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Boys who rape should all be destroyed

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I'm sick and tired of the rape culture here in america. I think that rape is wrong, you are stealing someones body and their minds.I was molested when I was 5 by an older boy in the bathroom at schol and I can tell you that feeling It will last forever. A feminist group at the local university recruited me to join their rally against the rape culture in america. And I'm going to do it. It feels good to actually be apart of something positive.

  2. #2
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'm opposed to rape and i'm sorry you got molested, but using words like "rape culture" make you sound like a SJW feminazi cunt.
  3. #3
    I'll finger your asshole while you're trying to piss but this time there won't be teachers and a principal to help you. Just more rape.

    That's what came to my mind at first but I'm trying to be positive so, uhhh, post a thread after you have fucked one of the angry wales at the rally, ok? Then, uhh, I'll enjoy that.
  4. #4
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    'rape culture' should really be thought of more generally as 'entitlement culture'.

    don't want to get raped? learn to fight. protect yourself. all the yelling, chanting and blaming in the world isn't going to stop criminals from committing crimes, and it sure as fuck isn't going to turn back the clock and un-rape you, regardless of how hard you try to convince people that it's 'helping you heal' or 'empowering others'.
  5. #5
    Fo reals, nigga. If you scared get a dog.

    "rape culture".... Nobody would give a shit if I got raped. It would be a joke on a show. "LOL, look at how this drug enthusiast got his ass raped by a bunch of niggers in prison because he likes to get high."

  6. #6
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I'll finger your asshole while you're trying to piss but this time there won't be teachers and a principal to help you. Just more rape.

    That's what came to my mind at first but I'm trying to be positive so, uhhh, post a thread after you have fucked one of the angry wales at the rally, ok? Then, uhh, I'll enjoy that.

    Oh you know, thats the main reason I joined. I already took an 18 year old girls virginity last year that is in the group. I met some other girl that is actually cute the other day, and I told her I hate racism and I hate not being gay, and that some people just don't get it man. We went out for coffee, shes pretty young like 20
  7. #7
    Oh you know, thats half the reason why I joined
    What's the other half? Down Syndrome?
  8. #8
    infinityshock Black Hole
    help stop rape. just say 'yes'
  9. #9
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    indeed. I remember that news story about a russian woman chaining some guy to the radiator, feeding him viagra and raping him over several days - was treated more or less like a comedy article. yeah women are affected in greater numbers etc, not what I was getting at in the original post anyway.

    the idea behind 'rape culture' is that men lacking self-control take what they perceive as being owed to them, but to confine that mindset to *just* rape seems disingeneous. kids leaving school bury themselves in debt for education, expecting never to have to pay it back and studying solely based on interest believe that they are owed a living and happiness by society, so make no effort to find a place to fit in or contribute. 'feminist' activists demand equal outcomes, not opportunities, because they feel entitled to stations that 'privileged' men hold but can't or won't adequately compete for*.

    hell, the recent brexit vote - the remain camp, by and large young adults under 25 feel so entitled to their way that they're willing to anul a referendum or allow their prime minister to ignore it. a referendum is the most decisive method for the people to exert their will in the constitutional monarchy, and they're willing to do away with it entirely because they feel that they're entitled to more of a say in the matter because the opposition (leave camp) are all old, or racist, or stupid and/or were tricked.

    *what I mean by this is anti-discrimination laws vs. affirmative action quotas - if you look at the wage gap myth or even just in statistics for positions of responsibility (managers, teamleaders etc) in the workplace, you will find that the simple fact is less women apply for those jobs, and less still are driven enough to compete with other professionals. anti-discrimination law, which has been in place for a long time, means that generally, the best person will get the job. 'feminists' were over the moon until they realised that women in aforementioned positions of authority weren't going up by much, at which point they changed tact to 'affirmative action' - instead of finding ways to make female candidates more numerous and more competitive, they cut straight to the result and began demanding that companies maintain numbers of female (and other minority) workers regardless of qualification or experience compared to majority (white/asian male) applicants.

    hence they were given equal opportunities but it didn't bring the results they wanted, so now they demand equal outcomes.

    I don't consider these people feminist by definition, but it's what they call themselves.
  10. #10
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Oh you know, thats the main reason I joined. I already took an 18 year old girls virginity last year that is in the group. I met some other girl that is actually cute the other day, and I told her I hate racism and I hate not being gay, and that some people just don't get it man. We went out for coffee, shes pretty young like 20

    don't give up your identity for a girl that hasn't experienced the world outside of university
  11. #11
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    lol my identity is to spit game to get laid. herp durp. Ive always done what I wanted.
  12. #12
    You can't seriously support Brexit. It doesn't make sense. You're supposed to be smart, aldra.
  13. #13
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    that was entirely not the point, but fuck the EU for a whole host of reasons. I hope brexit sets off enough other countries leaving for the whole goddamn thing to collapse
  14. #14
    The EU is done that's for sure but why would you care?
  15. #15
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    *inserts edgy rape joke*
  16. #16
    But for some reason its ok to joke about someone raped in prison...
  17. #17
    infinityshock Black Hole
    But for some reason its ok to joke about someone raped in prison…

    that's because it's funny.

    I still get a chuckle about that nigger rapper who was gang raped in prison then had the temerity to actually report it. if he thought his asshole was broked with just a few niggers 'wearing him out' wait till the rest of the inmates start the trains on his ass.

    chooo chooooo

    did anyone else get a slight stiff at the shower buttseks scene in 'American history x'? I want to reenact that on risirs flaccid gaping backsidevagina with some straight-outta-nigeria niggers
  18. #18
    That was gay but funny. Stop thinking about me doing gay stuff. What the fuck is wrong with you?
  19. #19
    Duke Zion Tuskegee Airman
    I was raped when I was a young boy too. When I rode my bike to the store which was rich next to the apt building I lived in at the time. When I came out the store a older black guy was yelling hey, I figured he was talking to someone else so I got on my bike to go home he then approached the fence and said hey boy come here I said hey and he asked me if I could help him get something from under his car. I went to go reach under his car and he began to grab on my ass. I was freaked out so I told him I had to go home. He said he had some candy in his house they he didn't want and said I could take it home. So I went into his kitchen and he immediately whipped out his dick. I asked him where'd the candy he said right here he then forced my mouth into his cock and I sucked it for a few minutes then he pulled down my shorts and fucked me for about 5 minutes until he came on my ass then told me to run along home....looking back on it it really wasn't really a rape I kind of enjoyed it
  20. #20
    She puts you in the friend zone? Put her in the rape zone
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