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This Sunay's Confession

  1. CandyRein Black Hole


    This happened to me before but I wasn’t even tryna use Jhene to speak for me it was just a song I picked 😇😭
  2. CandyRein Black Hole
    I remember saying it imma see if I can find the story 😂😭
  3. CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by CandyRein Kek!!!

    I remember few weeks back my boyfriend and I were having a disagreement…we were actually upset with each other which isn’t often…

    So I went off into the kitchen and started doing the dishes and I was playing this Jhene Aiko song called B.S. …it’s a breakup song …

    And so the song is playing and I’m doin the dishes and he comes in the kitchen behind me and he’s like
    “ You bet not be back up on no bullchit” the lyrics that were playing lmao

    And we just started laughing..and just like that we weren’t upset anymore…

    Found it 😭💖
  4. CandyRein Black Hole


    Is it hott in here or is it just me ? ;)
    I’m so high in here ..been smoking on this weed 🥰🎶
  5. CandyRein Black Hole
    “ you bet not be back up on no BS”

    That was so funny to me I’ll never forget that ..🥰😭
  6. CandyRein Black Hole
    Idk if I was subconsciously talking smack or what I wasn’t even tryna talk through her in the song just looked like I was 😇😩😭
  7. CandyRein Black Hole
    Back up on my bullshit
    Back up on the scene

    Out here actin' foolish, like I'm seventeen

    I just bought a new whip, don't need gasoline (yeah)

    I just seen your new bitch, it boost my self-esteem (oh babe)

    Jhene is a beast lowkey..
  8. CandyRein Black Hole
    There is a quality about Jhene and the weekend that I love ..they both have the most soothing sweetest voices but their lyrics can be very should I say ..not vulgar but ..yeah …

    But can’t really tell how savage the lyrics are because of how sweetly they’re sung …

  9. CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by CandyRein

    These niggas help raise me ❤️😇

    Bro 😭💖

    Today I found out Mr Rogers is a Pisces !! ♓️🥰😭

    I knew the Steve Erwin was but I never knew Mr Rogers was 💖
  10. CandyRein Black Hole

    Be still my beating heart !!🥰

    Come on !!!!🥰🥰🥰♓️

    What a guy..
  11. CandyRein Black Hole
    2 out of the 3 of the Trinity of Awesomeness/kindness are Pisces !! ♓️💖
  12. CandyRein Black Hole
    I just googled Bob Ross ..he’s a Scorpio …that’s a water sign! 💖💦 🌊

    Them stars just don’t ever tell a lie 💖⭐️
  13. CandyRein Black Hole



  14. CandyRein Black Hole
    My step mom was a scorpio…she treated me like her own child all of my life until she died

    She wouldn’t even pass over until she saw me ..

    After she passed my brother told me she said she was just waiting to see me so she can go be with my father ..

    They didn’t want her to pass they tried to lowkey keep me from seeing her ..

    But I didn’t understand it until it all happened why they were being so secretive over everything in Chicago where it was happening and everything about it …

    It was because she just wanted to see …so she could go peacefully…

    I was holding her hand and I thought she couldn’t hear me because she couldn’t speak anymore to respond and as I told her I loved her .. I was about to walk away

    And she squeezed my hand sooo tight..
    She was letting me know she could hear me
  15. CandyRein Black Hole
    When I was a little girl I never understood how much that woman loved me …

    I was just a child ..but when I became an adult ..I understood..that woman loved me fiercely

    And I’m so so forver grateful to have had her to look to when I could not look my own mother


    I’m feeling vulnerable tonight.. I hate being vulnerable but my heart is imma shut up and let her cook
  16. CandyRein Black Hole
    During the holidays ..none of Roses kids wanted to help her cook…Tracey didn’t even wanna chop the vegetables and Brandi was only there to eat at the end …

    I helped Rose cook…every Holiday !
    It was me and Rose

    I helped rose set the table and the table setting at holidays was no joke …

    Out of the 9 children..I was not Roses biological child but I was the one by her side most of the Time …

    That’s why I know how to cook like I do ..I was the assistant chef to an AMAZING COOK
  17. CandyRein Black Hole
    Rose loved to shop ..she didn’t have to work because my father provided ..rose worked because she wanted to and because she was a shopiholic! 🥰

    She would take me down to shop with her every weekend..

    And we’d get Chicago’s famous caramel and cheddar mixed popcorn with fresh squeezed Lemonade 🥰
  18. CandyRein Black Hole
    We’d be up all night some nights playing cards and scrabble …

    Rose was a scrabble master vocabulary is immense because of her! 😭💖

    We’d play and there would be words they would look so fuqn crazy ..and I’m like that is not a word!

    Pull out the dictionary that crazy azz word was in there every single time ! 😭💖
  19. CandyRein Black Hole
    She used to drop knowledge on me ..the stories she told me ..the live rent free in my heart…

    There was one thing she told me to never do …she told me Tara never get an abortion she told me story of one of her friends who had a lot of them and on her death bed she was literally fighting the air saying it was the children asking her why did you kill me …

    And I was the only one of her girls who listened to Rose …

    And lowkey I hated how my siblings talked to Rose wasn’t bad bad just wasn’t how I talked to her ..idk..I just never liked it but she never said anything so I never did

    But I just made sure I never talked to her like they did
  20. CandyRein Black Hole
    She told me never get an Ouija board …she shared with me an experience her coworker had at a toy shop she worked at when she was young …

    It was Christmas time and her coworker bought one from where they worked ..they actually sold them ..

    She said that Ouija board tore her azz up !!
    She was she asked her when she was going to die …and something pushed her azz down the stairs …

    She almost got hit by a car ..her whole life just fell apart …
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