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I had sex with a chopo

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Since lately I've been working nights at a new job I haven't had the usual amount of sex I'm accustomed to.. Yesterday was my day off so I set up an early morning meet up with a girl who also works nights, she took the bus over I put on the Poughkeepsie[FONT=helvetica neue] [/FONT][FONT=helvetica neue, helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Tapes, one of my favorite documentary style horror movies. She wasn't very interested in the movie and was very dtf, so I did her a couple times, I asked her If she was on birth control and she told me she was sterile and couldnt have kids, so I came in her a couple times over the course of 10 hours (we just slept for most of the time)

    I eventually woke up and went to the store to get a brew, leaving her alone with my cat, yeah bad idea I know. I end up ordering us a pizza, cheezy stix, and a dr pepper 2 liter because we were both starving at this point and I'm a good guy.

    While we are eating, some how she finds a point to fit into the conversation that she just got out of prison, was there for the last eight years for a child pornography charge.
    She claims she got 8 years and her bf got 4 years for storing child porn on her laptop. Something is up with that story, but I just stared at her, and politely told her to leave and she started crying (probably because it was cold wet, and she didnt have a car)

    I was just down right amazed at that moment at how shifty people can be. I'd been a lot better off had she not mentioned that to me.

    Anyone else ever gone through something like this?
  2. #2
    arc the lad Yung Blood
    Did you tell her she has herpes now? No? Yeah some people are just too 'shifty'
  3. #3
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^I lol'd
  4. #4
    Nobody goes through things like this
  5. #5
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I've gone through a thing like that, let me tell ya.
  6. #6
    Hewfil1 Houston
    Secretly was Sophie's girlfriend.
  7. #7
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Congrats on your next child. 'Im sterile.' I can't believe you fell for that
  8. #8
    infinityshock Black Hole pics
  9. #9
    Hewfil1 Houston
    Congrats on your next child. 'Im sterile.' I can't believe you fell for that

    Thought I fell for that once when drunk, turned out she was sterile. Best discovery of my life.
  10. #10
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Thought I fell for that once when drunk, turned out she was sterile. Best discovery of my life.

    I know of dozens of chicks who have said they cant get pregnant...then get pregnant
  11. #11
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Congrats on your next child. 'Im sterile.' I can't believe you fell for that

    Yeah I freaked out, I hadnt slept and was drunk when I had her come over
  12. #12
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Its not an irreparable situation. Get her totally drunk then practice your speed-bagging and round-house techniques on the area just above her pubic bone. Extra credit if you break it
  13. #13
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I know of dozens of chicks who have said they cant get pregnant…then get pregnant

    No, you don't.
  14. #14
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Get a goddamn vasectomy, you idiots.
  15. #15
    Imagine inviting a girl over and watching The Poughkeepsie Tapes with her?
  16. #16
    RestStop Space Nigga
    Every girl I've slept with I've always known quite a bit about(her family, exes, home life, job/living situation etc..) not that I'm particularly investigative but it just seems to always turn out that question is why on earth would someone let a hangout go over really smoothly then drop a bomb like that afterwords? I what scenario would someone expect that confession to go over smoothly? Also it doesn't make sense that she would get 8 and her ex only 4...I almost bet she was the originator/aggressor in the already fucked up situation. When I was 19 I helped a friend's grandpa shoot a short movie for his film class and about 3 years later ended up dating his grand daughter to later find out he was diddling her as a kindergardener but by that time he was serving an 8 year sentence. Even creepier was that he also recorded parts of this molestation though I'm not sure if the recordings were found or even known about by the police I only knew about this because my then girlfriend told me about it.

    I guess a pretty solid piece of advice for you would be to find girls that are employed not that it's particularly important for hookups but here it's hard enough to get a job with a DUI so any child porn etc. you can basically forget about being employed anywhere.
  17. #17
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^she is employed shes a manager at a restaurant.. but restaurants for claiming they are going to do background checks but then dont.. I mean I work at one.. anyways Yeah I've never had such a weird meet up before, I know it sounds lame, but I just hadn't had sex in awhile, and she was down and I figured I'd just have a nice casual day fucking some pussy and sleeping in cause I've been really busy at work.

    I figured producing/watching child porn was more of a guy thing so it never crossed my mind that she could be like that.. Maybe she wanted to ditch me.. maybe she believes honesty is the best policy.. but it was just very awkward at that point and I regretted the entire thing.

    She was crying when she was leaving and asked me to call her to hang out again sometime. I immediately deleted her number.. Live and learn I guess...

    It's just the last year I haven't been hung up on have a steady relationship so I've just been banging sluts I meet online or from bars.

    I probably just need to let that side of me go, but even at work when I'm mostly "sober" I can't think of anything but wanting to go to one of the bars down the street or text some bitch to come over.

    And who knows what is really up with her story, all I know is I don't want to be associated with a sex offender, I have enough issues as it is that make me look bad
  18. #18
    Why would you watch The Poughkeepsie Tapes with your date?
  19. #19
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Why would you watch The Poughkeepsie Tapes with your date?

    Because it's a good horror movie?
  20. #20
    Hewfil1 Houston
    I know of dozens of chicks who have said they cant get pregnant…then get pregnant

    I made th bitch go get a test to see if she was sterile. Turned out to be true. Woop.
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