got banned from dh a few hundred times. many horror forums too...i had a nasty habit of stalking and running the females(yes females)off of them but they usually were friends with adm..there so i got banned pretty quickly. a few wrestling forums...usually shitposting but i did post some good quality shit there as well. kiwi farms and enclyopedia dramatica
don't really post much these days though..lost in interest in many of the forums i used to go to. plus i was on twitter for awhile and that took a lot of my free time is not a forum but i was catfishing there a good long time...but not as challenging or fun anymore
so i guess this site is where i post most often and thats not very often
especially the sex workers on twitter. they bitch about not making enough money ad nauseaum but get free nudes...and get lots of pi when they are fucked up on some shit..