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Hi everyone. Glad to see you all here.

  1. #21
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I remember your name OP, and this handsome young fellah up there ^ is mmmmmmmQuestions of course.

    He used to be a sexy bitch, but he's kind of fat now.
  2. #22
    They were green vines or something.
  3. #23
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
  4. #24
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    [QUOTE='Ed rush;n111727]

    oh my mortal enemy we meet again. I think I may have joined that place at one point but I don't think I ever got around to posting.

    Hey, unlike our old pal Spectral i can let bygones be bygones and since there are no rules nor enforcers here we can do whatever we like. We can battle until death do us part or live happily ever after or somewhere in between. I'll you this much, i kind of was a tryhard dickbag at Zoklet so there you have it.

    With regards to RDFRN it was fun while it lasted, but ultimately doomed to fail because the admin cared too much about his PI and wasn't knowledgeable enough to go about hiding it well.
  5. #25
    Once a mod, always a mod.
  6. #26
    Ed Rush, I'm Blunderful.
  7. #27
  8. #28
    It just says a lot about someone's personality. I can't stand authority. Lanny made the right decision to not allow mods, or even bold his own name to put himself above the rest of us.
  9. #29
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It just says a lot about someone's personality.

    If you say so, fam.

    I can't stand authority.

    I think few of us can.

    Lanny made the right decision to not allow mods, or even bold his own name to put himself above the rest of us.

    I think so too, however i'd like to get your take on it if this forum had say 10 times the members it does now. Do you think most problems with regards to forum drama come from mods enforcing some arbitrary rules the site owner made up and users escalating their behaviour in return? Or do you think it's possible to have a malicious element at a forum in general, one that simply enjoys interfering with whatever is going on for the sake of it? And if you believe that is possible, would it in your opinion justify the employment of mods?
  10. #30
    No, it's the mods everytime. They and their egos are the reasons people like me have to destroy forums for everyone.

    Without mods and their power tripping there is no drama.
  11. #31
    This forum > zoklet, and all other totse spinoffs.

    How could that be? This forum is slower, more broken, and with less members than all the other sites. There's only one thing that's different -- no mods.

    I hate mods no matter the forum. Fucking bolded username'd fucks.
  12. #32
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    No, it's the mods everytime. They and their egos are the reasons people like me have to destroy forums for everyone.

    Without mods and their power tripping there is no drama.

    It's more trouble than it's worth tbh. Also just for the lulz, tell me, which forum did you 'destroy' last. I like your German fighting spirit but to the best of my recollection you're about as dangerous with a keyboard as Stephen Hawking. Oh that reminds me, you still using your playstation to connect to the internet? If you do, do you play Destiny? If you do post your gamertag and weĺl go rek noobs in the Crucible. (n_n")
  13. #33
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    This forum > zoklet, and all other totse spinoffs.

    How could that be? This forum is slower, more broken, and with less members than all the other sites. There's only one thing that's different – no mods.

    I hate mods no matter the forum. Fucking bolded username'd fucks.

    I think you'd enjoy masterchan as well, you should come shitpost with us chums over there some time. It's like a smaller/slower version of 4chan but like NiS there's no rules, it's pretty fun.
  14. #34
    I don't play online.

    You don't understand my ways because they are subtle. I don't need technology to DOX a forum or any of that shit.

    I am a force of nature. I am the Ghengiz Khan of combat foruming. I once killed a bear with sign language. I can end you with a blink. Bitch. Trust me, people even remotely accepting your sick as here had a lot to do with me not going at you but we can change that if you want. I can turn everyone and their mother's against you.

    Just say it big boy. One word and your peaceful existence here is over "Sophie".
  15. #35
    You just don't get it.
  16. #36
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I don't play online.

    You don't understand my ways because they are subtle. I don't need technology to DOX a forum or any of that shit.

    I am a force of nature. I am the Ghengiz Khan of combat foruming. I once killed a bear with sign language. I can end you with a blink. Bitch. Trust me, people even remotely accepting your sick as here had a lot to do with me not going at you but we can change that if you want. I can turn everyone and their mother's against you.

    Just say it big boy. One word and your peaceful existence here is over "Sophie".

  17. #37
    Yeah, I'm laughing, too.
  18. #38
    Look at you fighting with RisiR, Sophie. You just can't get along with anyone, and it all began when the topic of modship came up.

    Once a mod, always a mod.
  19. #39
    It was a short laugh, though.
  20. #40
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You just don't get it.

    Pretty sure i do but why don't you go ahead and explain your position then.
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