2020-04-28 at 7:04 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
maninhood he seemed tos ell it for a hundred bucks so who doesnt get shit like this for free?
2020-04-28 at 7:05 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
lol you can use free fucking ipad pages app or even the image ediitng apps to comvert word docs or iwork doc files to pdf. who pays for such whit hundreds of dolalrs to thieves aodbe?
2020-04-28 at 7:36 PM UTC
Because those are all just bitcoin botnets
2020-04-28 at 7:40 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
lol acrobat reader lol 400 dolalrs. proves you wrong.
2020-04-28 at 7:42 PM UTC
Um how does either prove me wrong...
If I put an ad up selling a hooky copy of Acrobat for $400 doesn't mean I'm making any sales ya dumb fuck.
2020-04-28 at 7:43 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
lol even bitches prove you wrong. eho eants to pay for their dhitty drinks and food when thry czn just not and get laid with a hooker or jack of for free?
2020-04-28 at 7:46 PM UTC
Nobody is gonna buy something they can get by spending ten seconds on Google.
2020-04-28 at 7:50 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
plenty of people pay good money for shit they csn get for free thwt was my point i proved you wrong on.
2020-04-28 at 7:51 PM UTC
Hey wariat I have every Nintendo game up to the GameCube. I'll sell you all the roms for $5
How can you resist?
The reason business buys Acrobat is because if they don't have a license and get sued it's gonna cost way more than 400. A lot of businesses do pirate it though
2020-04-28 at 7:56 PM UTC
Wariat's arguments always revolve around those .00001% examples whilst ignoring the 99.999999% of reality.
2020-04-28 at 7:57 PM UTC
At least sell something with tangible value like drugs or child porn.