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Anyone Anxious about this virus

  1. #61
    Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby you pop off at the mouth all the tyme, what are you talking about.

  2. #62
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Technologist Ok

    well at least we agree on something
  3. #63
    Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby well at least we agree on something

  4. #64
    Originally posted by HTS A little nervous that this is actually much more serious than they're letting on (the response from governments seems to suggest something *very* serious), and something got out of a lab that shouldn't have and humanity is about to finally hit the great fïlter and accidentally wipe ourselves out with biological weapons somehow.

    But I know that's silly. That's just me being silly. This'll all blow over before we know it and everyone who full-on panicked is going to feel real stupid.

    Its not that deadly. Under 25 the death rate is liek 0.5% which is barely higher than flu

    But old people with weak immune systems get absolutely rekt by it for some reason. It has a 3% mortality rate but its much much higher than that among the elderly. I forget how much.

    That said the social effects are just fucking scary. Everything is dead here. I've never seen anything like this in my life. Stock markets just fell below what they did on Black Tuesday which kicked kff the great depression. A few more tenths of a percent (13%) and they would have locked the markets down for buying/selling

    Stores are sold out. Nobody is out. We are in a state of emergency and governments are acting quickly and fiercely. This shit is insane. I'm losing hours at work because they simply dont need me. Got Sunday off because of Corona virus.

    Its weird to think that tomorrow if i want to go get a burger, I cant. I have a few hours left before everywhere i can eat out is shut down till the end of the month.
  5. #65
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Its not that deadly. Under 25 the death rate is liek 0.5% which is barely higher than flu

    But old people with weak immune systems get absolutely rekt by it for some reason. It has a 3% mortality rate but its much much higher than that among the elderly. I forget how much.

    That said the social effects are just fucking scary. Everything is dead here. I've never seen anything like this in my life. Stock markets just fell below what they did on Black Tuesday which kicked kff the great depression. A few more tenths of a percent (13%) and they would have locked the markets down for buying/selling

    Stores are sold out. Nobody is out. We are in a state of emergency and governments are acting quickly and fiercely. This shit is insane. I'm losing hours at work because they simply dont need me. Got Sunday off because of Corona virus.

    Its weird to think that tomorrow if i want to go get a burger, I cant. I have a few hours left before everywhere i can eat out is shut down till the end of the month.

    you're only adding to the fear mongering because you want a huge dick to use your shit pussy and claim it was a state of emergency so you had to do it. here in austin despite govenor abots plot, everyone is out jogging and drinking brews and not afraid.

  6. #66
    I dont read posts when you have a video. Try again
  7. #67
    Also i didnt claim it was a state of emergency. It IS a state of emergency. Trump declared it on what, Friday?
  8. #68
    Originally posted by Cly He can't.

    He absolutely can. Just maybe not yet. Wait til millions start dying. He might just be waiting for when that time comes to make his move. IF he was smart, which he isn’t
  9. #69
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I also have a healthy supply of ammo.

    Compared to an unhealthy supply?

    What does health have to do with ammunition?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. #70
    🐿 African Astronaut
    a healthy economy
    b: not small or feeble : CONSIDERABLE
    a healthy sum of money

  11. #71
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by 🐿 HEALTHY
    a healthy economy
    b: not small or feeble : CONSIDERABLE
    a healthy sum of money


    Will you have sex with me and mashlehash at the same time?
  12. #72
    Originally posted by Erekshun Trump is doing the right things, just chill

    Yeah I really liked the part where he fired the actual Pandemic response guy from the National Security Council last year then pretended to know nothing about that when asked the other day at a press conference.

    Now he’s gone and put Mike Pence (who botched an HIV outbreak while governor of Indiana) and Jared From Subway in charge of this pandemic.

    Really just an amazing job how we’ve barely tested 10,000 people in 2 months when the chinks in South Korea have been testing 10,000 a day for 2 months.

    Oh but wait it must be those “Obama rules” trump mentioned that were holding us back, rules he said he’s since fixed.... ok but what rules? The guidelines in place for this kind of thing are the same ones in use since the bush administration. Multiple senior health officials have no idea what “rules” he’s talking about. Probably because he pulled them straight out of his ass. Just hope he washed his hands for 20 seconds afterward.

    No but he’s doing a great job. He said so himself on tv a bunch of different times so it must be true
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. #73
    Octavian motherfucker
    Everyone just needs to stay at home and make cream pies in the bedroom.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. #74
    Originally posted by Fox Really just an amazing job how we’ve barely tested 10,000 people in 2 months when the chinks in South Korea have been testing 10,000 a day for 2 months.

    You know the reason he suppressed testing is because he didn’t want the “numbers” to go up. That’s all he gives a fuck is what the “numbers” actually say on paper. Like how he’d rather have a ship full of US citizens out in the ocean instead of bringing any of them back because the numbers would go up. He said that live on tv. I’m surprised he didn’t suggest just fuckin torpedoing their asses.

    Half the country could be infected but if you only test 10,000 people you can only possibly say up to 10,000 people have it. He doesn’t want the bad numbers to hurt his image for his re-election campaign. He will most likely still win again tho because of morons like that Erekshun guy. That’s if they don’t just suspend the election instead and he stays in office anyway by default
  15. #75
    Octavian motherfucker
    Everyones just needs to do a rape.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. #76
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Everyone just needs to come with me to the aquarium tomorrow (wednesday night) and just have a few drinks or smoke a bowl or both and if you wanna do ketamine in the bathroom that's fine but it's kinda pussy to have to take drugs to enjoy music, but also I get it. Let's just dance and absorb the bass. Heart emojis everywhere.
  17. #77
    Octavian motherfucker
    Everyone just needs to go the Aquarium and catch more Covid.
  18. #78
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Octavian Everyone just needs to go the Aquarium and catch more Covid.

    Let's goooooooooo
  19. #79
    Originally posted by Fox Yeah I really liked the part where he fired the actual Pandemic response guy from the National Security Council last year then pretended to know nothing about that when asked the other day at a press conference.

    Now he’s gone and put Mike Pence (who botched an HIV outbreak while governor of Indiana) and Jared From Subway in charge of this pandemic.

    Really just an amazing job how we’ve barely tested 10,000 people in 2 months when the chinks in South Korea have been testing 10,000 a day for 2 months.

    Oh but wait it must be those “Obama rules” trump mentioned that were holding us back, rules he said he’s since fixed…. ok but what rules? The guidelines in place for this kind of thing are the same ones in use since the bush administration. Multiple senior health officials have no idea what “rules” he’s talking about. Probably because he pulled them straight out of his ass. Just hope he washed his hands for 20 seconds afterward.

    No but he’s doing a great job. He said so himself on tv a bunch of different times so it must be true

    Even italy is hardly testing and they're in quarantine. Its like 80/1,000,000 and Korea is testing about 350/1,000,000. Not sure about China. Thats why Italys studies make it seem much deadlier. Like 50% of koreans tested are asymptomatic through the course of the virus. Just imagine how many people are walking around carrying it and not knowing. How many people will think its just a normal cold.

    I have an aunt who was exposed to it and is sick and they will not test her because there isn't enough to go around. There was two people at her workplace who got it.
  20. #80
    Originally posted by Fox You know the reason he suppressed testing is because he didn’t want the “numbers” to go up. That’s all he gives a fuck is what the “numbers” actually say on paper. Like how he’d rather have a ship full of US citizens out in the ocean instead of bringing any of them back because the numbers would go up. He said that live on tv. I’m surprised he didn’t suggest just fuckin torpedoing their asses.

    Half the country could be infected but if you only test 10,000 people you can only possibly say up to 10,000 people have it. He doesn’t want the bad numbers to hurt his image for his re-election campaign. He will most likely still win again tho because of morons like that Erekshun guy. That’s if they don’t just suspend the election instead and he stays in office anyway by default

    He wont win again. He cant even win Fox polls against democrats. Even in 2016 he was winning those. Younger people are showing up in droves to vote.

    People forget that we always go back and forth every president or two. Dem, rep, dem, rep. Dems won big in 2018 so i expect the trend to continue. After that Republicans will probably begin taking seats and the balance will shift again.
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