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Reason for the california wild fires

  1. #1

    Agenda 2021 urban development

    Get the lemmings to relocate to megacities controlled by the smart-grid

    Kami-sama save us
  2. #2
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume

    Agenda 2021 urban development

    Get the lemmings to relocate to megacities controlled by the smart-grid

    Kami-sama save us

  3. #3
    Bill Krozby proving his ignorance once again
  4. #4
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    *takes a dump*
  5. #5
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I haven't really looked into this but i saw a video on Twitter of people driving down a highway and to the left hand side there was a forest and it was on fire. All of it. It was early in the morning as well. The shit lit up everything.

    Oh i found it. Second clip.

    Holy shit.

    Life is Strange 2 has conditioned me to appreciate the humongous wildfire vista aesthetic though. It looks impressive.
  6. #6
    >claiming to be a truther
    >not even knowing a thing about futurism

    They want to create megaopolises throughout the globe that will be controlled by the smart-grid (thermal/visual surveillance system guided by A.I.) this is all part of the globalist oligarchal plan for world domination for the future.
    The population is getting too big for them, they can't simply genocide the population without raising alarms so the next best thing is the technological urban prison.
    On the surface it'll appear benign but think about it, not only have you been stripped of your freedom to own a plot of land and carve your destiny there, but you will be kept inside a megacity that is designed from the ground up to know every single detail about you, where you are, your psychological and physical readings etc this is Psycho-Pass and in this "smart" future they will know every detail about you.
  7. #7
    Sophie, religious institutions (the church etc) have been doing their predictive programming campaign about this for years.
    2027 is the year to look out for, my aunt's church (they're catholic) gave them that date for "when the world would end" which probably means WWIII leading to the technocratic era.
    It's sad that technology and innovation have been perverted this way I hope none of this comes to be and instead we get something more benevolent but who knows.
  8. #8
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I know about the smart grid, breh. What i mean is i don't know if the fire was set intentionally.
  9. #9
    Originally posted by Sophie I know about the smart grid, breh. What i mean is i don't know if the fire was set intentionally.

    no I wasn't calling you ignorant that post was directed towards Bill Krozby
  10. #10
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume no I wasn't calling you ignorant that post was directed towards Bill Krozby

    Oh, alright.
  11. #11
    I would say that all things considered the fires are probably intentional and part of the NWO plan the timing is too cohencidental.
    Of course, maybe it's just unrelated to "agenda 2021" and it could just be typical arson or nature's doing I mean nothing of this sort has really happened in other states ... oh wait there was Montana and then the hurricanes that hit Texas, Florida and Virgina ...

    People in Texas were literally forced into helicopters with Eastern European/UN troops and sent to particular locations ... wtf is happening to my country.
  12. #12
    Originally posted by Sophie I haven't really looked into this but i saw a video on Twitter of people driving down a highway and to the left hand side there was a forest and it was on fire. All of it. It was early in the morning as well. The shit lit up everything.

    Oh i found it. Second clip.

    Holy shit.

    Life is Strange 2 has conditioned me to appreciate the humongous wildfire vista aesthetic though. It looks impressive.

    play this in the bg while watching that vid

  13. #13
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume Sophie, religious institutions (the church etc) have been doing their predictive programming campaign about this for years.
    2027 is the year to look out for, my aunt's church (they're catholic) gave them that date for "when the world would end" which probably means WWIII leading to the technocratic era.
    It's sad that technology and innovation have been perverted this way I hope none of this comes to be and instead we get something more benevolent but who knows.
  14. #14

    First they geoengineered the worst drought in the recorded history of California. Then they deliberately triggered the worst natural gas leak in world history. The Aliso Canyon natural gas storage facility in the northwestern San Fernando Valley was the site of the largest methane gas leak ever in USA. Conveniently located just north of Los Angeles, the Aliso Canyon natural gas storage facility near Porter Ranch released a record amount of methane into the atmosphere in 2015. And it’s still leaking today!

    Think about the natural combustibility of methane gas. Then consider how explosive any given locale would be that has a steady stream of natural gas leaking into the environment. Particularly when the leaking gas is coming from the largest storage facility west of the Mississippi it ought to be clear that not only does “Houston have a major problem“, so does Los Angeles. And it’s not going away until the state addresses these leaks in a decisive manner.

    It is quite inconceivable that state oversight and federal regulatory authorities have permitted the Aliso Canyon storage facility to continue to leak right up to this very day since it was discovered in October of 2015. That wasn’t the first time, either. It has been known to leak for decades without any meaningful remedial actions taken by SoCal Gas. The following article published by Southern California Public Radio on August 28, 2017 spells out the current predicament.

    The critical point here is that methane is a highly volatile gas that moves in ways that can cause it to accumulate in certain areas depending on the prevailing weather patterns. Were it to exist above certain concentrations in any particular locale, it could substantially contribute to and/or exacerbate a raging firestorm. Surely this is what’s happening in those places that have a history of similar leaks.

    Given the ferocity of the firestorms now plaguing different parts of California, as well as the speed by which they come and go, it appears that they are being fueled by something extraordinary. It should be noted that the wildfire seasons — throughout the whole state — have been getting progressively longer and more destructive over the years. Certainly the historic drought has contributed greatly to this new reality, but so have the unrelenting methane gas releases.

    The gas leaks are by no means limited to Aliso Canyon. The Natural Gas Storage and Transport Industry has facilities (and pipelines) across the state, many of which have proven to be similarly problematic, although not such an astronomically high volume of leakage. When these large and small leaks are viewed in the aggregate, it becomes clear that the state of California has been inexorably transformed into an enormous tinderbox.

    Post last edited by Hikikomori-Yume at 2017-12-16T07:41:09.861199+00:00
  15. #15
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Sophie I haven't really looked into this but i saw a video on Twitter of people driving down a highway and to the left hand side there was a forest and it was on fire. All of it. It was early in the morning as well. The shit lit up everything.

    Oh i found it. Second clip.

    Holy shit.

    Life is Strange 2 has conditioned me to appreciate the humongous wildfire vista aesthetic though. It looks impressive.

    ironically...i was just reading a news article on how commiefornia wants to buy up all the land belonging to the home owners that lost their homes, with or without the permission of the landowners. they didnt specify what they were going to do with that land when they did get their grubby little juden mits on it.

    the pilot of that helicopter (looked like a *something*-60 from the shadow it made) flying into the smoke cloud wasnt the brightest bulb in the tool shed. that segment brought back memories. i was flying in an SH-3 approaching a ship that was on fire and for whatever reason the pilot decided to go through the black smoke. for several minutes after that the engine sounded like it was going to stall. reminded me of what a normal gas engine sounds like when the choke is opened up.
  16. #16
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by infinityshock ironically…i was just reading a news article on how commiefornia wants to buy up all the land belonging to the home owners that lost their homes, with or without the permission of the landowners. they didnt specify what they were going to do with that land when they did get their grubby little juden mits on it.

    the pilot of that helicopter (looked like a *something*-60 from the shadow it made) flying into the smoke cloud wasnt the brightest bulb in the tool shed. that segment brought back memories. i was flying in an SH-3 approaching a ship that was on fire and for whatever reason the pilot decided to go through the black smoke. for several minutes after that the engine sounded like it was going to stall. reminded me of what a normal gas engine sounds like when the choke is opened up.

    Lol pretty crazy. Why were you approaching a ship that was on fire anyway? Were you part of some kind of rescue mission? Also, the government in the US has a bad habit of gobbling up land, at least that's what i read. Also, it has been argued the drought in cali was caused by water mismanagement in general. When it comes down to it, the government fucks more shit up than anything.
  17. #17
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Sophie Lol pretty crazy. Why were you approaching a ship that was on fire anyway? Were you part of some kind of rescue mission? Also, the government in the US has a bad habit of gobbling up land, at least that's what i read. Also, it has been argued the drought in cali was caused by water mismanagement in general. When it comes down to it, the government fucks more shit up than anything.

    i dont remember the specific details but the helicopter was dropping something for the crew of the ship. they said they had the fire under control so we didnt need to do anything, but the smoke cloud was visible for miles away. either way...the pilot hovered...the aircrew kicked the box out the door into the water...and we left.

    edit: now that ive been thinking about THINK...dont quote me...that it was a supply of AFFF for the firefighting. AFFF is shit that is mixed with water to fight fires.

    Post last edited by infinityshock at 2017-12-16T15:45:44.287153+00:00
  18. #18
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by infinityshock …the pilot decided to go through the black smoke…

    would you be less affraid if the smokes were white ???
  19. #19
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by benny vader affraid

    huff raid...

  20. #20
    I heard it was directed energy weapons
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