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Getting paid
2020-02-18 at 9:11 PM UTC
Originally posted by Bill Krozby Take it to da bank nigga. I cycle, swim and jog, get on my level oh wait but you cant and wont. I'd being willing to have a jog meetup with your bitchass and loser has to buy the other one out back steak house.
lololol we've seen your pathetic arms and legs, basically bone with a covering of skin..I've seen more muscle and definition on a jello pudding. -
2020-02-18 at 9:15 PM UTC
2020-02-18 at 9:16 PM UTC
2020-02-18 at 9:18 PM UTC
2020-02-18 at 9:19 PM UTC
2020-02-18 at 9:29 PM UTC
2020-02-18 at 9:30 PM UTC
2020-02-19 at 3:16 AM UTCStory keeps developing.
I post a google review on the company giving them one star saying they do not pay.
Spend morning contacting clients we've done work for, and coworkers who haven't been paid either.
I get an angry phone call from the boss. Demanding I take down the review at once. If not, he will sue me for 50k for slander, yells I better lawyer up. Also he's going to phone the cops on me for stealing his tools and doctoring my hours dating back months. Both of which I deny. This is in addition to insult after insult and angry text messages I received. Pissed would be an understatement.
I contact the police wondering if he can actually do any of this. They assure me he cannot. Still waiting for my pay. -
2020-02-19 at 3:19 AM UTC
Originally posted by Splam Story keeps developing.
I post a google review on the company giving them one star saying they do not pay.
Spend morning contacting clients we've done work for, and coworkers who haven't been paid either.
I get an angry phone call from the boss. Demanding I take down the review at once. If not, he will sue me for 50k for slander, yells I better lawyer up. Also he's going to phone the cops on me for stealing his tools and doctoring my hours dating back months. Both of which I deny. This is in addition to insult after insult and angry text messages I received. Pissed would be an understatement.
I contact the police wondering if he can actually do any of this. They assure me he cannot. Still waiting for my pay.
In what state are you in? -
2020-02-19 at 3:23 AM UTCCanada
2020-02-19 at 3:29 AM UTCdid you steal his tools? why would h accuse you of it if you havent?
reminds me or thwt blond pollack right wing pro poland pro polish superiority bitch oiving in the uk hating on ukrianiangs for being in Poland who threatened me ont witter with her right wing pollack crew got me banned off it and claimed she will twke me to court cause I originally accussed her of being a hater sand said shes an example of s hypocryte pollack living in th uk and that Im not real pollack because i dont think like them or write well in pure pollack. she then threstened after my username was already banned to get the law on me for some other weirdo pollack reason. like that I harass her or some shit lol when she was the one replying to me and kept having to say the last word. -
2020-02-19 at 3:33 AM UTCNope tool a few months ago was stolen from jobsite. He deducted me 400$ for that, half the cost. Which is something I wish to claim but will be happy as long as I get the rest of the money. In any case he has the new tool.
Also turns out he has no fucking case whatsoever to sue me for libel. All you must do to defend against libel is prove what you're saying is true. I can prove he hasn't paid me, with one of the witnesses being our previous client who just turns out to be a police officer and has taken quite the interest in my case. -
2020-02-19 at 4:09 AM UTC
Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I can guarantee you if Bill Krozby, you and I met at the velodrome for 100 laps…you two would probably be passed out after 10 and my old ass would be lapping you after 5.
sounds like you only perform well inside a controlled environment with ass stimulator.
take it to the highway in cargo shorts and button shirts. -
2020-02-19 at 12:47 PM UTC
2020-02-19 at 5:02 PM UTC
Originally posted by Splam Nope tool a few months ago was stolen from jobsite. He deducted me 400$ for that, half the cost. Which is something I wish to claim but will be happy as long as I get the rest of the money. In any case he has the new tool.
Also turns out he has no fucking case whatsoever to sue me for libel. All you must do to defend against libel is prove what you're saying is true. I can prove he hasn't paid me, with one of the witnesses being our previous client who just turns out to be a police officer and has taken quite the interest in my case.
Idk what the laws are in canadia but id record his calls if he calls you again. Simply ask why he hasnt paid you. Ask why youre listed as a contractor when x, y, z. Then if he tries to do some gay shit later, you both have him admitting to owing you money, breaking the law, and that your review online was accurate. Tell him to man up, and either explain why he believes he doesnt owe you the money or do so. And if he still doesnt feel like he owes you the money, ask him whether hed rather lose tens of thousands in business, and have to hire a laywer and THEN pay you after the fact, or just give you what he owes you (or give you like $1000 and then a written agreement with the rest in installments. Also, do it via email if you can bc in some cases i think a text message isnt considered legal notification of intent. I think email and physical postal mail can count in certain cases. Write one last lengthy, carefully worded message and let him know the puck is in his..... back of the.....ice...skating....rink.Also dont let him know that youre in dire straights financially. That gives him leverage, and he may be able touse it against youin a potential legal case.
Actually if you want, leave me the name of the business and ill leave a review too. lol. -
2020-02-19 at 5:08 PM UTC
2020-02-19 at 5:12 PM UTC
2020-02-19 at 5:13 PM UTCWhich freeway?
2020-02-19 at 5:23 PM UTC
Originally posted by CASPER Idk what the laws are in canadia but id record his calls if he calls you again. Simply ask why he hasnt paid you. Ask why youre listed as a contractor when x, y, z. Then if he tries to do some gay shit later, you both have him admitting to owing you money, breaking the law, and that your review online was accurate. Tell him to man up, and either explain why he believes he doesnt owe you the money or do so. And if he still doesnt feel like he owes you the money, ask him whether hed rather lose tens of thousands in business, and have to hire a laywer and THEN pay you after the fact, or just give you what he owes you (or give you like $1000 and then a written agreement with the rest in installments. Also, do it via email if you can bc in some cases i think a text message isnt considered legal notification of intent. I think email and physical postal mail can count in certain cases. Write one last lengthy, carefully worded message and let him know the puck is in his….. back of the…..ice…skating….rink.Also dont let him know that youre in dire straights financially. That gives him leverage, and he may be able touse it against youin a potential legal case.
Actually if you want, leave me the name of the business and ill leave a review too. lol.
I am starting to thi k my Polish landlord who lives in the uk who doesnt even have the legal right to rent me the property since it is under his girlfriend’s fsmily name is the same way. he is totally cold billing me for like three weeks now after I gave him the terms of a new lease I will sign. he basically iss editing me up for fsilure or not to pay me the deposit later if he doesnt want to due and other advantages for him and not equal terms in the lease agreement how he changed the payment due date to the first from the filth when the legal time frame anyway is the 10th day of the month. he also out of the blue wanted heating payments and it was never discussed or included in one of our former agreements which again he came up with and were super advantageous for him without his social security or even contact address in the uk on there. -
2020-02-19 at 5:26 PM UTC