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Deleted posts for: Odilo Globocnik
2020-02-22 at 2:17 AM UTC
Originally posted by Corona-chan What drives them to style their hair in such absurd ans ugly ways?
because humans dont like shitskins and the shitskins try to compensate by ignoring the humans by attention-seeking behavior.
loud music. annoying mannerisms. overly vibrant decorative colors. ridiculous names. stupid clothing/hair styles. -
2020-02-22 at 2:19 AM UTC
Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Look at this woman holding up a sign alluding to the word 'nigger'. Using the first letter by calling it the N word is just as bad as saying the actual word. I just call it 'the word' because i'm not a racist piece of shit.
I would grab that sign out of her hands and scream at her for being a racist. I would loudly explain that using that term is just as bad as saying the actual word, she is clearly some kind of alt right using terms like "white people" "black people" and "the word"
I punch nazis by the way.
sieg heil! -
2020-02-22 at 2:20 AM UTC
2020-02-22 at 2:22 AM UTC
Originally posted by What_a_Kreep I always get excited to chat with a bunch of degenerates but usually get a feeling that there's only like two people on here and they don't really wanna socialize.
I'd like to see a comeback and talk to some people about drugs, crazy times from my youth, even porn is a topic of discussion once I've been up for a bit longer.
I'm curious how many people are actually out there? Even with people I quite despise, it would be refreshing to see them posting.
What happened to everyone? Why did everyone leave? Just one forum ago, I think it was (RDFRN?) right?
RDFRN had a good amount of content, not as great as Zoklet, clearly, but it wasn't bad. As soon as it changed to NIS it immediately became desolate.
Honestly, I get the feeling that there's just likely one active poster having conversations with his own alt accounts.
Can we ever get even just a fraction back of what once was or is it as dead as Kobe Bryant?
pls respond ;)
never gonna happen. lapdog-lanny ruined this site and culture. now all youre going to get are druggie degenerates, pedofags, and these unterbottom retards.
hail hitler!!!1!!!111!! -
2020-02-22 at 2:26 AM UTC
Originally posted by snab_snib americans invented the worlds best gun, so every american should be required by law to have guns and ammo. prison sentences if you refuse to have guns.
there is no such thing as 'best' gun. no matter what gun is considered it has a negative trait that a different gun would be considered 'better' -
2020-02-22 at 2:26 AM UTC
2020-02-22 at 2:33 AM UTC
Originally posted by Splam AR15s are personal defence weapons. Military no longer uses rifles as it's main fighting weapon. Anything with an internal combustion or jet engine does majority of the fighting. Thus an AR15 is by no means the best rifle.
read up on some military strategy before you spurgle off nonsense. the most basic premise of modern warfare is being able to hold territory.
you cant hold territory with jet engines or IC engines. you can only do it with boots on the ground...which are holding: drum roll....: rifles.
AR15s are not true PDWs. the only thing that is an actual PDW based on the actual intent of the definition is something along the lines of a MAC10, uzi (design stolen by kikes from a czech), HK MP7, B&T MP9, etc. -
2020-02-22 at 2:37 AM UTC
Originally posted by Splam I'm talking about the context they're used in, in the military. Because such a small fraction of the fighting is done with rifles, they saw no need to have heavy duty rifles issued to all soldiers. Now only a few select marksmen get M14s and the rest have M4s (atleast in Afghanistan). Because they're not really expected to use it. The soldiers given M14s are expected to use them, which is why they're designated marksmen. Rest just call in airstrikes and backup whenever they spot the enemy. Using your rifle is a last resort. You don't want to give away your position when you can just call in a strike.
In civilian context, who did the Poles have to protect themselves from in 1938? You don't know what the future holds, which is why the 2a is so important.
youre drunk, go back to bed. you have no idea what your splattering all over the screen
m14. jesus christ. -
2020-02-22 at 2:43 AM UTC
Originally posted by Splam Actually Enfield is longest serving. Canadian rangers just recently phased out their Enfield No4s in original .303 caliber. Last military force to do so. Militias around the world still use it including the taliban. Don't think many springfields still pop up in war zones. In any case Springfield 1903 is a German design and lacks compared to the Enfield in every way. Which is why we never replaced our bolt rifles until after the war - our bolt rifles were fast enough at throwing lead down range. Canadian Rangers used it until now because it's a great cold weather design, lots of power to fight off polar bears, and it doesn't jam like automatics in the high arctic. Canadian rangers replaced the enfield with another bolt action rifle, the Tikka T3. Mostly due to problems sourcing military spec .303 ammunition and running out of spare parts.
you should stop posting before you hurt yourself.
the only reason any military unit uses a bolt rifle for the primary weapon is theyre too poor to afford something better. to make a semi-auto as reliable as a bolt action in cold weather is as simple as adjusting propellant and lubrication.
the longest serving rifle is irrelevant when it compares to the commie 7.62x54 rimmed piece of shit round. -
2020-02-22 at 2:45 AM UTC
Originally posted by Speedy Parker Wrong again. It was inspired by the shortcomings of the Danish Krag-Jorgensen when, In 1896, the .30-40 “Model 1896 Krag Rifle” became the United States Army’s first bolt-action, magazine, smokeless-powder service rifle. These shortcomings included a cumbersome locking system, a low-powered cartridge, and its difficulty in adapting to clip-loading especially when compared to the Spaniards’ more effective charger-loaded German Model 1893 Mauser rifle.
As a result of this experience the United States Army Ordnance Board authorized the Springfield Armory to to manufacture an experimental magazine rifle based on the Mauser and Krag. As a result of the prototype tests conducted in the late fall of 1900 the board recommended the adoption of this new rifle and the Springfield 1903 was born.
...which was a shit-splattered disaster resulting in, like... four, being manufactured...before being replaced post-haste by the 30-06...which was invented by the actual best/greatest firearms designer ever: browning (an american) whos designed are still stole'd by forn'ers.