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Big guys?

  1. #1

    What about the Jame Gandolfini look? If I put on a bunch more weight would girls find me more attractive?
    Do you think Rose McGowan thought he was hot? I think in general smaller girls like big guys.
  2. #2
    I think you’re bending over backwards to justify your disgustingly massive weight problem
  3. #3
    Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    Just make sure you hit the gym while you're gaining weight. Women definitely find bigger guys attractive on average, but moreso if they look fit and strong with a good posture.
  4. #4
    Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    Originally posted by Daily Just make sure you hit the gym while you're gaining weight. Women definitely find bigger guys attractive on average, but moreso if they look fit and strong with good posture.
  5. #5
    infinityshock Black Hole
    if he wasnt 'famous' hed be considered just another fatass

    the most hideous freak can get the hottest bikini model as long as he has fame.
  6. #6
    HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by infinityshock if he wasnt 'famous' hed be considered just another fatass

    the most hideous freak can get the hottest bikini model as long as he has fame.

    That might also have something to do with famous people meeting other famous people, and the personality required to become famous. js
  7. #7
    for you
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. #8
    Apparently jediesses like fat Med looking guys.

    While obituaries are calling him an “unlikely” and “improbable” sex symbol, I felt just the opposite. While I’ve been attracted to, dated, and slept with many types of people, if pressed to say I had a type of man I typically swoon over, it’s fat guys. Or big guys.

    This is the optimal male body. You may not want to admit it.
  9. #9
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Issue313 Apparently jediesses like fat Med looking guys.


    This is the optimal male body. You may not want to admit it.

    like i already said...the only reason that is considered 'attractive' is because of his fame. if he was an actual nobody-shmoe who worked at walmart or burger king i guarantee he would be a virgin.
  10. #10
    Originally posted by infinityshock like i already said…the only reason that is considered 'attractive' is because of his fame. if he was an actual nobody-shmoe who worked at walmart or burger king i guarantee he would be a virgin.

    Would he even be hired at those shitstalls?

    Employers are biased as fuck. They don't want to hire someone who is taller and more dominant looking than then. Why would they?

    Do you thing James Gandolfini would accept being bossed around by some 18 year old college kid?

    This is why we need what is natural to human society, rule by strongman. In the ideal state every ruler would be strongman. Every decision would be a strongman's decision.

    Libertarianism is a con which is run by wimpy jedis. Capitalism is a con which is run by slimy anglos. Communism is a con which is run by greasy students. And what we see right now in the like of Trumpism and Kenyattism is rule by fatassism.

    Rule by strong man is the natural state of humankind. No man should rule unless he can win a fistfight against the strongest of his rivals. This ensures that collective human affairs are run the same way individual human affairs should be, by hormones. The strongest man has the most testosterone, and testosterone has been scientifically associated with dominance, strength, and even fairness in decision making ( ). Enough with the cucks. We need strong men to rule us to a better future. If you aren't an exceptional specimen of hormonal excellence then we don't really want you running anything more important than a men's clothing store.
  11. #11
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Issue313 Would he even be hired at those shitstalls?

    Employers are biased as fuck. They don't want to hire someone who is taller and more dominant looking than then. Why would they?

    Do you thing James Gandolfini would accept being bossed around by some 18 year old college kid?

    This is why we need what is natural to human society, rule by strongman. In the ideal state every ruler would be strongman. Every decision would be a strongman's decision.

    Libertarianism is a con which is run by wimpy jedis. Capitalism is a con which is run by slimy anglos. Communism is a con which is run by greasy students. And what we see right now in the like of Trumpism and Kenyattism is rule by fatassism.

    Rule by strong man is the natural state of humankind. No man should rule unless he can win a fistfight against the strongest of his rivals. This ensures that collective human affairs are run the same way individual human affairs should be, by hormones. The strongest man has the most testosterone, and testosterone has been scientifically associated with dominance, strength, and even fairness in decision making ( ). Enough with the cucks. We need strong men to rule us to a better future. If you aren't an exceptional specimen of hormonal excellence then we don't really want you running anything more important than a men's clothing store.

    youve been reading too much of Bill Krozbys shit-posts...youre going full-Bill Krozby
  12. #12
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST

    a superior specimen of men.
  13. #13
    Gandolfini died at the age of 51 in Rome, on June 19, 2013. He was expected to travel to Sicily a few days later to receive an award at the Taormina Film Fest. After he and his family had spent a day of sightseeing in sweltering heat, his 13-year-old son Michael discovered him unconscious at around 10 pm local time, on the bathroom floor at the Boscolo Exedra Hotel in the Piazza della Repubblica. Michael called reception, who in turn called emergency paramedics. Gandolfini reportedly arrived at the hospital at 10:40 pm and was pronounced dead at 11 pm.[30] An autopsy confirmed that he had died of a heart attack.

    Eat away, OP!
  14. #14
    RestStop Space Nigga
    None of this matters.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. #15
    NARCassist gollums fat coach

  16. #16
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by benny vader

    a superior specimen of men.

    if that bottom fag didnt have an army protecting him he'd be getting ass raped on a regular basis.

    i guarantee someone has had their dick in his asshole. most likely his father...more likely his grandfather...and with complete certainty that brother he had killed.
  17. #17
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by infinityshock if that bottom fag didnt have an army protecting him he'd be getting ass raped on a regular basis.

    i guarantee someone has had their dick in his asshole. most likely his father…more likely his grandfather…and with complete certainty that brother he had killed.

    lol why all the rage ?????

    r u jelly hes been getting all the finest pussy koreans are able to offer ????

    and no, in asian countries, east asian countries at least .... fathers dont do their sons. only daughters and thats only occasionally.
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