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Guide to how to live in your car if you have to

  1. #21
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby some gonts do it

    That gay guy is a massive douche. First of all, who the fuck gets mad that someone takes your trash? It's such a petty thing to be butthurt about and shows that he has nothing better to do than harass people who want to make a little money to eat off of stuff that people don't want anymore, AND it's good for the environment also. This guy would rather shit on the environment and in the process make sure nobody else except for him can get ahead in life than mind his own fucking business and be happy for his damn self.

    Also the fact that he points out that he's gay like 2/3 of the way through, for no apparent reason except for the fact that he thinks his sexuality will somehow win him brownie points in this little elementary school level tier conflict he's went out of his way to get himself into.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #22
    Helladamnleet African Astronaut [impartially tyrannize that lentinus]
    I'm not watching a fucking video. If I wanted to watch YouTube videos I'd go to fucking YouTube.
  3. #23
    What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kinkou TBH I would love to live in my car.

    but why though?

    I feel claustrophobic living in a 1BD 1BA apartment.

    There's a big difference between "living in your car" with bunch of nice camping gear & no obligations or responsibilities to worry about. Setting up camp wherever you want and always traveling, just one big road trip.

    This unsustainable romantic view of having to live out of a car is a fantasy.

    God, I couldn't imagine having to live out of my car and go to my two jobs each week. I don't really look at it as something enjoyable at all & am curious as to what you would love about it.

    Could you elaborate?
  4. #24
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kinkou Not really. It'd be disgusting if I was smelly and sticky and icky. Lol.

    you are disgusting and smelly and...all that other shit. your nostrils are so used to it you don't even realize it.

    I guarantee everyone else around you smells your rank ass.
  5. #25
    I spend like 95% of my time in a small room, I prefer that, I need the silence and distance from people. My dog chills with me, until I take him outside then we roam wherever. We could live in my car. I got zero issues with hobo baths. It'd probably have to be my SUV but it'd be cool if I could make it work with the festiva lmao
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