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Don'tTellEm is quite jealous of Technologist...

  1. #41
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny how so ?

    Eating someone's Tiddles is quite rude as they probably view Tiddles as a family member.
  2. #42
    I would eat a dog
  3. #43
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Thwre is reason dogs dont like chinks and niggers.
  4. #44
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I would eat a dog

    You're honest. I would too If I was hungry.

    seriously. the system crashes. a nuclear war happen. you stock pile is 0'd out and you're going to go on a hunt and gather move with your team or alone. on the way, you guys are really fucking hungry. nothing around but a fat dog eating the dead or living off of whatever that you wouldn't eat.

    what would you do? you would eat it and the rats manifesting around the corpses.

    it is what it is. hungry people will eat a dog. other people just like the taste of dogs.
    Americans would eat horses. in Yemen they eat camel meat and from what a tourist on youtube stated it tasted like lamb a little bit.

    I tried goat meat once. it didn't digest well. it tasted like tough chicken to me. but the flavor was good.

    line from a film. "How can you eat a horse".. answer "It's easy. You don't name it"

    don't eat domesticated animals but you would eat the same species if it wasn't your own.
  5. #45
    Technologist is cool I bet she would be nercvous doing druinks and cocaine with me thinking I would jam a sharp object in her gullet, fuck the hole and raid her fridge but I am actually God fearing and full of love energy.

    I forgot she did cocaine. Her soul can be saved if she does a n economic activity maybe she thinks it should be illegal. You would be surpsied ask anyone you seee snorting a line of cocaine if they think it should be legal 9/10 will say no way jose
  6. #46
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    I would get with people who would ask me if I would like to do a line. My eyes are methy looking I guess. But I'v never been into coke. I did it a few times one night. it was a nice high but I got such a bad infection the next day. I had severe sinusitis from doing it and staying up all night going back to my friends dealer's house to get more when it was damp and foggy outside. btw this was 1986. I know the exact year because I joined the Union the following morning and my nose was running and the union boss signaled my friend with his finger on the nose like "you guys do coke" and he shook his head no. Yeah, I brought my friend to the union house. LOL

    I tried meth once (around the same time) went out drinking all night and didn't want to go to work. Another friend asked if I wanted to do a line. I said no. I don't do coke (because of what happened) and he said "this isn't coke.. its crank" and I tried and I nearly died like 4 hours later. but I have that I do Meth look I guess. I've been accused a few times. usually, Karen-type women who have seen their sons do it. I don't respond but I usually want to say it's graves disease most likely. My fucking thyroid has eaten itself away and I look surprised all the time. so I try and relax my eyes. Its why I don't like to look people in the eyes when I talk. not that Im shy. Im surprize she does coke in her mid 50s. that cant be too good for the heart. coke is for 20-30-year-olds back in the 1970s when it was expensive as fuck, and cut so much it was hardly dangerous to use. people didn't cut it with fent or whatever but with baby powder or some shit.
  7. #47
    I bet you think it should be illegal you fucking ............ COWARD!!!!
  8. #48
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I bet you think it should be illegal you fucking ………… COWARD!!!!

    I wouldn't condone it to children or teens. but I think Adults in the USA should do whatever they want to do as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. the war on Drugs is a waste of fucking money. it can't be won just like you cant stop an idea that is Al Queda or ISIS

    you kill the drug lord or the ISIS leader, another grabs that person's spot. just like a nasty tape worm. bust one out of your ass and stomp on it and there are shitloads lined up to take the lead just like great whites have a row of teeth,

    they should re-assign the people on the drug searches like pot plants and make cocaine and weed legal. drugs like PCP should never be legal. people just flip out and kill old people for their money or just flip out and do weird shit.
  9. #49
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready but I think Adults in the USA should do whatever they want to do as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.

    There is always someone with hurt feelings in the USA no matter how inconsequential your choices are.

    You say to certain women "you look good today", they get bent out of shape and accuse you of sexual harassment
    You say "Hi Sir" to a dude in a dress and he gets angry and says "IT'S MA'AM...." etc
  10. #50
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson There is always someone with hurt feelings in the USA no matter how inconsequential your choices are.

    You say to certain women "you look good today", they get bent out of shape and accuse you of sexual harassment
    You say "Hi Sir" to a dude in a dress and he gets angry and says "IT'S MA'AM…." etc

    since when is being offended illegal in the USA? some loophole in "hate speech" creeps up.
  11. #51
    stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I would eat a dog

    Hell, most people won't even kiss someone in DTE's line of work.
  12. #52
    Nile bump
    Originally posted by stl1 Hell, most people won't even kiss someone in DTE's line of work.

    I would but if need to be in a certain state of mind...
  13. #53
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by stl1 Hell, most people won't even kiss someone in DTE's line of work.

    You ain't been kissed in 20 years
  14. #54
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready since when is being offended illegal in the USA? some loophole in "hate speech" creeps up.

    Not for a long time, since the snowflakes took over...the few remaining REAL men in America don't get easily offended...but those are so rare these days they are effectively extinct.
  15. #55
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Not for a long time, since the snowflakes took over…the few remaining REAL men in America don't get easily offended…but those are so rare these days they are effectively extinct.

    Unlike all the manly men in England who are subjects.
  16. #56
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Eating someone's Tiddles is quite rude as they probably view Tiddles as a family member.

    not all family member are liked.
  17. #57
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Thwre is reason dogs dont like chinks and niggers.

    source ?
  18. #58
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Unlike all the manly men in England who are subjects.

    says the rejects.
  19. #59
    Nile bump
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny source ?

    My old German Shepherd (s) and rottweiler
  20. #60
    I would kiss DTE's asshole and then split her open and spread her so my girlfriend can have a taste too (there would be leg shackles involved)
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