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The retarded thread: Fuck, §m£ÂgØL made one first edition

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Malice

    My god, I didn't expect Trump to fulfill so many of his promises so quickly.

    It's good to see someone competent in the white house for once. Who knows, maybe by the end of his term my faith in America will be restored.
  2. im dying
  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Alrighty here I go to work at 8 am for the first time in like 10 years. I'm just glad I woke up. I'm actually feeling pretty good mannnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Gonna eat a banana. Bai
  4. Because of demographics, baby boomers leaving the workforce and millenials at low participation 3-4% growth will be IMPOSSIBLE!. At the end of the year as everything is crashing and burning job numbers will go from maybe 80k to 20-30k for a long time.

    Enjoy your DOW 20,000 now. Shits gonna get ugly in the next few months and all trump is gonna do is slash taxes and build and the debt will skyrocket.
  5. Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Because of demographics, baby boomers leaving the workforce and millenials at low participation 3-4% growth will be IMPOSSIBLE!. At the end of the year as everything is crashing and burning job numbers will go from maybe 80k to 20-30k for a long time.

    Enjoy your DOW 20,000 now. Shits gonna get ugly in the next few months and all trump is gonna do is slash taxes and build and the debt will skyrocket.

    Nobody cares lol
  6. You will care when crude hits $10 and everything falls after
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Because of demographics, baby boomers leaving the workforce and millenials at low participation 3-4% growth will be IMPOSSIBLE!. At the end of the year as everything is crashing and burning job numbers will go from maybe 80k to 20-30k for a long time.

    Enjoy your DOW 20,000 now. Shits gonna get ugly in the next few months and all trump is gonna do is slash taxes and build and the debt will skyrocket.

    Cutting corporate taxes will stimulate growth though. Besides the national debt has been the specter of doom looming over America for a long while now. What needs to happen is that the Fed has to increase rates to more realistic levels. Traditionally the way in which the market judges the economy is by interest rates. By keeping them artificially low, stimulating bubbles, the Fed is doing more harm then good. The interest rates need to go way up, and of course that will mean a crash as all the bubbles pop. But if Trump and the Fed take a hands off approach afterwards the market will correct itself and we will be able to start to see some real growth.
  8. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Sophie Cutting corporate taxes will stimulate growth though.

    It has to be true, look, it says it right here in the Holy Dogma of Laffer Economics!
  9. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Malice How I feel after getting a day's worth of calories from beef and barbecue sauce:

    Not sure if there's anything I crave more than red meat. It's simply the most nutritious and delicious substance to my palate; my nature is practically vampiric! I can't help it, I need it to sustain my life. I've even imagined, umm, well, I forgot.

    I'm gone, niggas

    Absolutely no stomach discomfort from this much meat, despite my ailment, btw. Nothing better than, oh!, imagining the entire process of life that went up to nurturing you!! SO MUCH LIFE FORCE FLOWING INTO ME~~!!!

    Post last edited by Malice at 2017-01-25T09:17:41.340623+00:00



    B E E F





  10. Cutting corporate taxes can stimulate growth but there is NO GROWTH TO STIMULATE.

    Baby boomers do not "grow" they pay down debt, they don't buy houses, the retire and Die. There are not enough of us to replace the declining participation.

    What will happen is slowly more boomers will retire and die and 85% participation will rapidly fall to 50% as millenials crawl to the same number which leaves this huge gap thats supposed to be filled by what? Immigration? From mexico and Syria?. Europe already crashed so did Japan and China and ALL THESE PLACES are sick of immigrants too.

    3-4% growth is impossible there is no way it will happen, next 3 years will be crashing and there's nothing anyone can do.

    The only thing to do is look for opportunities during/after the crash because there will be lots as things change.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Lanny It has to be true, look, it says it right here in the Holy Dogma of Laffer Economics!

    Yeah just like having Glorious Communist Autocracy will bring Utopia because a couple of Marxists got together and said so.

    It's econ 101 ya goof. What do corporations want to do? They want to make a profit. How do they make a profit? By investing money that will have decent returns. How do corporations get more money to invest? Well, one way is by lowering their taxes.

    The notion that corporations or business owners are just going to sit on a pile of money with a monocle in their eye while cackling maniacally, instead of investing their capital to grow their business, is childish.
  12. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Lanny It has to be true, look, it says it right here in the Holy Dogma of Laffer Economics!

    He's absolutely right. He said nothing about it leading to a general increase in tax revenue (as if we'd care about that), which indeed is absolutely false, all you have to do is grasp the basic math to realize this, and of course empirical studies overwhelmingly support this. You're arguing against prole misconceptions of economics.
  13. bling bling Dark Matter
  14. bling bling Dark Matter
  15. I call the big one bitey

  16. It's a triangle, turn your head

    Graff in my hood, hooker alley/ row homes. Space Pope

  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Ah shit that reminds me I forgot to go triangel hunting. Tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow.

    Bling do you really just happen to own an albino cockroach? LUL
  18. Nigga you gotta triangle hunt every day, every waking moment for enlightenment and TAG THEM!!!

    my buster

  19. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Sophie It's econ 101 ya goof. What do corporations want to do? They want to make a profit. How do they make a profit? By investing money that will have decent returns. How do corporations get more money to invest? Well, one way is by lowering their taxes.

    Another way is to levy a tax on citizens and funnel the revenue directly into the hands of private businesses, which we already do a fair amount of, but somehow this seems like a problematic approach to generating economic growth.
  20. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!

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