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Whytes are still weak part 3

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Last night I went to barflys and I don't go out to bars as often anymore since I don't work downtown after getting fired for sexual harassment of a guy even though I'm even a gay. I drink at venues seeing a show but I only go to barflys if I'm meeting someone for a date or if its past midnight and i can't sleep, but at that point I'm pretty much there just to down a couple brews and drive home and go to bed, there was something stupid on the tv like forest bump or something.

    And this girl came and sat next to me and we drew pictures of eachother and just bullshitted for a second. I felt bloated from the brews and drove around for a bit listening to napalm death.

    I haven't really been to sleep, i kind of dozed off for a bit and woke up and the dozed off again so I'm super tired and I still feel drunk. I took a few days off of work because my car was fucked up from for reasons I can't talk about. And so now its fixed so I'm going back to work. A couple days before easter I started working at a new pizzeria. And they hired me as a manager in training because they guy that I spoke to also used to work for blizzard (w0W) and he's a nerd so i chatted him up and he said I can take over his managing position. because he's leaving to do something else. And everything seemed cool until I went in on my first day

    and the guy working the store was a total smacktard yet he was the guy that was supposed to train me, he was a whyte... a BIG DICK TRILL NIGGA...
    and he was like "duueeer kkkk lemme get ur social security card" all unprepared and a total derpadew.

    And I'm asking him simple questions about the job and he keeps saying the same thing over and over.... and he says "Hong" will handle everything when she comes in...

    and I was like "Hong?"

    and some lady in her late 30's walks in and she's japanese, like actually from japan and has been here for 15 years and she's not like the normal american asians, she's actually super tiny like 100lbs or something and 4 feet tall like a martian. And she barely speaks any english and her cousin owns the place.

    She was showing me how to make lasagna and handed me a cook book to look at while she made it and called me a wound eye...
    and she misses a step, she completely forgets the ricotta cheese (how can you make lasagna without ricotta cheese?) and she scraps it and is kind of pissed that I pointed it out.

    But anyways thats about it I took some gabapentin and am trying to sober up since I'm tired/still drunk from last night.

    I just don't like foreign asians hows they have that attitude like "haha u soo stoopid! u shoulda killed us when u had the chonce u BIG DICK TRILL NIGGA!"

    so condescending, im looking for a new job now that I have my car back, this place sucks

    she had the balls to ask me to sweep the front of the store and I was like 'cool' and she said 'if you know how' and I said 'can you make some lasgna with ricotta next time?'

  2. #2
    Hey I'm Japanese you should marry her
  3. #3
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozbynigger WHITE POWER

    fixed that for you, niggerspic
  4. #4
    Fonaplats victim of incest [daylong jump-start that nome]
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