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Florida shooting: at least 17 killed in high school attack

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    Florida is still trying to cope with the scale of the disaster after a former student at a local school shot dead 17 people at the school and wounded dozens more.

    Caucasian News spoke with Joe, a white man, who arrived at the scene a few minutes after the shooting. "I wanted to give some help to the search and rescue teams," Joe said, explaining what brought him to the scene and what he saw there:

    "Since the events of September 11, I have not seen so many emergency forces. There was hysteria, masses of anxious parents looking for their children."

    Joe said that as a member of the white community he felt compelled to do something and not just watch what was happening. "I bought dozens of bottles of juice and gave them to parents and students. I wanted to give them some white love, embrace, and support … What I saw was simply shocking, children crying and trembling with fear, looking for their parents. This is the biggest school in the area and therefore there were also many people involved."

    The news program also spoke to a member of the white community. "I spoke to the sheriff and at the moment, what is known is that there are no white casualties, but there are a number of wounded and missing." Subsequent reports contradicted this assessment.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Vizier Why is everything a false flag to you dipshits? What's the point? I mean USA has a school shooting a few times a week and there's always mongoloids saying it's a false flag.

    stfu you kike-shill...

    everyone knows youre a shill. kill yourself.
  3. "Florida is still trying to cope with the scale of the disaster..."

    Lol why does the media always make it sound like the community is "reeling" every time there's a shooting. No one gives a fuck.

    I live in Florida and saw this on the news and was just like "huh. Ok"
  4. I'm sorry I've been drinking. Is the site I linked to satire or really what jedis think?
  5. Originally posted by Fox Paws "Florida is still trying to cope with the scale of the disaster…"

    Lol why does the media always make it sound like the community is "reeling" every time there's a shooting. No one gives a fuck.

    I live in Florida and saw this on the news and was just like "huh. Ok"

    Oh wait that was fake wasn't it. Point still stands.
  6. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Fox Paws "Florida is still trying to cope with the scale of the disaster…"

    Lol why does the media always make it sound like the community is "reeling" every time there's a shooting. No one gives a fuck.

    I live in Florida and saw this on the news and was just like "huh. Ok"

    Because they have to artificially inflate their narrative on behalf of their handlers.
  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Fox Paws "Florida is still trying to cope with the scale of the disaster…"

    Lol why does the media always make it sound like the community is "reeling" every time there's a shooting. No one gives a fuck.

    I live in Florida and saw this on the news and was just like "huh. Ok"


    its the juden-kike media...theyre trying to keep everyone afraid and unaware.
  8. I went to a restaurant for lunch today and literally nobody said a single thing about it. I go to this place for a special coffee + cookie combo to read an actual newspaper every once in a while. I also sit centrally and eavesdrop hardcore while using the paper as a cover. Nobody said anything about it. This is obviously a scientific census and 100% representative of the population of Florida.
  9. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Vizier Why is everything a false flag to you dipshits? What's the point? I mean USA has a school shooting a few times a week and there's always mongoloids saying it's a false flag.

    its not a few times a week, its like once every 1-2 months. and its always the elite talking about gun control and how everyone needs to be micro chipped and put on medication when this shit used to not happen at this frequency at all.

    like take a look at faggots like malice and hiki who hate the world yet are too cowardly to do anything about it, and then we got these "lone wolves" the patsys carrying out the agenda.

    just study it up, i bet you also believe obama is an american citizen and the russians didn't hack the election.

    *dare to take the red pill fam?
  10. A few victim reports will mention that the kid was an only child, etc.

    White women should have at least 3 kids. That way it won't matter if a few are killed by accidents, a few are killed by child-murderers, a few are killed by school shootings, a few die in the mid-east killing Arabs for the jedis (I don't endorse that though) and a few are killed by not being vaccinated.

    Then we can stop worrying about this sort of bullshit, stop supervising children 24/7, and just get on with our lives.
  11. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Issue313 A few victim reports will mention that the kid was an only child, etc.

    White women should have at least 3 kids. That way it won't matter if a few are killed by accidents, a few are killed by child-murderers, a few are killed by school shootings, a few die in the mid-east killing Arabs for the jedis (I don't endorse that though) and a few are killed by not being vaccinated.

    Then we can stop worrying about this sort of bullshit, stop supervising children 24/7, and just get on with our lives.

    you're an idiot
  12. Originally posted by Captain Falcon I went to a restaurant for lunch today and literally nobody said a single thing about it. I go to this place for a special coffee + cookie combo to read an actual newspaper every once in a while. I also sit centrally and eavesdrop hardcore while using the paper as a cover. Nobody said anything about it. This is obviously a scientific census and 100% representative of the population of Florida.

    Not just representative of Florida, of the human race. If it didn't happen to you personally or someone you know, no one gives a fuck.

    I lived in DC when 9/11 happened and I barely gave a fuck. No one I knew died. I was just glad I got out of school for a couple days.
  13. Then again maybe I'm just a sociopath
  14. Originally posted by Fox Paws Then again maybe I'm just a sociopath

    9/11 was fucked. It would've been mostly grown men working in those buildings. :(
  15. Originally posted by Bill Krozby you're an idiot

    You are probably trying to start some new gimmick, but it just makes you look like you're grasping for straws. Calling people idiots and the like is pretty old. For instance it's pretty much the first thing the normies on reddit and the like resort to.

    I don't know why reducing yourself to that sort of level seemed like a smart move to you, but it isn't.
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Issue313 You are probably trying to start some new gimmick, but it just makes you look like you're grasping for straws. Calling people idiots and the like is pretty old. For instance it's pretty much the first thing the normies on reddit and the like resort to.

    I don't know why reducing yourself to that sort of level seemed like a smart move to you, but it isn't.

    he started doing it after i started doing it to him. he has no ability to form his own coherent though processes so everything he actually posts is copied or emulated from somewhere else.

    he isnt worth any response whatsoever but i do need to continue the reinforcement of pointing out his detrimental behavior and lack of socially redeeming qualities so i sacrifice myself and type in a few letters then submit it.

    hes an idiot.
  17. Now here's an attack I think we can ALL get behind.

  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Enter Now here's an attack I think we can ALL get behind.

    not impressive.

    when i was a little kid we'd go to the top of apartment buildings and drop ziplock baggies full of assorted liquids on pedestrians.

    the top of the apartment because if it was launched from a window witnesses could easily identify what apartment the projectile originated plus most of the apartment buildings had dumb-waiters on the roof that we could escape in, and there was no tracing them.

    ziplock baggies because we had been busted several times using water balloons and our parents wouldnt let us have them anymore.
  19. Originally posted by infinityshock not impressive.

    when i was a little kid we'd go to the top of apartment buildings and drop ziplock baggies full of assorted liquids on pedestrians.

    the top of the apartment because if it was launched from a window witnesses could easily identify what apartment the projectile originated plus most of the apartment buildings had dumb-waiters on the roof that we could escape in, and there was no tracing them.

    ziplock baggies because we had been busted several times using water balloons and our parents wouldnt let us have them anymore.

    I wonder how many people you little bastards sent to hospital.
  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Issue313 I wonder how many people you little bastards sent to hospital.

    who cares.
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