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Is Lanny a douchebag?

  1. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by RisiR † Where the fuck did that come from?

    Please stay on topic. This thread is about Lanny's douchebaggery.
  2. Originally posted by RisiR † You are a fucking beast. That's the reason. Much respect from me here. I can barely muster the nuts to get up in the evening and play vidya until sunrise.

    It will pay off in the end, I'm sure. You'll be a millionaire one day.

    That day probably isn't even 5 years off.
  3. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Lanny I don't condone sex with children and that I find the act aesthetically repugnant in the same way I find scat fetishism repugnant.

    so your objection to pedophillia is due to its aesthetical aspect ???

    not moral, not ethical, not logical or theological and or evolutional aspect ???

    becos it looks ugly ???
  4. Originally posted by RisiR † Just felt like going home for a little visit and what the fuck, the house is full of 40 year old wannabe cool guys. None of them are even slightly related to me but they act like distant cousins.

    I was gone for to long to be relevant it seems.

    Yeah the dudes kind of act like cut-rate InfinityShock. And that's saying something, as InfantCock is already committed to shitposting despite being knowledgeable about guns and shit. These guys don't have that element.

    Still, I'm willing to give them a chance to ease the fuck up and chill the fuck out.
  5. WellHung Black Hole
  6. Kinks Actually pretty straight [bitch the twenty-second stewpan]
    Lanny is very cool that’s all I have to say .
  7. tee hee hee Naturally Camouflaged [slangily complete this slumberer]
    He seems alright. Not very active tho.
  8. Kinks Actually pretty straight [bitch the twenty-second stewpan]
    You don’t need to be active to be cool. In fact in my experience the less active user is the cooler they are, I guess only sometimes though whatever
  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kinks You don’t need to be active to be cool. In fact in my experience the less active user is the cooler they are, I guess only sometimes though whatever

    Originally posted by Kinks Lanny is very cool that’s all I have to say .

    confirmed lanny alt
  10. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by benny vader so your objection to pedophillia is due to its aesthetical aspect ???

    not moral, not ethical, not logical or theological and or evolutional aspect ???

    becos it looks ugly ???

    I wouldn't really say I "object" to pedophilia at all. I don't like celery, it's unpleasant to me most of the time, but I don't have any particular problem with it. Likewise for pedophilia. Now of course when I say "I don't object to pedophilia" what I mean by "pedophilia" is the internal state of being attracted to children. Obviously I think raping children is inexcusable and I think the question of consent in minors is iffy enough to justify a blanket condemnation of sex with children. I just mean that I don't think any reasonable society can condemn a person for having a desire to do something unacceptable if it's not accompanied by unacceptable action.
  11. HTS highlight reel
    If a bear eats the pope, does the pope get shit out in the woods?
  12. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I dunno but if I was that bear I'd shit in the pope's hat
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    Originally posted by Lanny I wouldn't really say I "object" to pedophilia at all. I don't like celery, it's unpleasant to me most of the time, but I don't have any particular problem with it. Likewise for pedophilia. Now of course when I say "I don't object to pedophilia" what I mean by "pedophilia" is the internal state of being attracted to children. Obviously I think raping children is inexcusable and I think the question of consent in minors is iffy enough to justify a blanket condemnation of sex with children. I just mean that I don't think any reasonable society can condemn a person for having a desire to do something unacceptable if it's not accompanied by unacceptable action.

    Taking this into account, if a #NotAllPedos twitter hashtag was trending after mass pedo arrests, would you say that this would be the right direction to go in order to highlight the fact that not all pedos molest children? If pedos came out to write more frequently for publications (like they already have done), began to protest in the street for pedophilia to be redefined as another sexual orientation that they could choose in a drop down menu on an online application and society was institutionally programmed to break through the taboo (like with homosexuality) would you be okay with pedos being celebrated on front page news for coming out, becoming the main and supporting characters on TV shows and movies, pedo jokes being made before watershed time as long as they aren't graphic, showbiz romanticising the hurting pedo who isn't able to fuck the little girl because society condemns it like they did with the negro, with talented pedos contributing to their field and then being used as an example of how great being a pedo is relative to being "cis", with pedos then being granted adoption access which nobody believed would happen with homos and trannies because muh slippery slope fallacy, with children then identifying as pedos when they're 11 and political orientation in most cases being linked to sexual orientation to further divide the public through identity politics and so on and so forth? Would you be okay with all of this since you're technically not anti-pedo, just anti-child molestation?
  14. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Daily Taking this into account, if a #NotAllPedos twitter hashtag was trending after mass pedo arrests, would you say that this would be the right direction to go in order to highlight the fact that not all pedos molest children? If pedos came out to write more frequently for publications (like they already have done), began to protest in the street for pedophilia to be redefined as another sexual orientation that they could choose in a drop down menu on an online application and society was institutionally programmed to break through the taboo (like with homosexuality) would you be okay with pedos being celebrated on front page news for coming out, becoming the main and supporting characters on TV shows and movies, pedo jokes being made before watershed time as long as they aren't graphic, showbiz romanticising the hurting pedo who isn't able to fuck the little girl because society condemns it like they did with the negro, with talented pedos contributing to their field and then being used as an example of how great being a pedo is relative to being "cis", with pedos then being granted adoption access which nobody believed would happen with homos and trannies because muh slippery slope fallacy, with children then identifying as pedos when they're 11 and political orientation in most cases being linked to sexual orientation to further divide the public through identity politics and so on and so forth? Would you be okay with all of this since you're technically not anti-pedo, just anti-child molestation?

    What do you think the answer to this question is, and what do you think you're accomplishing by asking it?
  15. Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    "I don't think any reasonable society can condemn a person for having a desire to do something unacceptable if it's not accompanied by unacceptable action"

    "What do you think the answer to this question is and what do you think you're accomplishing by asking it"
  16. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I have no idea what you're trying to say here.
  17. Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    Originally posted by Lanny I have no idea what you're trying to say here.

    Hey mang, you're the one that said no reasonable society should condemn a pedo if he hasn't molested a child. I just gave you a wall of text describing hypothetical events parallel to recent social movements that assumed no child was molested, but you backpedaled by acting as if my questions did not follow from your stated opinion on pedos
  18. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Daily Hey mang, you're the one that said no reasonable society should condemn a pedo if he hasn't molested a child. I just gave you a wall of text describing hypothetical events parallel to recent social movements that assumed no child was molested, but you backpedaled by acting as if my questions did not follow from your stated opinion on pedos

    I really don't see how it follows. You posted a laundry list of things which you seem to be saying LGBTQ communities do but replacing "gay" with "pedo" (I don't think this analogy works for the record) but there doesn't see to me a point. I can't even tell if this is supposed to be an indictment of gay people or pedophiles.
  19. Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    Originally posted by Lanny I really don't see how it follows. You posted a laundry list of things which you seem to be saying LGBTQ communities do but replacing "gay" with "pedo" (I don't think this analogy works for the record) but there doesn't see to me a point. I can't even tell if this is supposed to be an indictment of gay people or pedophiles.

    The difference between me and you is that your mind priorises how things theoretically should follow over how things actually follow among organisms. This is especially common with people who have a background in philosophy, mathematics and computer science. You are struggling to condemn pedos because you say they dindu nuffin if they haven't molested a child, while I say we should condemn pedos even if they dindu nuffin because of past observable human behaviour in social movements.

    How much more do I have to explain to you before you either stand by your "no reasonable society should condemn a pedo if they haven't molested a child" statement, or admit that the wall of text I wrote has elements of predictability which you yourself indirectly claim to disagree with since you replied with "wat do u think the answer to this question is and what are u trying to accomplish by asking it"
  20. Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    Incoming sophistry and backpedaling
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