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World to hit temperature tipping point 10 years faster than forecast

  1. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Carbon Brief is funded by the European Climate Foundation, which is heavily tied into the Paris Agreement, it's CEO being one of the Paris Agreement's architects. And the Paris Agreement was created by key players of none other than the New World Order. So, of course Carbon Brief is going to cook up some climate change hoax study. Of course. What else would they do? Say climate change isn't real and stop getting millions? C'mon, man, as Joe Biden would say. Don't you have any sources of information which aren't completely compromised, conflicted and grossly biased?

    Rhetoric such as this can easily be found across social media platforms. For example, one Twitter user wrote on December 6: “The NWO [New World Order] will come from the communist controlled east via Perestroika deception. Once the US collapses, a Eurasian centered Jewish world government will come. Great reset managed by Jews.” Similarly, a Telegram user wrote: “When people get angry tell them that the enemy behind this Great Reset garbage is the World Economic Forum. Reminder that Klaus Schwab is a mamzer who comes from a Rothschild banker family.”

    “The Great Reset” Conspiracy Flourishes Amid Continued Pandemic
  2. Like how the twits always have to bring Jews into in it and start with the race baiting on any given debate, like that somehow discredits the conspiracy fact just because you incanted the word Jew. What are you, a bunch of racists?
  3. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    New World Order (conspiracy theory)

    Criticisms of New World Order conspiracy theorists also come from within their own community. Despite believing themselves to be "freedom fighters", many right-wing populist conspiracy theorists hold views that are incompatible with their professed libertarianism, such as Christian dominionism, authoritarian ultranationalism, white supremacy and eliminationism.[15][99] This paradox has led Icke, who argues that Christian Patriots are the only Americans who understand the truth about the New World Order (which he believes is controlled by a race of reptilians known as the "Babylonian Brotherhood"), to reportedly tell a Christian Patriot group, "I don't know which I dislike more, the world controlled by the Brotherhood or the one you want to replace it with."
  4. The Great Reset isn't a conspiracy. The UN and the WEF openly admit that's what they are working on right now. One of the top NWO goons even wrote a book about it, called The Great Reset. Wake up.
  5. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    One can see long-standing and familiar right-wing conspiracy tropes at play in the Great Reset conspiracy, including the notion that a group of elites are working to undermine national sovereignty and individual freedoms, references to a “New World Order,” and the idea that these malicious actors will seek to exploit a catastrophic incident—like a global pandemic—to advance their agenda. A common undercurrent among proponents is a mistrust of vaccines, which they believe will be forced upon people to fulfill the nefarious objectives of Bill Gates or the pharmaceutical industry.
  6. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The Great Reset isn't a conspiracy. The UN and the WEF openly admit that's what they are working on right now. One of the top NWO goons even wrote a book about it, called The Great Reset. Wake up.

    I guess we have to take your word, whatever that's worth .
  7. Originally posted by Obbe I guess we have to take your word, whatever that's worth .

    The Great Reset isn't a conspiracy. The UN and the WEF openly admit that's what they are working on right now. One of the top NWO goons even wrote a book about it, called The Great Reset. Wake up.
  8. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Prolly not lil piggy.

    My grandfather told me to never try to teach a pig to sing. He said it would only frustrate me and anoy the hog.

    maybe your grandma was more of a dancer type.
  9. Fucking lol
  10. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Plastic recycling a "failed concept," study says, with only 5% recycled in U.S. last year as production rises

    … the study found that of 51 million tons of plastic waste generated by U.S. households in 2021, only 2.4 million tons were recycled, or around five percent. After peaking in 2014 at 10 percent, the trend has been decreasing, especially since China stopped accepting the West's plastic waste in 2018.
  11. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The Great Reset isn't a conspiracy. The UN and the WEF openly admit that's what they are working on right now. One of the top NWO goons even wrote a book about it, called The Great Reset. Wake up.

    Originally posted by Obbe I guess we have to take your word, whatever that's worth .
  12. These clowns are making bread ties and straws out of cardboard, but they don't mind the billions of tons of plastic used in junk mail people throw immediately into the garbage. Just goes to show how fake as all fuck their "concerns" really are.
  13. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by lockedin speedy is genuinely incapable of reading a scientific paper and getting info from non-youtube sources lol

    I was reading research papers before you slid out of the infected gash between your mother's legs.
  14. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ These clowns are making bread ties and straws out of cardboard, but they don't mind the billions of tons of plastic used in junk mail people throw immediately into the garbage. Just goes to show how fake as all fuck their "concerns" really are.

    dont forget these bread ties and straws sometimes come in plastic bags.
  15. Originally posted by Speedy Parker I was reading research papers before you slid out of the infected gash between your mother's legs.

    a man textually recording how he explored his anus to find his prostate qualifies as 'research paper'.

    shlomo probably read those kind of research.
  16. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    California banned plastic grocery bags at stores a few years back. People use those for waste bags in small bathroom waste baskets and other repurpose uses. Since the ban the sale of 4 to 7 gallon trash bags has quadrupled in the state as has the amount of plastic bags in landfills.
  17. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny dont forget these bread ties and straws sometimes come in plastic bags.

    Exactly. They'll sell 30 grams of paper straws in a plastic bag that weights 40 grams. Just goes to prove beyond all doubt they're not really concerned about plastic.
  18. All their electricity for their electric chargers also comes from coal, gas and nuclear, so it ends up the electricity they produce uses more coal, gas and nuclear energy than if electricity wasn't used at all. Doesn't anybody else get amazed at this literal clown show of theirs? Never seen the likes before, in my entire time on planet Earth. It's so laughable, it's ludicrous.
  19. its not really about the environmemt but the creation of new industry that make a new of generation super rich oligarches.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Like I said, wealth transfer...
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