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How are you feeling at the moment..

  1. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I had a normal day I woke up at 2pm, went to the beach, had a picnic in the garden with my cat, SH'd, masturbated, snorted research chemicals, went out to the garden again to study chemistry and take selfies, went to bed to listen to an audiobook and hypnosis. Now idk what to do.
  2. DontTellEm Black Hole
    Only thing left is kill yourself u creep
  3. DontTellEm Black Hole
    Bag of trash weirdo. I’d kill you myself if I felt strongly enough about it.
  4. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    May 19, 2024 - The intensity of the day could work for you in one of two ways, Virgo. You can either be depressed and weighed down by the intense emotionalism that's likely to well up, or you can take this incredible intensity and put it to good use. The choice is yours. Realize that any action you take is going to be highly charged with feelings. Likewise, others will be extra sensitive about any move you make.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. Kinks Actually pretty straight [bitch the twenty-second stewpan]
    I feel much better than I did when I woke up at 2am having heat stroke still drunk 111 degrees 80% humidity and I did a bunch of dumb shit with my busted wrist beforehand, carrying my. 60ish lb AC unit inside to put in the window and hopefully cool my house down so I would stop sweating so badly I COULD NOT GET MY SHIRT OFF FROM BEING SOAKED

    then I sat down in front of the computer waiting for it to cool down, planning to like.. hydrate. but I very quickly was out like a light then sweat bulets in my drunk near 3 hr sleep, woke up not understanding what time or day it was or what the fuck was going on since it was still over 100 degrees and sweat was everywhere, probably contained mostly tequila, I actually felt like I was physically filthy for the first time in years even though my skin conditions prevent me from showering much (my skin doesn't produce oil to protect itself, among other things)

  6. I'm feeling tired most of the day. i had some wheat thins and hummus and trying to cheer up a bit. the whether is it's typical shit overcast we get from late spring to late summer
  7. I'm always in peak physical and mental condition. Spry as a spring chicken.
  8. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I'm always in peak physical and mental condition. Spry as a spring chicken. Prolly all of the Cocaine I had for breakfast i Sprinkled on my Wheaties

  9. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I hate the sun, I feel like I have to stay indoors all day when it's out.
  10. Originally posted by Dirtbag I hate the sun, I feel like I have to stay indoors all day when it's out.

    You could be a vampire.
  11. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I feel like staying indoors with a pile of books today which is great because I have a lot to catch up on.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. CandyRein Black Hole
    I feel like this will be the week I get my pool together…

    Side thought ..

    I thought I just saw my garage door open I was about to say wth who in my damn garage ?!
  13. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    It feels like I've sprained my fingers, too much caffeine, I want to study but am having waves of emotion and am not even sure what I'm emotional about. Ig I can't be happy when Akira is unhappy, ik she's scared bcus she saw me feeding the other cat today. Ig I'm stressed about a lot.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I feel like there's never enough time in the day.
    To do five hours study at a minimum
    Listen to an audiobook
    Listen to hypnosis for four hours a day
    Two hours on skincare
    Time to make food, go for a walk, play with my cat, do half an hour of ballet
    Time to read literature
    Housechores, life admin, socialising/gaming, watching movies, other self-care like painting/taking a bath.
  15. Buff Billy Tuskegee Airman
    Fax something interesting toll free to 1-855-330-1239 or 1-213-294-2943
  16. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Idk how faxing works tbh. My printer has an email address so I can send things to print by sending an email with the file attached, is that the same thing?
  17. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Is it a good way to send private messages or can HP see all the emails?
  18. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I feel like napping so am going to listen to hypnosis instead, and I also have to order groceries which is harder to do when I'm not hungry.
  19. Buff Billy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Dirtbag Idk how faxing works tbh. My printer has an email address so I can send things to print by sending an email with the file attached, is that the same thing?

    It "requires" an analog phone line, technically. Because the machines send the data encoded through phone lines. But modems basically work the same way so you would think there would be an easy way to send a fax to a phone number through email but BIG TELECOM doesn't want you to know this

    it's the biggest scam in the world

    Want to send and receive faxes via your email? With Impact Fax Server it’s easy!

    The Impact Fax Server can be configured as an Email to Fax Server. This means that the Impact Fax Server has the capability to retrieve e-mail messages from a dedicated e-mail address, convert it to a fax and send it. The sender of the email will receive an e-mail notification giving the result of the faxing transmission.

    The Impact Fax Server's Email to Fax functionality allows users to send a fax from anywhere in the world, using any email client or email provider.

    To use the Impact Fax Server as an “Email to Fax Server” you will need the following:

    A POP3 server that hosts a dedicated e-mail address: The Impact Fax Server will periodically retrieve all the e-mails sent to this address and will convert them to faxes and send them out.
    An SMTP Server: The Impact Fax Server will use the SMTP Server to send confirmation e-mails to the users.

    When you want to fax a document you just attach it to an email and send that email to your fax server’s email address for example with the fax number and the name of the recipient in the subject line.

    When you click “Send” the email will be sent to the Fax Server’s email account.

    With the Impact Fax Server Email to Fax Functionality enabled the Impact Fax Server will log into the specified email account and download all the messages that are there. It will then process them converting the attachments to TIFF files and faxing them to the number specified in the subject line.

    Impact Fax Server can process the following attachments, TIFF files, PDF files, and MS Office files and convert them into faxable images.

    Once the email has been processed and the fax has been successfully sent the Impact Fax Server will respond with a status notification email.

    Using the Impact Fax Server you can specify that you want your faxes delivered as TIFF or PDF attachments. TIFF is the standard FAX image file format however with Impact Fax Server 6.0 you can now deliver faxes to your office staff as PDF files.

    Using Microsoft Outlook for your email? Use the Impact Fax Server Outlook Client and you can use your Outlook Contacts as your fax phone book and even send faxes to multiple recipients.
  20. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I still don't get it. I remember my house phone could send texts to people.
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