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Fonaplats' Mussy Monday Thread

  1. #21
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    is that just a general lesbian thing or do you have to target the really sad looking ones
  2. #22
    I target the ones who look vulnerable.
  3. #23
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    fonaBill Krozby
  4. #24
    Originally posted by aldra fonaBill Krozby

    No. I am sentimental to rape.
    I was raped before.
    Bill Krozby is just a mean junkie who forces anal sex on black women.

    I am Fonaplats!
  5. #25
    I have arrived at work.
    About to clock in and take a nap.
    I started to shave before work but went to look at NIS and got distracted. Jumped in the shower and now I am at work and this lady asks me why only 2/3rds of my face is shaved.
    I am an idiot.
    Not coming out as trans at work today.
  6. #26
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Fonaplats only 2/3rds of my face is shaved.

    I don't understand how this is possible

    did you get distracted 2/3 of the way through?
  7. #27
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    also why do you have an extremely homoerotic cowboy as your avatar

    I don't like looking at it
  8. #28
    Originally posted by aldra I don't understand how this is possible

    did you get distracted 2/3 of the way through?

    I can definitely see that happening. Fona fone probably rang or he thought of a really good post idea.
  9. #29
    Originally posted by ohfralala I can definitely see that happening. Fona fone probably rang or he thought of a really good post idea.

    It did ring. Someone from Montana
  10. #30
    Originally posted by aldra also why do you have an extremely homoerotic cowboy as your avatar

    I don't like looking at it

    It's only homoerotic if you have gay eyes.
  11. #31
    All spaced out at work.
    Been in my head all day.
    Worried I have been neglecting my responsibilities and I will have a hecktic week.
    Court Wednesday but I can't miss work.
    Didn't make plans
    I have to get out of my funk and man up.
    I can do this.
    I'm fonaplats and I am proud.
    I love you guys
  12. #32
    Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    It's hard to do everything.
  13. #33
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING It's hard to do everything.

    I called and left my public pretender a message. Now I hot to go talk to my supervisor
  14. #34
    I can do this.
    I can do this.
    Got to get my mind right.
    I am doing good
  15. #35
    Back from work.
    It was such a slow day.
    5 people doing a 2 person job.
    4 blacks and me.
    Of course I didnt talk to them at all for 4 hours and I got super spaced out.
    Started to get delusional.
    Began to say my thoughts.
    I didn't know I was doing it.
    Next thing I know I am squatting down picking something off the floor and for no logical reason I say really loud "I am just going to die of aids anyway"
    Everyone around me heard.
    I stand up and they are starring at me.
    They ask "are you ok?"
    Did I really just say "I am just going to die of aids anyway"?
    I try and spin it and say I was saying "blades"
    They say "no... you said aids"
    Fuck me
    I try to be cool about it and explain that sometimes I just say random stuff for no reason.
    They proceed to start telling people "yo, white-boy has aids"
    20 minutes later my supervisor pulls me aside.
    "Andrew, do you have aids?"
    I tell my supervisor I was just really zoned out and I develop torretz when I zone out too far.
    He asks me again if I have aids.
    I tell him no

    Then right as I was about to leave, this pregnant lady walks over and sets her spagetti-o's right on my cooling table in front of my fan and they go flying and cover my parts and me.
    I was too "ready to go" to care.

    Everyone thinks I have aids now and a prego bitch covered me in sketti-o's

    Why the fuck do I do this shit to myself and why the fuck are people eating sketti-o's on the factor floor?
  16. #36
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    so when are you going to send that picture?
  17. #37
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    "no… you said aids"

    new user title for fona pls
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