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They should make a reverse viagra pill that makes itit hard to get hard.

  1. #21
    bling bling Dark Matter
    u drink piss
  2. #22
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by bling bling u drink piss

    and you drink semen.
  3. #23
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Lanny Do SSRIs really cause erectile dysfunction? Is it like just hard to get it up or is the an associated reduction in sex drive?

    Kind of a pain in the ass to have a natural impulse to seek out sexual stimulation. Honestly I'd probably pay something for the pill that made me not care about having sex, the effort to satisfaction ratio of courtship is pretty shitty. I could go like 6 months on just pursuits of the mind and see if I really missed it without the neurochemical reward system bolted on.

    In my experience it's both of those things. Decreased sex drive, though definitely still existent, but the erectile dysfunction is more prevalent, only staying hard for a few minutes regardless of the level of stimulation. My dick pretty much just sort of feels dead, like even when I'm pissing or just in general, it feels... different, like it gave up and doesn't care anymore.
  4. #24
    Originally posted by Lanny Do SSRIs really cause erectile dysfunction? Is it like just hard to get it up or is the an associated reduction in sex drive?

    Kind of a pain in the ass to have a natural impulse to seek out sexual stimulation. Honestly I'd probably pay something for the pill that made me not care about having sex, the effort to satisfaction ratio of courtship is pretty shitty. I could go like 6 months on just pursuits of the mind and see if I really missed it without the neurochemical reward system bolted on.

    Benzos and bundy killed my sex drive. I became a monk for a short while until I tried tech.
  5. #25
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    also depo provera
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