normal to attend.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. #12

    Lucky it was a gun and not a bean bag.
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