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I've been taken advantage of again.

  1. Originally posted by Fox Paws If you in Orlando, hit me up. We’ll go to the club and fuck up some commas

    Yeah man once I'm in Orlando, I'll pretend to be fucked up on drugs and never PM you.

    (I'm traveling west coast only unfortunately. But who knows, I've got the travel but so I may just start going random places)

    Originally posted by -SpectraL Once you get your full revenge, what will you do then? Move to Florida and relax on the beach?

    Oh it was a reference to this post. Yeah once I get my full revenge, I can just relax and bask in it for the rest of my life. I mean, I'm still basking in that rejection from 2016 and that was nothing!
  2. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Enter Yeah man once I'm in Orlando, I'll pretend to be fucked up on drugs and never PM you.

    (I'm traveling west coast only unfortunately. But who knows, I've got the travel but so I may just start going random places)

    Oh it was a reference to this post. Yeah once I get my full revenge, I can just relax and bask in it for the rest of my life. I mean, I'm still basking in that rejection from 2016 and that was nothing!

    Basking is not all it's cracked up to be.
  3. Originally posted by -SpectraL Basking is not all it's cracked up to be.

    Because people call you out on it and claim you didn't actually do that certain thing since 1989?
  4. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Enter Because people call you out on it and claim you didn't actually do that certain thing since 1989?

    OMG.. we're back to that? Really??

    *begins dressing for wet work*
  5. FIRST DAY OF MY SECOND WEEK COMPLETED! Munching on some pumpkin seeds right nao. They gots protein for my cute little peccy weckies to grow big and strong. ^_^

    So yeah, I've definitely noticed a change already which is great, especially with my pump going right now. That's very motivating. But I'm still waiting for the day when someone else notices I've been working out. I'm guessing that'll take... another 3 weeks?

    Still very motivated! I had time to process all my implied and literal rejections over the weekend, so that really helped me pump out those last reps.

    Day 6: Upper Body Power

    Rows: 22.5kg each side.
    Weighted Pullups: 0kg. Still only managed to get 4 reps. :/
    Wide-Grip Pulldowns: 10kg
    Dumbbell Press: 27.5kg dumbbells
    Shoulder Press: dumbbells
    Bar Curls: 5th setting (easier than last week)
    Skull Crushers: 10th setting

    So yeah, some improvements there, especially with the dumbbell press. Those fucking pullups though.
  6. Originally I was just going to do this to Tinder girls since everyone on there is a definite whore who deserves to learn they have emotions and then have them CRUSHED.

    But I've learned (took me long enough) that EVERY woman is a whore. There are NO exceptions. Including and especially the quiet/innocent ones. They're the biggest whores of all. Those are the types who whore on the internet due to their timidness and social anxiety for real life. Cunts.
  7. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Enter Yeah man once I'm in Orlando, I'll pretend to be fucked up on drugs and never PM you.

    (I'm traveling west coast only unfortunately. But who knows, I've got the travel but so I may just start going random places)

    Oh it was a reference to this post. Yeah once I get my full revenge, I can just relax and bask in it for the rest of my life. I mean, I'm still basking in that rejection from 2016 and that was nothing!

    enter you do realize that rejection is just a normal part of life and something most people go through many times throughout their lifetimes, right?

    so your plan to 'get back' at women, for what that one woman did to you, is to cause women an inevitable life experience. one that most will have already experienced many times before even meeting you. and unless you're prepared to invest over a year in setting the girl up, she will very likely get over you in 5 minutes anyway. in fact i'm convinced a lot of the time its just COCKodile tears that women do coz its 'expected' of them in that situation and they don't want to appear inhuman. i suspect you're imagining these chicks are gonna be way more emotionally affected by all this than they actually will be.

  8. Originally posted by NARCassist enter you do realize that rejection is just a normal part of life and something most people go through many times throughout their lifetimes, right?

    so your plan to 'get back' at women, for what that one woman did to you, is to cause women an inevitable life experience. one that most will have already experienced many times before even meeting you. and unless you're prepared to invest over a year in setting the girl up, she will very likely get over you in 5 minutes anyway. in fact i'm convinced a lot of the time its just COCKodile tears that women do coz its 'expected' of them in that situation and they don't want to appear inhuman. i suspect you're imagining these chicks are gonna be way more emotionally affected by all this than they actually will be.


    For one of the girls, I will be investing 3+ years and then ghosting her, as I have said.

    As for the others, I won't just be "rejecting" them. I have legal, emotionally scarring plans for them. For example, being totally into a girl, and then when we go to have sex, as soon as she takes off her clothes I'm going to act disgusted at her naked body and say there's no way I can fuck that, which will hopefully give her a complex.
  9. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Enter For one of the girls, I will be investing 3+ years and then ghosting her, as I have said.

    As for the others, I won't just be "rejecting" them. I have legal, emotionally scarring plans for them. For example, being totally into a girl, and then when we go to have sex, as soon as she takes off her clothes I'm going to act disgusted at her naked body and say there's no way I can fuck that, which will hopefully give her a complex.

    if she is female then she will have a complex about her body already, so no change there pal. seriously tho mate, you are totally over-playing the effect this will have on people. you really are only putting them through stuff they inevitably will go thru anyway. if anything you're just making them stronger and enabling them to handle rejection better in future. you'll actually be doing them a favor.

  10. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    you seem to have this idea in your head that they are gonna be totally devastated and completely broken from their experience with you. the reality is they will very quickly figure that if you can do such a thing and treat them in that way then you're really not worth their tears. they will realize that you just done them a favor and they've had a lucky escape, lol.

    your plan is completely flawed and self-defeating mate.

  11. Oh yeah

    Like why even get revenge on anyone at all, they're just going to get over it eventually

    Why even do anything? We're all gonna die anyway and none of this will matter.

    What the fuck are you even saying.
  12. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Enter Oh yeah

    Like why even get revenge on anyone at all, they're just going to get over it eventually

    Why even do anything? We're all gonna die anyway and none of this will matter.

    What the fuck are you even saying.
    exactly, spend your efforts on enhancing your life rather than attempting to spoil somebody else's.

    i mean what do you plan on doing with your life enter? you ever plan on getting with a chick one day, settling down, having a family, or anything like that?

  13. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    i mean enter, do you even think of yourself as a fucking weirdo? or have you somehow twisted it in your head to think like the way you are is somehow normal or summing?

  14. I'm the only "normal" one. The weird ones are the people who do this shit:

    Originally posted by NARCassist getting with a chick one day, settling down, having a family, or anything like that?


    I look at men with girlfriends, wives, kids, etc and laugh my ass off because I know they're fucking miserable.

    Meanwhile, I'm going to be having the time of my life, making so many great memories of emotionally hurting women. :)
  15. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Enter I'm the only "normal" one. The weird ones are the people who do this shit:


    I look at men with girlfriends, wives, kids, etc and laugh my ass off because I know they're fucking miserable.

    well yeah i get ya there pal

    Meanwhile, I'm going to be having the time of my life, making so many great memories of emotionally hurting women. :)

    trust me you are not gonna find this to work out how you planned.

    also i'm gonna lolmao when some over-protective daddy starts hunting you down.

  16. It's going to work exactly like I've planned.
  17. NARCassist gollums fat coach

  18. You'll see. You'll see and you'll know.
  19. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    you are a freakin weirdo by the way.

  20. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    so do you think these girls are gonna be so devastated and affected by this that its gonna affect them for the rest of their lives? are you expecting suicides at all? i mean just how much butthurt are you expecting to dish out here?

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