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teh retraded thred herppppp slober fuk glum editshin

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    mmQ Will you take me jousting, brother?
  2. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Sophie mmQ Will you take me jousting, brother?

    Not only will I take you jousting, I will take you to the jousting capital of the world where we will buy a small homestead together and purchase babby horses which we will train and groom and raise together to be the perfect jousting horses, all the while over the next few years spending the vast majority of our time studying the rich history of the sport and the intricacies therein. We will develop contacts and get involved heavily in the jousting community. Our names will be well recognized before we ever even partake in our first jousting competition. It's time Sophie. It is time.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie Will you be wearing a gay black dress or do you amerifats only do that when you graduate college.

    its a highschool thing
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by mmQ Not only will I take you jousting, I will take you to the jousting capital of the world where we will buy a small homestead together and purchase babby horses which we will train and groom and raise together to be the perfect jousting horses, all the while over the next few years spending the vast majority of our time studying the rich history of the sport and the intricacies therein. We will develop contacts and get involved heavily in the jousting community. Our names will be well recognized before we ever even partake in our first jousting competition. It's time Sophie. It is time.

    That seems like an oddly obscure yet strangely satisfying thing to do. Count me in.
  5. RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by mmQ Not only will I take you jousting, I will take you to the jousting capital of the world where we will buy a small homestead together and purchase babby horses which we will train and groom and raise together to be the perfect jousting horses, all the while over the next few years spending the vast majority of our time studying the rich history of the sport and the intricacies therein. We will develop contacts and get involved heavily in the jousting community. Our names will be well recognized before we ever even partake in our first jousting competition. It's time Sophie. It is time.

    Say what you will about mmQ but I like that he's around, he always makes me laugh...a rarity for me...well not really but I rarely literally LOL just reading text from a you get a thanks for that lil' mister.
  6. cerakote African Astronaut
    stop giving him reddit gold you blowhard
  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by RestStop Say what you will about mmQ but I like that he's around, he always makes me laugh…a rarity for me…well not really but I rarely literally LOL just reading text from a screen…so you get a thanks for that lil' mister.

    Let's fuck.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. cerakote African Astronaut
    be sure to keep your socks on so its not gay
  9. I'm really developing a resentment towards the general manager at the gas station by my job I go to everyday on my lunch. He's always being all friendly and shit with everyone but me. It's like he knows all the bad shit I've done. Also I hate that he's always there during the morning. It's like he has a service job but so humbly chooses the morning shifts for himself. I bet he has an assistant manager working all nights that Hates his fake ass smile as much as I do.
  10. Glad that's off my chest
  11. bling bling Dark Matter
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Coathangers Suck -WS Glad that's off my chest

    Blow up the gas station.
  13. bling bling Dark Matter
    u wont do shit many mans gon against southey roundabout petrol station n they got murked uo big time
  14. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Took some etizolam last night and it seems to have broken the cycle of pervasive and relentless severe anxiety, fear, and apprehension toward everything. I still feel considerably calmer even now.

    Odd thing is, I woke up feeling depressed. I recall there was some speculation that etiz may have TCA like effects, although I don't know if that was ever resolved, what research may have been produced in time. What I wonder if it's somehow interfering with the effect of the MAOI.

    Well, all the more reason to get some clonazolam.

    Also found a place that has nortriptyline for pretty cheap. I may recall seeing them mentioned before and being heralded as reputable, but as always, you should brush up on recent reports:
  15. Lol pakis just tried blowing up an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester
  16. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by reject Lol pakis just tried blowing up an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester

    Woah, they didn't just try (I mean, unless you meant they were trying to literally blow up the whole thing. Detonation failures.), looks like multiple people actually died, and of course there are bound to be serious injuries:

    God, I swear, these people. They're the reason why politicians/parties that leftists despise and demonize like Le Pen and the UKIP are going to become increasingly popular.

    These attacks aren't going to stop no matter how much tolerance and welfare they throw at them. You can clearly see in France that they never integrate, there have been large Muslim ghettos for years, multiple cities in places that are primarily Muslim. Regardless of how many decades they pass the statistics are clear, outcomes are continually poor, there's never genuine integration.

    But these people want to be wrong, they desperately want to believe in a comforting lie that's in line with their ideology, with what others pressure them to believe, to conform to. Leftism has replaced Christianity as the primary religious doctrine for many.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. It was a nice idea but it has failed and only guna get worse. Good thing being Britain is there should be about 20 different CCTV angles of the explosion
  18. Right now would be the best time to be out doing crime in Manc, all the police are guna be busy with that shit
  19. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Coathangers Suck -WS I'm really developing a resentment towards the general manager at the gas station by my job I go to everyday on my lunch. He's always being all friendly and shit with everyone but me. It's like he knows all the bad shit I've done. Also I hate that he's always there during the morning. It's like he has a service job but so humbly chooses the morning shifts for himself. I bet he has an assistant manager working all nights that Hates his fake ass smile as much as I do.

    night shifts at gas stations are way better than the morning ones

    t. previous employee
  20. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by reject Right now would be the best time to be out doing crime in Manc, all the police are guna be busy with that shit

    I've thought of the same thing.

    If something major ever goes down like this close enough to you you should prepare beforehand. Plan the perfect crime (Or at least to the best of your ability) and just run out and do it, put it into action. You could get away with so much.

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