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zoos are fundamentally wrong part 2

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I know this is already a few day old news, but it goes to back up my thread I made a couple weeks ago about how zoos are fundamentally wrong.
    First of all you take a beautiful silver back gorilla out of his homeland and move him to Cincinnati so he can be gawked at and screamed at by slack jawed yokels all day. Then the fucking zoo knowing the nature of the animal and his strength doesn't even build a barrier big enough that a 4 year old can't get over it. Hell an adult could have some how tripped and easily of gone of that barrier. Thirdly, those are the worst parents in the world to not watch their lil boy close enough, and then when theyre kid falls down into a gorrilla pit they don't do anything except say "mommies here" its like no... no... no... you're not there in the gorilla pit. Fourthly the gorilla had to be shot and killed because he was just being a gorilla pulled out of his habitat. He wasn't even in being agressive, if you've studied gorillas you would know that an agressive male gorilla would act completely different, pound his chest. They are just generally rough animals.

    Shits so fucking fucktarded man, if donald trump was president this would have never of fucking happened.
    He would have known what to do. I mean doesn't anyone here or anywhere remember the movie congo? I probably saw that 25 times on vhs when I was 7 years old and I never ever wanted to fuck around with gorillas. I've seen all the ape movies, king kong, mighty joe young, born to be wild, and all of the planet of the ape movies, i even used to watch dustin checks in on the reg when I was 6.

    I saw the movie congo when it first came out in theaters, with an older neighbor boy and his mom and I remember asking him why the gorillas were so mean, and he said "would you like to have tons and tons and tons of gold and minerals and someone comes to steal it?" and It's just always stuck with me because that would be fucked up. And in the scene I posted the lady who is a "scientist" has the audacity to say "put them on the endangered species list" before she slaughters them all. Its like you stupid slut, they've been on the endangered species list since the 70's.

    the zoo broke the fundamental code, I'm pretty sure whoever was ordered to put that gorilla down was thoroughly disgusted with it all, all of those "people" really dropped the ball, and yeah honestly the kid could have been accidentally killed but it wasn't the apes fault at all (but if the kid did die and they didn't shoot the ape they would be like why didn't you kill the ape? we're gonna sue you) the whole system is fundamentally wrong , he prolly just figured the toddler was something like one of his son's and was playing around him him, gorillas are very rough. Gorillas have always been demonized. The mother was probably wearing a yolo hat and texting her dumbass boyfriend, it just doesn't make since that your son can fall several feet into a gorilla pit, yet the gorilla ends up getting killed.

    ape shall not kill ape, herp derrp jeeeeert!

  2. #2
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    I saw the movie congo when it first came out in theaters, with an older neighbor boy and his mom and I remember asking him why the gorillas were so mean, and he said "would you like to have tons and tons and tons of gold and minerals and someone comes to steal it?" and It's just always stuck with me because that would be fucked up.

    And in the scene I posted the lady who is a "scientist" has the audacity to say "put them on the endangered species list" before she slaughters them all.
    Its like you stupid slut, they've been on the endangered species list since the 70's.

  3. #3
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged

    They're niggers!

    I wonder if the gorilla thought he was one of them.
  4. #4
    ^ They thought they were shooting the kid.
  5. #5
    I'm losin' it, your joke was funnier, and actually made sense.

  6. #6
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    No, Enter, that was funny. I wasn't even making a joke, it's something I genuinely wondered.
  7. #7
    infinityshock Black Hole
    is it wrong to change ones position on the appropriateness of shoosteeing the monkey upon discovering the sprog was black...instead of white? gorillalivesmatter...
  8. #8
    They do it to preserve the gene line of at risk of extinction animals.
  9. #9
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    The poor gorilla was being nice to the boy before everyone started yelling and agitating him. Not to mention they could've fucking shot him non-lethally in his shoulders or legs or something. From the stupid ass mom to the yelling onlookers to the shoot-to-kill shooter, the whole incidence was human error from start to finish. Poor, poor gorilla. And I agree about zoos being bad places, for the most part. At it's core, caging an otherwise wild animal is pretty cruel. The instances where it's ok are if you are rehabilitating an animal before releasing it back into the wild, or perhaps in the case of the Silverback gorilla where you are protecting an otherwise dangerously near to extinction animal.

    I mean, I've been to plenty of zoos and enjoy being able to observe the different animals that I might not otherwise see in my lifetime, but at the same time I would have zero complaints if all the zoos of the world got shut down and all the aminals were released back into nature. I'm sure some zookeepers are nicer than others and some of the animals are treated pretty highly, but that doesn't negate all the scary and mean practices that I'm sure plenty of zookeepers do, just like circus people and the way they train the elephants. Abusing animals and keeping them in shitty conditions simply for our stupid ass amusement.

  10. #10
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    shits fucking fucktarded man. I'm glad the little boy was alright because I guess he could have easily of been killed. But at the same time he's going to fucking hate his parents when he gets older.
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