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There are only 4 known cases of Covid-19 in Botswana...
2020-04-07 at 5:28 AM UTCAcetaminophen, dried Lingzhi, sprinkle of self spray tanner= dead nigger
2020-04-07 at 5:38 AM UTC6 cases now.
Thanks. -
2020-04-07 at 12:43 PM UTC
2020-04-07 at 12:44 PM UTC
2020-04-07 at 12:45 PM UTC
2020-04-07 at 2:26 PM UTC
2020-04-07 at 4:50 PM UTC
2020-04-07 at 5:01 PM UTC
2020-04-08 at 3:35 AM UTC
2020-04-08 at 3:43 AM UTC
2020-04-08 at 3:43 AM UTCBill Krozby is the only one here who has died and came back to life. Only he knows.