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So Republicans actually want welfare now

  1. #81
    Technologist victim of incest
    Hun I have no problem calling it welfare. That’s not a bad word to me. Some people need it a certain times in their life.

    As a matter of fact when I was sick and bedridden for 6 months I had to get Medicaid. Workman’s comp was paying for my illness but I needed to have insurance for anything else. Soon as I started working, I dumped it.

    One other thing about SS. When I worked for the state, I didn’t pay into SS, I just paid into public employees retirement system, PERS. So yeah, SS was intended as retirement funds.
  2. #82
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace The budget for this is 850 billion and it would take 357 billion to give everybody 1k. So it could feasibly happen, although you're right and I don't think it will.

    they've already spurted 1.5 trillion + an additional 850 billion into the stock exchange and banks lul
  3. #83
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace The budget for this is 850 billion and it would take 357 billion to give everybody 1k. So it could feasibly happen, although you're right and I don't think it will.

    They could do way more if they really wanted to, but i don't think they really want to. The stimulus package will go to big business and what little trickles down to the general public is all you're getting.
  4. #84
    Originally posted by Fox How would they know which people work in the food industry

    pretty evident from tax records who is getting paid by restaurants. Like 85% of those employees are probably corporate employees anyway

    Can get list of restaurants from Health dept records most likely considering ORA conducts inspections themselves. I've no doubt the US government could find this out pretty reliably.
  5. #85
    Erekshun Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Technologist Hun I have no problem calling it welfare. That’s not a bad word to me. Some people need it a certain times in their life.

    As a matter of fact when I was sick and bedridden for 6 months I had to get Medicaid. Workman’s comp was paying for my illness but I needed to have insurance for anything else. Soon as I started working, I dumped it.

    One other thing about SS. When I worked for the state, I didn’t pay into SS, I just paid into public employees retirement system, PERS. So yeah, SS was intended as retirement funds.

    I have no problem with welfare when it is truly needed! You know damn well crackheads get welfare when they don't "need" it
  6. #86
    Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by Erekshun I have no problem with welfare when it is truly needed! You know damn well crackheads get welfare when they don't "need" it

    And I know there are plenty of people scamming the system that don’t need it, and I see plenty of people who need it that don’t get it. So what’s your point? You dense enough to think everyone on welfare is a crackhead?
  7. #87
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace pretty evident from tax records who is getting paid by restaurants

    But the check is supposedly going out in a week or two. They extended the tax deadline to July. I bet a lot of low income people haven’t filed yet. How would they know in real time who works in what industry.
  8. #88
    Originally posted by aldra they've already spurted 1.5 trillion + an additional 850 billion into the stock exchange and banks lul

    It's a guarantee, not that they have already paid into any stocks

    the 850 is not for the banks either that number hasn't been released afaik

    and corporations are getting a separate 1 trillion from the 850

    this is some big spending but it seems the 850 IS for the handouts. It seems as if they are planning to provide more than one handout though.

    Sens. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), Michael F. Bennet (D-Colo.) and Cory Booker (D-N.J.), with the support of several other Democratic senators, are pushing a measure to disburse $2,000 checks to everyone under a certain income threshold. Their plan would require the government to disburse checks for an additional $1,500 if the health and economic emergencies continue, followed by quarterly payments of $1,000 after that.
  9. #89
    Erekshun Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Technologist And I know there are plenty of people scamming the system that don’t need it, and I see plenty of people who need it that don’t get it. So what’s your point? You dense enough to think everyone on welfare is a crackhead?

    Let's actually get back on point. The government sending out checks "just because" is welfare, Unemployment is not.
  10. #90
    Originally posted by Erekshun Let's actually get back on point. The government sending out checks "just because" is welfare, Unemployment is not.

    What about all those crackheads on unemployment just pretending to look for work?
  11. #91
    Originally posted by Fox But the check is supposedly going out in a week or two. They extended the tax deadline to July. I bet a lot of low income people haven’t filed yet. How would they know in real time who works in what industry.

    You have to submit tax info when you get a new job and payroll tax is submitted monthly so it's not hard for them to figure out quickly.

    My insurance actually found out I got a job after maybe the first or second paycheck. Have never had that happen before. Had to submit a pay stub. I'm sure the federal government could figure it out too.
  12. #92
    Originally posted by Erekshun Let's actually get back on point. The government sending out checks "just because" is welfare, Unemployment is not.

    Unemployment is welfare. These checks are not 'just because' you fucking retard. You understand people have already lost their jobs and are unable to work or make money? Unemployment is not covering them. Otherwise they'd get it. You think they're just sitting around twiddling their thumbs when they could get unemployment money? That shit does take time you know.
  13. #93
    Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by Erekshun Let's actually get back on point. The government sending out checks "just because" is welfare, Unemployment is not.

    That’s your point, not the point of the thread. The funds will not come from unemployment no matter how much you want them to. If they send this money out, it will be welfare plain and simple.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. #94
    Originally posted by Technologist That’s your point, not the point of the thread. The funds will not come from unemployment no matter how much you want them to. If they send this money out, it will be welfare plain and simple.

    Trump's welfare package, we'll call it
  15. #95
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Erekshun Let's actually get back on point. The government sending out checks "just because" is welfare, Unemployment is not.

    it's meant to be economic stimulus to keep people spending so that businesses don't crash even harder

    it's not really welfare regardless of what they sell the measure as
  16. #96
    Originally posted by aldra it's meant to be economic stimulus to keep people spending so that businesses don't crash even harder

    it's not really welfare regardless of what they sell the measure as

    That’s why mine’s going straight into BTC. Let the businesses crash
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. #97
    Originally posted by aldra it's meant to be economic stimulus to keep people spending so that businesses don't crash even harder

    it's not really welfare regardless of what they sell the measure as

    Welfare: financial support given to people in need.
  18. #98
    Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by aldra it's meant to be economic stimulus to keep people spending so that businesses don't crash even harder

    it's not really welfare regardless of what they sell the measure as

    You are correct, but who’s really gonna go out and spend that money when they don’t have a job? Well off people will probably spend, if they’re not on lock down.
  19. #99
    Erekshun Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Technologist That’s your point, not the point of the thread. The funds will not come from unemployment no matter how much you want them to. If they send this money out, it will be welfare plain and simple.

    Reeeeeeee ReeeeeeeeeZ! Tard if you will.
  20. Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by Erekshun Reeeeeeee ReeeeeeeeeZ! Tard if you will.

    You just don’t get it. You really don’t? you?
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