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The Retarded Thread: Click Here for AIDS

  1. Game of Thrones is for humans.
  2. mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 What about now?

    Is it hard?
  3. Originally posted by mashlehash Is it hard?

  4. mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    You're such a nutshell
  5. Originally posted by Lanny don't reply to him. Non-retards speaking to him only makes him think he's smart enough to justify that interaction.

    so why doesn't position imply a specific momentum? hurrr durrr
  6. lanny's IQ is 85 confirmed

    "I'm not going to reiterate what has been said; arble and danharaj are correct in what they said. I don't think they addressed your issue of uncertainty -> randomness (I take it you mean vacuum fluctuations etc).

    The most intuitive way I can describe it is that if there is an intrinsic error on something, you cannot have its value set at zero.

    Take the uncertainty of energy/time for example (behaves the same as position/momentum in your question). If there is inherent uncertainty in the "zero" energy of the vacuum, then energy (vacuum fluctuations) will exist - they are necessary to ensure this uncertainty."
  8. i make the most pretentious person in the world butthurt because he doesnt want to accept that 20 years of education later he still has downs syndrome
  9. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery A heroin addict prostitute is damaged goods? Whoda thunk!?

    yeah, good point, but i don't think i even seen this level before. its like you need a fucking jack hammer to get through them layers which seem to be many. this is some seriously fucked up kitty here. i think this one might even make hydro seem pretty normal, ha.

  10. coughgel bundy adam lanza
  11. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by shapeshifter coughgel bundy adam lanza

    are you gay? sorry its just you sounded totally gay there

  12. Originally posted by shapeshifter

    "I'm not going to reiterate what has been said; arble and danharaj are correct in what they said. I don't think they addressed your issue of uncertainty -> randomness (I take it you mean vacuum fluctuations etc).

    The most intuitive way I can describe it is that if there is an intrinsic error on something, you cannot have its value set at zero.

    Take the uncertainty of energy/time for example (behaves the same as position/momentum in your question). If there is inherent uncertainty in the "zero" energy of the vacuum, then energy (vacuum fluctuations) will exist - they are necessary to ensure this uncertainty."

    lanny and captain falcon will try to argue against this and claim random quantum number generation doesn't imply determinism. they're both dumb as a fucking rock and dont deserve to have college education, work as a janitor might be more fitting.
  13. Originally posted by NARCassist are you gay? sorry its just you sounded totally gay there


    atom bonanza!
  14. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by shapeshifter atom bonanza!

    is this a test? can i score 170 if i get it right?

  15. i bet youd score 90 then get buttmad

    do it for science
  16. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by shapeshifter i bet youd score 90 then get buttmad

    do it for science

    i knew there'd be solicitation involved

    Result Culture-Fair-Test 32
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  17. so wait 7 days

    Crouton lanza

    i will remind you next saturday
  18. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 Woh boo yao shoo-o whuah

    Pinyin is pretty confusing at first. Try 'xueyuan' and 'zhaopian' and 'qian'

    Go on, I fucking dare you.

    Im actually really fucking good with accents and languages for some reason.

    Id say "cuh-yoo-ahn", "zhur-piyan" and "cooey-an" ....although trying to type out some of the chinese inflections is just about impossible with english script. Ive never taken chinese, just heard a lot of conversation, and it seems theres a sort of frontal-lengual tensing. Like idk when they speak really fast I always pick out a bunch of "shyuur" type sounds, which if you typed "sure"- wouldnt describe the sound correctly. Theres like a bend in the middle. Idk. Im high. Thanks China.
  19. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 :facepal:

    I've been looking for this one. I hate the picard one.

    Youre fucking dead to me.
  20. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery I was all like whaaaat the fuuuuuck. Nigga, I wasn't even convicted, the charges were dismissed.

    Really, when the judge saw the police report, he was like, "It.. doesn't look like anything actually happened.." and I was all i kno rite. Florida is fucked up for making arrest records public like that. Doesn't matter if you're guilty or not, news sites can plaster the arrest all over and fuck you up over it. Charge ≠ conviction.

    True story- I looked you up years ago to see if you were on a Florida prison registry, to put random money on your books.

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