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2020-02-22 at 9:33 PM UTCUgh. Every feature of the ar15/ar10 is designed for full auto fire. Inline stock, pistol grip, low recoil. It was designed as a military rifle for military trials. Which it won and became the m16. The original trial ar-15s were fully automatic.
But you're right. The rifle is whatever you used it for or however it's advertised. If you use it for hunting sure it's a hunting rifle. AFAIK no rifles in the USA are advertised ad being the best rifle to fight the govt. -
2020-02-22 at 9:38 PM UTC
Originally posted by Splam Ugh. Every feature of the ar15/ar10 is designed for full auto fire. Inline stock, pistol grip, low recoil. It was designed as a military rifle.
But you're right. The rifle is whatever you used it for. If you use it for hunting sure it's a hunting rifle.
That is nothing more than your opinion. The facts the AR- 15 it was originally designed, marketed, and sold as a semi automatic civilian hunting rifle as the military simply was not interested in smaller caliber weapons as a main battle rifle at that time. All the features you mentioned can be found in many other hunting weapons. -
2020-02-22 at 9:39 PM UTCDesigned for military trials. Military rejected it so they made it semi only as a hunting rifle. If the military wasn't experimenting with small calibre rounds, m16 wouldn't have been designed. Still have ar10s tho.
Still original design intent was military. You fail. -
2020-02-22 at 9:45 PM UTC
Originally posted by Splam Designed for military trials. Military rejected it so they made it semi only as a hunting rifle.
Still original design intent was military. You fail.
You are so full of wrong, The AR 15 was not submitted for "military trials" until 1963 (four years after it's introduction to the hunting public) when it was submitted and rejected in a select fire revision known today as the M 16. It was not until two years later in 1665 that the M 16 was adopted by the US military as it's main battle rifle. -
2020-02-22 at 9:46 PM UTC
Under the guidance of former Marine and former Army Ordnance technician, Eugene Stoner, the AR-10 became the main focus of attention. Army officials asked Armalite to develop a smaller version of the AR-10 in 1956 as a potential replacement for the M1 Garand. The ensuing rifle was called the AR-15 and was produced with aircraft grade aluminum receivers, weighing less than seven pounds. In 1959, the AR-10 was licensed to the Dutch Arsenal, Artillerie Inrichtingen, for sale on the international market and then to Colt’s Patent Firearms Manufacturing Company, along with the AR-15.
From armalite's own history section on their website. https://www.armalite.com/history/
Army officials asked Armalite to make the AR-15. They didn't make it to attract the civilian hunting market.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-02-22 at 9:51 PM UTC
Originally posted by Splam From armalite's own history section on their website. https://www.armalite.com/history/
Army officials asked Armalite to make the AR-15. They didn't make it to attract the civilian hunting market.
No, they asked them to make a smaller version the AR 10 and they failed so they made it a civilian rifle. -
2020-02-22 at 9:53 PM UTCSo we agree, great, original intent of AR15 was for a military rifle design.
2020-02-22 at 9:54 PM UTC
2020-02-22 at 9:57 PM UTCActually the results speak for themselves. The military was just slow to catch on. AR15 was designed as a military rifle and is today among the most widespread designs found in combat. That a company marketed them to civilians prior to the military catching on changes nothing.
Actual results lol. -
2020-02-22 at 10:03 PM UTC
Originally posted by Splam Actually the results speak for themselves. The military was just slow to catch on. AR15 was designed as a military rifle and is today among the most widespread designs found in combat. That a company marketed them to civilians prior to the military catching on changes nothing.
Actual results lol.
The results are that the AR 15 was never adapted as a main battle rifle by any military. -
2020-02-22 at 10:08 PM UTC
Originally posted by Speedy Parker The results are that the AR 15 was never adapted as a main battle rifle by any military.
Battle rifles are full length .30 caliber. AR-15 was adopted and renamed the M16 and is used by the US military as an assault rifle, not a battle rifle. Fuck you.
Sure the NRA likes to classify them as hunting rifles to avoid gov't intervention. Which is fair. And if it's used for hunting, that's an accurate classification. But denying the design was ever intended for military, or claiming the design was unsuccessful for military purposes, is an outright lie. -
2020-02-22 at 10:14 PM UTC
Originally posted by Splam Battle rifles are full length .30 caliber. AR-15 was adopted and renamed the M16 and is used by the US military. Fuck you.
It was not just adopted and renamed. Many changes were made. It has a different hammer, a different bolt and bolt carrier, as well as a different lower receiver. -
2020-02-22 at 10:33 PM UTCAll rifles go through changes in their service life. Doesn't make it a new gun.
2020-02-22 at 11:59 PM UTC
Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Guns are for faggots who can't win a fight with their fists
faggot shit. get lost.
Originally posted by vindicktive vinny if you need to attack then you already lose.
real winners win by having others capitulate before they even need to attack.
attacking is only for beasts and negrows.
faggot shit. attack, attack, attack. if you don't attack, you're a bitch. you can't win until you've attacked and routed. if you don't attack, you don't win. ever.
Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country I use only well reasoned arguments to defend myself.
faggot. blah blah blahing. but but buting.
Originally posted by Speedy Parker No, what makes you wrong is the the that the M 16 was an adaption of a hunting rifle called the AR 15 not the other way around. As I have already documented above.
See: https://niggasin.space/thread/51086?p=2#post-997896
if by hunting you mean hunting humans.
Originally posted by Splam Battle rifles are full length .30 caliber.
says who? it's better to shoot someone multiple times and carry more, lighter bullets, in battle, so .30 is actually more of a 'hunting' cartridge than 5.56. by hunting i think you mean killing one single deer. the M-60 is actually even more of a hunting rifle. because i can kill more deer, faster with it. -
2020-02-23 at 12 AM UTCYou're just too scared to fight with fists you coward.
2020-02-23 at 12:08 AM UTC
Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood You're just too scared to fight with fists you coward.
shutup, faggot. if you're not 'scared' of any sort of conflict with other humans, it's because you're a brain dead homosexual with engrained masochism and suicidal tendencies. real men aren't homosexual, aren't masochistic, and aren't suicidal. i like breathing and i like my body in its original configuration. bitch i will put a bullet through your skull without a warning in order to avoid getting a bruise or a scrape. i will murder you in your sleep along with your entire family before i risk getting punched in the face. i am not trying to impress anyone by refusing to use weapons like some pacifist nigger. given the choice i will send a drone to kill you rather than put myself at risk of spraining my ankle walking to your location to kill you. do you understand now why you are a homosexual, and have no comments to make on this subject? bitches like you brag about how you're not afraid to die but aren't smart enough to make the connection with why you die so easily. because you're too cowardly to fight for real, so you have to settle for a posturing-mechanism to pretend you're fighting without actually risking failure, and without actually having to experience the fear of not knowing if you're going to win and live or lose and die. you give up beforehand to avoid it. you have homosexual thoughts that you don't tell others about. -
2020-02-23 at 12:16 AM UTC
Originally posted by snab_snib says who? it's better to shoot someone multiple times and carry more, lighter bullets, in battle, so .30 is actually more of a 'hunting' cartridge than 5.56. by hunting i think you mean killing one single deer. the M-60 is actually even more of a hunting rifle. because i can kill more deer, faster with it.
Says the definitions that our militaries use to classify arms.
Battle rifle = full caliber cartridge
Assault rifle = intermediate caliber cartridge, fully automatic, detachable magazine.
Sub machine gun = pistol cartridge, fully automatic
Most all military weapons fall into one of those categories. Any gun can be a hunting rifle if you so choose to. And nobody should be able to tell you otherwise.
harr harr this is my hunting mountain howitzer
http://www.buckstix.com/howitzer.htm -
2020-02-23 at 12:18 AM UTC
Originally posted by Splam Says the definitions that our militaries use to classify arms.
Battle rifle = full caliber cartridge
Assault rifle = intermediate caliber cartridge, fully automatic, detachable magazine.
Sub machine gun = pistol cartridge, fully automatic
Most all military weapons fall into one of those categories.
full calibre? all calibres are full. fuck you, retard. what a stupid way of categorizing guns. -
2020-02-23 at 12:19 AM UTC
2020-02-23 at 12:21 AM UTC