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An Introduction to Hyperspace

  1. #61
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    The difference between science and religion is the difference between the quantified equations of mathematics and the unquantified equations of metaphore. Those who cannot focus their mental scope with sufficient precision to count must guesstimate relationships by comparing superficial attributes to derive meanings from their experiences. The errors of both science and religion are produced by logical deductions made from inherently faulty language, but the errors cannot be perceived by people who mistake their words for real things and their language for a real map. Philosophic disputes are word wars; those who live by their words also die by their words.
  2. #62
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    The highest energies are manifest in the power of pure thought, which mortals call God. Words are the coins of thought, like money is minted power. It is the extraspacial power of the human God expressed through the words of men that vouchsafes our articulate species dominion over all the dumb beasts of the field, and word power is the very Divine soul deficient in all other planetary life. The extraspacial power of God expressed through the word is attested in John 1:1, IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE WORD AND THE WORD WAS WITH GOD, AND THE WORD WAS GOD. Parsing the language of hyperspace reveals the very diction, syntax, and grammar of Creation, Itself.
  3. #63
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    A trajectory is a mathematical and physical reality that lacks tangible substance, confounding all scientific philosophers. A trajectory is a commonplace example of a pure, objective thought form. A compound vortex is an infinite trajectory compressed in time until its entire extension can be comprehended within a single view.
  4. #64
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    The automobile is actually a mathematical idea expressed in a material form, like an idol, that enables us to use the power of gasoline for propulsion. No other idol possesses its devotees so compellingly as the automobile, nor does any other god demand such human sacrifice, not even Ares; the apple of our modern Eden is a red sports car.
  5. #65
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    The sound of one hand clapping
    is the echo
    of your own praise
    for your own beliefs
    reflected from the wall
    of an indifferent world,
    and heard only by yourself

  6. #66
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    AS modern physics becomes mystical, "the ZEN of science" has become a parlour cliche among the scientifically literate. ZEN Masters penetrate the Veils of Maja cast by verbal logic to apprehend reality by direct experience. Since they eschew words, ZEN Masters write no books and preach no sermons. ZEN disparages texts because no mathematical terminology existed in its high and far-off times when the YOGAs were developed empirically. Nevertheless the Masters knew a mathematical language, and they used it to express their knowledge of hyperspace. They composed their KATAs as mathematical equations in the languages of art, music, chanting, dancing, theatre, graphics, and architecture. The arts inspired with ZEN are exquisitely measured. The Hyperspace Trilogy is a Rosetta Stone translating the language of the ZEN arts into the language of modern science. This thread could be called The Physics of TAO.
  7. #67
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    The sage says, "Seek and ye will find. Ask and it will be answered unto you." Scientists are fond of saying that their business is discovering the right questions to ask. If scientists weren't so cocksure that they knew everything there is to know about their business, any lawyer could tell them how to discover the right questions. The correct question is the question to which you already know the answer. If you don't have an immediate answer, you must know where to find it. No other questions are of any use in the enterprise of deducing Nature's secrets.
  8. #68
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    ZEN Masters are fond of answering disciples asking for wisdom by a question called a KOAN. KOANs are believed to be nonsense intended to confuse one's mind until a critical tension precipitates a mystical insight. KOANs are not nonsense; they are a special kind of question to which you already know the answer, but you don't want to know you know because such knowledge is self-knowledge; the most heinous crime of this civilization is to be caught in possession of self-knowledge. Self-knowledge, you see, is the special kind of knowledge that releases a person from the KARMIC wheel of life and the rule of Satan, however you conceive your devil. As soon as you answer the KOAN, you are expelled from Plato's cave, and the game of darkness is over. The Laughing Buddha in the heart of your personal Lotus Blossum isn't ready to cash your chips because of Enlightenment until damn good and ready. The mental crisis of the KOAN is resolved by formulating a plausible answer that satisfies the curiosity without actually taking the terminal gaze into the brilliant Face of God. Psychoanalysts get plausible answers from all their patients; the trouble with psychoanalysis is that the entire science is nothing but a plausible answer to estop its advertised purpose of self- discovery.
  9. #69
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    All those posing unanswerable questions, or declaring that their questions can't be answered are not in the business of creating science, nor do they have any intention of informing the public; their real purpose is obscuring knowledge and confusing you in order that they may gain and hold their advantage over you. Rhetorical questions take many forms, and none are so beguiling as the scientific poser. Rhetoric manipulates automatic psychological reflexes so as to make the audience believe that the authority who cannot answer his own questions knows something that his audience doesn't know. The only thing he knows that you don't know is how to get well paid for knowing nothing you don't know --- and telling you to your face.
  10. #70
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    ZEN defies comprehension by Europeans for reasons similar to the incomprehensibility of mathematics by broadly focussed minds. It is simply impossible to describe the essentially hard-headed precision of ZEN practise by soft-headed language, and it is just the softest of American heads that are attracted to ZEN as an escape from responsibility, rather than for love of order. Like a symphony and a cathedral, ZEN is pure mathematics with out words. ZEN is the essence of art.
  11. #71
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    YOU will find nothing of theoretical importance in this thread that you don't already know; all you will find in this thread is innumerable different views of what you already know and believe in different contexts. Since the TAO of "phasics" turns everything into its opposite, you will find that everything you believe is self-contradictory; nevertheless, PLUS CA CHANGE and all that. How much of this thread you will understand and believe depends entirely on your ability to maintain mental focus on the structural points of the subject so that you can hold its identity as I change the perspective. By the time you finish this thread, you will realize that the entire universe is your own self, turned around every which way and inside out.
  12. #72
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    This is not a scholarly thesis; it is not the product of laboratory experiments, abstruse calculations, nor of library research. Everything you will read in this thread is derived from observation of everyday, ordinary life. I shall introduce cardinal cases with commonplace observations or some commonplace facts and see what comes by way of some commonplace logic. As you follow my line of reason, you will see that your common sense leads to insights that are ignored and denied by authorized versions of truth. Now, what do you do? Do you deny your own senses and let authorities tell you what your life is all about, or do you decide for yourself the basis of your facts and take responsibility for making up your own mind? Professional authorities are convinced that the public is too stupid and ignorant to understand science, health, religion, and politics, not to mention teaching your children. The authorities have always condemned the Socratic dialogue as a corruption of youth. You won't think you are so stupid and ignorant by the time you finish reading this thread.
  13. #73
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I am but a dandelion caught betwixt the wrestling winds of change and time. My heart beckons for a great awakening but I am already awake and the darkness chooses to dilute my senses into achieving rather than becoming. When the clash takes place, reason is lost and passion is committed to an unknown semi-force; pushing on my senses in an overbearing fashion, churning them into a cylindrical mental warp that both deceives and reveals, alike. I'm one but many and my harrowing desires show not what evil might be but what might not be, for there isn't a reason to become the way when the way has shown itself as self-evident to the tides in which it presumes to have deemed itself credible.
  14. #74
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    It is just because this thesis is based on common experience that you can satisfy yourself of its truth. If you do not agree with me after checking my observations and facts against your own, tell me about it. You may be right; we may both be right from our respective points of view and frames of reference. If you find me mistaken, this thread will have served a worthwhile purpose as an object lesson illustrating the ways that observations are susceptible to misperceptions, common facts are liable to be mistaken, and common sense can lead to common delusion. You need only look at the continual revisions of established scientific facts to see that the most highly qualified experts are just as subject to changing views as the rest of us --- which is why they should not be believed with less question than you are expected to direct at this thread. The best advice your medical doctor will ever give you is "seek a second opinion"; the advice is just as wise when you attend doctors of philosophy.
  15. #75
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    During earlier years of my life while my livelihood depended on orthodox beliefs, I refused to give a thought to any of the ideas I am able to entertain now that my employer doesn't care what science I believe, as long as I don't bad mouth his politics (I work for the government, now). So do not suppose that I have no sympathy for the authorities; I have believed their doctrine for the same reasons they maintain their faith. I use satire only to reduce the awe of authority that stultifies people under oppressive doctrines. As you know, no one hates smokers more than a quitter --- who longs for a drag.

    The critical word in the previous sentence is oppressive. As long as a doctrine is bigger than its believers, it opens their minds to explore the vastness of its comprehension; no believer is going to give up that space --- nor should anyone. But when its believers outgrow their doctrine, it becomes spiritually oppressive, and they seek a greater freedom. And so, you see, no doctrine is inherently true or false; its truth depends upon how well it fits the vital needs and the mental stature of the people who believe it. Try this thread on for size. If it fits your head, give it a test run on your road of life; if it cramps your style or rattles your chassis, you should have learned by now that we have to kiss a lot of frogs before we find our princes, and lick a lot of muddy feet before we find a God that repays our belief with as much support as we give.
  16. #76
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    My comments on religions are not informed by scholarship but merely reflect generally held conceptions that outsiders entertain about creeds other than their own, like ethnic jokes express one's perspective on foreigners. Outsiders perceive meanings quite different from insiders. Confession, for example, has an entirely different meaning for Romans than for other people; you have to be a Catholic to experience it. Which is the true meaning? It depends on whether you are looking from the inside or the outside, doesn't it? Nevertheless, ethnic jokes express human identities, values, and follies more acutely than anthropological studies --- especially the identity, the values, and the follies of the teller. Some pious people may not be able to tolerate the respect I have for any church but theirs, nor can they tolerate any mention of their obvious follies. I ask you --- is a sense of humour and appreciation of the ludicrous a gift of the devil? No soul could abide in a Heaven without humour if hell holds all the fun. If I failed to offend anyone, let me know and the next edition will treat you the same as everyone else.
  17. #77
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    If you find this thread intolerable, it is mainly because you have not been exposed to this kind of ideas before. You will be surprised at how inoffensive they will be the next time you have an encounter of this challenging kind. The initial denial, ridicule, and scepticism of Flying Saucer sightings gradually changed to belief for no reason other than the persistence of the reports for forty years; it doesn't matter that most of the reports are not true, and UFO hysteria was composed by the media to supply popular demand.
  18. #78
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Most people expect to understand a thread on one reading; a thread baffling at first sight can't get a literary review. I expect many readers to appreciate the insights into their special interest and competence, but be lost through the posts referring to other kinds of knowledge. You must realize, however, that this thread would have no reason for its existence if it explained hyperspace from the mathematical view, alone --- as all other threads on this subject do. This is a synthesis of many disciplines and philosophies; your mind must be capable of fusing the concepts and languages of many arts, crafts, sports, and sciences into a single gestalt in order to understand the physical structure and manifestations of hyperspace in your everyday life; this thread is a holy scripture for the working days of the week. Mathematics and metaphore, high philosophy and vulgarity, are combined in the same paragraph, if not in the same sentence, so that you may realize that all languages express the very same truths. Thus, the believers of every faith will find scientific substantiation of their religion in the structure of hyperspace, and artists will find their common identity with scientists in politics' strangest bed. Mathematics, science, art, philosophy and religion cannot be experienced in everyday life unless they are expressed as everyday ideas in everyday language.
  19. #79
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    This thread is as paradoxical as its subject. It is clear and confused, profound and superficial, comic and tragic, ludicrous and reverent, it has no single thread of reason but spreads a tapestry, it is incoherent but an indivisible whole, it is fact and fantasy --- with more truth in the fantasy than in the fact. Writing it has been my KOAN; I composed it to be your KOAN. There is at least one epiphany for every reader, but, like a joke, you must be baffled to get it. This is a thread for reading many times between reflections on life because it yields different meanings as you learn your living. Read it like a Bible that can be understood only in parts, according to your experience, intelligence, and wisdom.
  20. #80
    Lanny Bird of Courage
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