2018-03-03 at 3:53 AM UTC
I bought some various trichocerous seeds from misplant.net. I only wanted like 10 to grow just for fun but the minimum order is $25 so I just put a fat ass order in for like $35 and one of the items was a 50 pack of mixed trichocerous. This dude breeds his own and he has pictures on the website, it's pretty cool. Anyways if anyone wants any for free you can pm me and I'll send you a few out.
Also I have a bunch of exotic/superhot pepper seeds, more than I'm gonna grow because they sent me a shitload for free, so if anyone wants those I can spare a few.
2018-03-03 at 3:55 AM UTC
if you only want ten you better plant twenty so youll have about twelve...two for spares.