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Enola Gay

  1. #1
    Hahaha gay
  2. #2
    Your ebola gay
  3. #3
    I kno ya GAY.
  4. #4
    BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    little boy when detonated in the first 15 seconds was 10,000 times hotter than the surface of the Sun. yet more than 70 percent of the Dome Building survived practicly underneath the explosion 1000 feet above and only 2 football fields to the side. it was with in the 5 rings where nearly everything else was blown off the surface of the soil it laid down on.

    But we're supposed to believe that WTC 1, and 2 (and 7) just melted away!
  5. #5
    infinityshock Black Hole
    little boy...

    enola gay...

    fat man...


  6. #6
    BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock little boy…

    enola gay…

    fat man…

    ? <— 9/11 removing 90 percent of mass from building truss and load bearing vertical box columns welded in x,y and z axis being blown outward in an arch formation which is said to be caused by the energy released from a catastrophic event makes absolutely no sense, since it would have lighten the load by half and the energy reducing every floor it caved into by a factor of four. 9/11/01 WTC 1 and 2 and most likely 7 had been aided in the sure destructruction of their collapse over that of just Jet Fuel. yes the top of the buildings could of collapsed and rolled off to the side, but they started to fall sideways and then straight down. the people on floor 101 and who managed to get below the 70th floors on fire, stated that once they got below floor 71, the lights were on and it was nice and cool. makes no sense how powerful Little Boy was and yet the Dome building survived while 1,2 and especially 7 did what they did.

  7. #7
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by BeigeWarlock

    a nuclear detonation over a structure built with technique and material (a) has virtually nothing to do with a plane crashing into a structure built with technique and material (b)

    i have no idea what you meant with that statement...i dont see where 90% of the building mass was removed, or how collapsing floors reduced anything by a factor of four.

    gravity prevents a building of that mass from 'rolling off to the side'

    what does the people on floor 101 saying what the lights and temp were have to do with anything? that just means the power lines and a/c ducts were still functioning at those levels.

  8. #8
    Wonder what the pilot was thinking when he dropped that bomb

    Wonder if he even knew what he was doing

    Imagine if he decided "fuck you" and dropped it wherever he took off from or in a major American city on the way there
  9. #9
    Mother do you think they try to break my balls.?
  10. #10
    BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock a nuclear detonation over a structure built with technique and material (a) has virtually nothing to do with a plane crashing into a structure built with technique and material (b)

    i have no idea what you meant with that statement…i dont see where 90% of the building mass was removed, or how collapsing floors reduced anything by a factor of four.

    gravity prevents a building of that mass from 'rolling off to the side'

    what does the people on floor 101 saying what the lights and temp were have to do with anything? that just means the power lines and a/c ducts were still functioning at those levels.

    cognitive dissonance. "Gravity prevents a building from rolling off to the side"? it' shot pieces of H Beams that somehow unwelded themselves from the core columns like a cannon firing them out of the building. They went up and out. But they removed right away the debris. the amount of weight removed was less then 15% of the steal used to go into it. that is in a FOIA. and hey, buddy. The pile at some point should of been 15 stories high of debri. the highest it was , was less then 6 floors high. most of it was pulverized somehow. You go talk to architects and scientist for 9/11 truth movement.

    I talked to Rudy Dent, Fire Marshal and first responder there.. he said, they started cutting and moving debri the very first day to get to people". but he said, there were huge empty spots to climb down into area's where people were screaming for aid. He and his fellow fire fighters started to go down into the garage areas, when the Commander came up to them and said "Don't start rescues until FEMA get here".

    You can Facebook page friend him if you like. he is laughing at the NIST report. NIST also claimed it made an error and stated that Kinetic Energy was not what caused it as they first claimed.. which would of made some sense.

    Then you had the guys on floor 101 who managed to get below all of the fire under floor 72, and they said by the time they got to floor 70, the lights were on, and it was nice and cool. as you go lower and lower into a tubular structure, the core columns get larger and fatter. it made no fucking sense.
  11. #11
    Mother will they put me in the firing line?.
  12. #12
    BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock what does the people on floor 101 saying what the lights and temp were have to do with anything? that just means the power lines and a/c ducts were still functioning at those levels. <—-

    The buildings 1 and 2 were basically 3 buildings fused together in a tubular style structure.

    Only the top section was structure on the building they were in.
    it means you had a something that wasn't even weakened to fall just itself, let alone push through the other 2 sections or 2 buildings stacked with a common 47 center column welded in a box formation.

  13. #13
    infinityshock Black Hole
    none of that makes any sense.

    i already explained a plausible explanation for the air/electric still being on.

    how much space was underground where debris could have filled, instead of being at ground-level...?
  14. #14
    Mother should I run for president?

  15. #15
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    I met Paul Tibbits once. He was old.
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