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  1. WellHung Black Hole
    How Dirtbag yearns for a special connection
  2. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by WellHung Meth purity, then, is a measure of the ratio between the d-meth and l-meth within a sample. In recent drug seizures, l-methamphetamine is almost completely absent in P2P meth.

    Higher Purity, Higher Potency
    With as much as 93% purity (up from an average of 39% purity in 2008), P2P meth is dangerously potent, even in small amounts. Law enforcement agencies and the United States DEA note higher overdose death rates with super meth than ephedrine-derived meth. Likewise, this new form of methamphetamine is considerably more addictive, providing more intense highs in less time that reportedly last up to 24 hours with a single dose.

    P2P always yields 50% D/L meth mix but the mexican gangsters have found a way to make it produce only d isomer meth. But 80s biker p2p meth and old school mexican super meth was always p2p based and didn't become isomerically pure until recently

    L meth causes hallucinations of agents in the bushes taking pictures with flash cameras and shadow people coming out of the walls, and jitters.

    OK. Let's say that you have just recieved the Harry Skinner (aka Harcourt
    Fenton Mudd) topSecret recipe for the Hi/P reduction of ephedrine synthesis
    Of Methamphetamine.... gee, it's only about a half a page long, xyz was
    right, this is really a cinch... of course you KNOW it has to work, you
    paid $1500 for it... it's GAIR OHN TEAD !

    Off you go to WAL-Mart to buy all the topNotch stainless steel cookware,
    plastic funnels, candy thermometer, flour sifter, whisk, cakepan, drain
    opener, stoppin' by Home Club on the way back for some driveway cleaner,
    vinyl tubing, copper fittings, starting fluid and furniture stripper, and
    don't forget the Handyman's friend, a dozen rolls of duct tape!

    You get home, lock the doors, load up the sawed off shotGun, and you're
    ready to cook some crank!

    Now, EVEN THOUGH, you have the FOOLproof recipe, a temperature controlled
    sealed burner stove from Kenmore and all the above mentioned, state of the
    art technology at your fingertips.... STILL... things MIGHT go wrong.

    I will have to resort to some rather technical, scientific notation to
    illustrate my point here... you can skip over this stuff if it's too
    complicated, but you SHOULD try to follow me on this if possible, fig 2
    represents what you are attempting to achieve:

    Acid + l-ephedrine + P + sautee 2hrs = pure d-methamphetamine
    \o / ~-~~ \ \ `-''
    \o/ O\O : / / o O\O
    | ~ . \ \ ~
    h===i Q . \o / U
    L _|_ _._ \o/ _|_ fig.2
    \ / | \ |\ //|/\
    \/ | \ d===\/ \|\ \
    | \ /|/ \
    | \ | \
    / \ E /p\ m
    / \ / . \
    / \ / : \
    | \ | . \
    | \ | \
    _| \_ _| _._ \_

    but before we start pouring martinis, snarfling rails and pissing on
    ourselves, perhaps we should scrutinize our product a little more carefully
    with the aid of POPeye's Magical Microscope...

    and while we're at it, maybe review our synthesis to see if we've
    overlooked any details.

    First of all, due to forces yet unexplained, we know that the
    electromagnetic field generated by the high resistance electric heating
    coil on the stove can create havoc if one is trying to rearrange those
    electrically charged bonding doohickey's nearby, like in a chemical
    reaction. So it's a good bet we've got some mutated molecules somewhere....
    let's take a look (fig.3)

    yup, just as I thought, looky here:

    ( _ )
    U fig. 3
    / \|\ \
    \ /|/ \
    \,| \
    <b\ Mn
    / \
    / \
    | \
    | \
    _| \_

    obviously some sort of aphrodesiac, some of these side rxns can work in our
    favor, this will come in handy, eh?

    HEY What the fuck is thi......... Who are all THESE GUYS in fig.4 ?

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\\\\o /
    /////////////////////////////|||\\\/===L fig.4

    Looks like the stereo iced over...
    ... these boys have the majority, I'd say
    The truth comes OUT. Too lazy to drive out to the truck stop, eh? You
    bought pseudoephedrine from Wal-Mart, dincha? What's wrong, scared of a
    little guaifamacallit?? Well, I guess old Harry forgot to mention this
    reaction yields L-meth from p-fed. Hell,it's the cold season, we'll save a
    bundle on Vick's Inhalers. Expensive way to produce an otc decongestant
    from an otc decongestant, though.

    Let's keep goin' maybe we'll find some crank if we look hard enough. Whoa,
    check THIS out!

    Some MESCALINE in fig.5 !!!

    _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_`_-_-_~\\~'//~~ ` > - . - ..'_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
    - - - - - - - - - -`- '-_-.o0/0OOooo... . ` .'.~ _- - - - - - - - -
    - - - - - - - - - - -\- - -./_. - . > - . - ..- - - - - - - - - -
    - - - - - - - - - - -/- - - .zZ \ ' . ``.~ _ .-.- - - - - - - -
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _`\ /_/ |/\ \ ` .'.~ _. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    \ \\/ \|\ \ \ - . - ..- -
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /|\ \ \ ` /fig.5\_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    > \ \ \/|\ / \ -
    / // \ M -
    - - - - - - - - - - - -/- - -//- - \\ - `.>- - - - - - - - - - -
    / / \ /
    \ \ \ \ \ _ `
    \ \ \ \
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _/-_-_/_ .. |_-_-_-_\ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    HEY, it could happen!!
    Time to head for the HobbyShop, and spring for the hi-dollar stuff... Had
    our eyes on the 3" poly fractionating column in the Jr ChemBoy Set. I read
    on USENET that if you attached some hose to a sidepipe and sucked on it,
    you can totally control the boiling points. Hell, if we run this rxn every
    weekend, we can suck enough of them out for a hit...

    in about 10 years

    You always want to pour the HI (or any reactive drink) into your rxn vessel
    sloooowly, why? Cuz if you pour too hard, or from too high, or from the
    bottom of the liquid first, you always get a bunch of these smushed things:
    see fig.6

    O~O / (some say these are from excessive
    fig.6 \o / /_ \ use of magnetic stirs, that's ob-
    \o/\|Q_\_ |/ M viously preposterous!)
    d=== _||/// \\|\_

    these are inert compounds. We call them inert because they're resultant
    from sudden stops at high speeds, the effect of inertia. aka `the
    J.Dean-Picasso effect'

    As we all know, rxns should always be done in dark, quiet, preferably cop
    free places, otherwise you will undoubtedly produce a variety of the
    following analog.

    > O/ O <
    \o / Q
    \o/ _|_
    | \ / | \
    f=== \/ | \ fig.7
    | \
    | \
    / \ B
    / \
    / \
    | \
    | \
    _| \_

    fig.7 You don't need POPeye's Magical Microscope Guide to recognize this
    guy. This is a location specific active compound with a duration of a few
    milleseconds. This goes straight to the buss on the optic nerve circuits
    and fires everything at once. You cook enough of these pesky creatures
    into the mix and you'll swear some CIA guy is following you around with a
    flash camera.

    Further investigation has revealed that the HI acid has been imported from
    the Argentinian Chemical Industry. This can cause some real problems. If
    the HI has not been stored ABOVE the equator for at least a year, many of
    the electrons are still orbiting the neutrons in the opposite direction
    causing utter polar chaos when introduced to Northern Hemispheric reagents
    and compounds. Let's continue our search, with this in mind, to see what
    kind of empirical evidence we can mangle to support this data, in a most
    scientific way, of course. fig.8 a&b

    |~ fig.8 a This molecule is out of phase, or in 'lateral
    | aspect'. This is the quadriatic isomer and is extreme-
    | ly rare in the stick diagram enviornment. It's prescence,
    | generally an indication of polar chaos, provides con-
    dl.5 vincing evidence for whatever it was I was just talking
    | about.

    I was sure that if we persevered, we'd uncover some of these.

    o O\O
    \o / U
    \o/ _|_ fig.8 b
    |\ //|/\
    d===\/ \|\ \ d-methamphetamine
    /|/ \
    | \
    /p\ m
    / . \
    / : \
    | . \
    | \
    _| _._ \_

    Imagine that! I knew there'd be some of them floatin' around in there,
    POPeye's an optimist! Of course, we knew all along that those
    counterclockwise HI electrons would knock SOME of those l-Meths halfway
    around and foil the wretched Pseudoephedrine demon. Maybe we'll be closin'
    the Mad Dog Saloon tonight, after all. Just like I said !

    or NOT!!!!!

    Remember when we spoke about imposters and blockers in our review of the
    CNS ? Take a real close look at fig.9

    o O\O
    \o / U
    \o/ _|_ fig.9
    |\ //|/\
    d===\/ \|\ \ ??
    /|/ \
    | \
    / \ m
    / . \
    / : \
    | . \
    | \
    _| _._ \_

    Line two ain't quite right, and something else is missing, too. But it
    just might be right enough to fit the slot where our MethBuddy is trying to
    expedite our synaptic lifestyle. He's a real first runner-up, this guy,
    and an ace candidate for breaking off the key in the lock... A mutant like
    this, in sufficient quantity could block some or all of the effects of
    Methamphetamine. A fucking speed-blocker, the antidote, a goddamn CURE for
    the Tweak! Just what we need.

    This collection we shall refer to as GodKnowsWhat # 30,867 v1.1. Oh,
    well.... shoot it up and hope for the best.... that's what I always say.

    PART 5: Conclusions

    What AwHKAL does by design, with precision and near totality , creating a
    respectively homogeneous rxn to tweak drug molecules or gently nudge a
    single atomic grouping over one seat in the molecular theatre... is what
    the chemHack or mediocre drug processor does with handgrenade precision in
    random amounts and endless configurations in a single reaction due to the
    lack of controls, skill, and sleep.... raised to the power of the
    universal unpredictability factor.

    The resultant menagerie of aminated cartoon characters will produce the
    desired effect, close to it, something obnoxious, very little effect, or in
    some wierd but true cases, the opposite effect... it's a bit of a crap
    shoot.... Some of it will go on the market, some down the drain, and some
    perhaps only to suspected gov't infiltraitors.

    Visually, a product may seem homogeneous, with the crystallization taking
    place so that the related compounds crystallize upon the surfaces of each
    other in fairly even distribution. It's an illusion.

    It is safe to say that some side rxns are going to be alot more common than
    others, which is why there seems to be various recurring nastyFasty

    It is my humble opinion that the percentage of l-Meth in alleged Crank is
    WAAAY higher than in the theoretical discussions, especially where
    Pseudo-ephedrine is the precursor.

    Trying to extract the desired product from all these closely related inbred
    cousins is a real task for a real chemist... If you're good enough to pull
    off the kind of distillation and column chromatography that would clean up
    twisted streetSpeed, you'd be good enough to make the killer shit from the

    This my friend, is the best I can do. It doesn't really answer your
    question, but it's the best explanation I can give as to why your question
    doesn't have a definitive answer.

    Of course I gathered this information from only the most reliable reference
    sources within the topSecret domains of SpeedLore and Methology. I've
    often wondered about the same sorts of things, and that's why this Emale
    has become an ADC Post. As for all the bullShit and bad jokes, well,
    who's to say what's real when you haven't slept since your last dream...
    and if you're going to throw your self to the ADC dogs, it's better to
    humor them a bit first... they may take some pity, or perhaps just eat you
    more slowly. On the other hand, if this don't draw some heat... I Give Up!
    I'm goin' over to alt.limbaugh.worship with some <4 MORE YEARS!!> posts.

    AS ALWAYS, I should warn you that I really don't have ANY personal
    experience with such things, I've simply read everything by S.E Hinton and
    just filled in the blanks with stuff from between the lines and rust on the

    I would be terrified to take any kind of drug not prescribed by an ordained
    Dr of the Medical Archdiocese produced by an Annointed Manufacturer of the
    Scientific Religion. And you should not try any of this stuff at ho...

    oooops, gotta go,

    here comes my Mom.

    -li'l POPeye
  3. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]

    Key organic impurities, discovered at STRL or referenced from the lit-
    erature, were used to aid in synthetic route determination.49–57 This
    information coupled with carbon isotope results was needed for final
    assignments for each methamphetamine sample analyzed. When nec-
    essary, ICP-MS data and UHPLC-fluorescence data were also incorpo-
    rated to assist with these calls. Isomer data obtained from the chiral
    CE method were previously a reliable indicator of synthetic route.
    Until approximately 2006, the then common phosphorus–iodine reac-
    tion, using l-ephedrine or d-pseudoephedrine, was the only known
    way to produce d-methamphetamine. A traditional P2P-based meth-
    amphetamine sample would have generated a racemic d,l-isomer iso-
    mer result due to the nature of reduction amination chemistry.
    However, because the isomer enrichment for racemic samples
    became commonplace in approximately 2011, single isomer results
    became the norm for P2P-based methamphetamine samples. There-
    fore, due to the possibility for a range of isomer results, isomer was
    eliminated as a decision point for assigning synthetic route. Final clas-
    sification reaction categories include phosphorus–iodine, reductive
    amination (amalgam or Leuckart), Birch reduction, metal hydrogena-
    tion (Emde), mixed route, unknown, and insufficient sample amount.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. WellHung Black Hole
    Tamaulipas vs Sonora
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I have six zits on my face which isn't normal for me. It means I can't go outside today so idk what to do instead.
  6. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Wondering what to eat. I had that dinner 35 hours ago, had a packet of crisps last night and that's it. I don't feel hungry.
  7. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Lanny Lanny maybe follow up on statements people reply to instead of random posts one after another?

    I think she blocked you mate

  8. Bradley Florida Man [my infernally top-secret etiology]
    ya kafka blocked everyone except like 3-4 people so she just comes into threads, talks and then goes to antoher thread to continue talking to herself lol
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Bradley ya kafka blocked everyone except like 3-4 people so she just comes into threads, talks and then goes to antoher thread to continue talking to herself lol

    That's a whole nother level O'trollin that

  10. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    I mean she got you bitchin about it

  11. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    But then she don't know she got you bitchin either

  12. Originally posted by Bradley ya kafka blocked everyone except like 3-4 people so she just comes into threads, talks and then goes to antoher thread to continue talking to herself lol

    Otherwise know as the Kafka Echo Chamber.
  13. Originally posted by NARCassist But then she don't know she got you bitchin either


  14. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Dirtbag I have six zits on my face which isn't normal for me. It means I can't go outside today so idk what to do instead.

    Pop them and powder them. or stop being so fucking shallow and shower and go. since you don't give a fuck about Men anymore. why do you care
  15. Warcry Certified lover boy
    wozny why dont u comment on my chicago thread how it was back in the day?
  16. Warcry Certified lover boy
  17. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Coz nobody cares about your fred

  18. Warcry Certified lover boy
    its a good one tho.
  19. Warcry Certified lover boy
    thats a crazy username dirtbag i like it a lot kafka. but i wonder is it becaus eu have low self confidence?
  20. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Warcry thats a crazy username dirtbag i like it a lot kafka. but i wonder is it becaus eu have low self confidence?

    Have you just worked that out?

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