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How many funerals have you been to?

  1. #1
    mmQ Lisa Turtle

    Somehow only like 5 I think. My great grandpa when I was like 5. My great grandma when I was about 8. My grandpa when I was about 18. My dad when I was 23, and my friend who got killed by the police a few years ago.

    Obviously I've known a few other people that have died but nobody close. I hope I'm not forgetting someone really obvious:(

    Anyway, you?
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  2. #2
    Dregs African Astronaut [that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
    i believe its 17...13 in the last decade. so early life was fairly lively.
  3. #3
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Dregs i believe its 17…13 in the last decade. so early life was fairly lively.

    How old are you about? I'm 35 and I feel one funeral every 7 years of my life so far has been pretty fortunate. Certainly the rate will get higher as all my family and I grow older.
  4. #4
    Dregs African Astronaut [that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
    going on the big 44 in november. so i was very fortunate...not many deaths early life. its more than made up for the last 10..maybe 12 yrs.

    only a couple really have ever made a lasting impression on me. the rest i'd go for the free coffee, donuts, or whatever was available..and not people thought i cared
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. #5
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Dregs going on the big 44 in november. so i was very fortunate…not many deaths early life. its more than made up for the last 10..maybe 12 yrs.

    only a couple really have ever made a lasting impression on me. the rest i'd go for the free coffee, donuts, or whatever was available..and not people thought i cared

    Mostly family the last decade or a good mix of friends family and acquaintances? I'm guessing since most didnt have big impact on you its probably the latter.
  6. #6
    I don’t even know. I’ve gone to funerals of people I’ve never met just bc I was close to their loved one but that might be a southern thing.
  7. #7
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by frala I don’t even know. I’ve gone to funerals of people I’ve never met just bc I was close to their loved one but that might be a southern thing.

    No that's a thing everywhere I think, I'm just more inclined to not go to funerals of people I never knew. But I see what you're saying. That's probably the right thing to do.. I guess.
  8. #8
    I’ve only been to 1 funeral ever. It was in this really small conference room in a Marriot hotel or some shit and there was only like 15 people in there. There was no corpse, not even a vase of ashes. Just a big picture posted up on like a presentation board. Some priest was up there talking for a while then a few other guys took turns going up to the front and saying shit for like an hour then we all went home.

    I’ve had other people that I know die but usually when it happens I’m too far away to bother going to the funeral. I only went to that 1 because I happened to be in town at the time
  9. #9
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Fox I’ve only been to 1 funeral ever. It was in this really small conference room in a Marriot hotel or some shit and there was only like 15 people in there. There was no body, not even a vase of ashes. Some priest was up there talking for a while then a few other guys took turns going up to the front and saying shit for like an hour then we all went home.

    I’ve had other people that I know die but usually when it happens I’m too far away to bother going to the funeral. I only went to that 1 because I happened to be in town at the time

    That seems pretty fortunate as well. Does this mean you've never lost a close friend or family member ?
  10. #10
    Originally posted by mmQ That seems pretty fortunate as well. Does this mean you've never lost a close friend or family member ?

    I’m still young there’s time yet for my family to start dying off. But I don’t really have any really good friends that I would care if they died and go to their funeral
  11. #11
    I’ve had a couple grandparents die and like great uncles and other shit but I wasn’t in town when they died and couldnt afford to just drop everything and go to a funeral. Other than that, all of my immediate family is still alive
  12. #12
    Dregs African Astronaut [that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
    out of the 17? mostly family my parents, 3 brothers and a sister. rest first gf that one nearly killed me...i was even worse drunk then and had a breakdown like a few weeks before she died. one of my best friends as well...that was hard but it really snuck up on me much later for certain reasons.

    thing is i've always be closer to my first gf and friends than my actual family...they were the ones that stood by me when i was fucking everything up in my life, having breakdowns(had 3-4 nasty ones),and just being a real piece of shit. my family..idk really complicated shit to break down in a post but a huge part of me was like fuck them all. i kinda regretted later with a few of them but moved on from that and them eventually
  13. #13
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Dregs out of the 17? mostly family my parents, 3 brothers and a sister. rest first gf that one nearly killed me…i was even worse drunk then and had a breakdown like a few weeks before she died. one of my best friends as well…that was hard but it really snuck up on me much later for certain reasons.

    thing is i've always be closer to my first gf and friends than my actual family…they were the ones that stood by me when i was fucking everything up in my life, having breakdowns(had 3-4 nasty ones),and just being a real piece of shit. my family..idk really complicated shit to break down in a post but a huge part of me was like fuck them all. i kinda regretted later with a few of them but moved on from that and them eventually

    Damn that sounds kinda heavy. Both parents and 4 siblings of yours have died and you're only 43?

  14. #14
    Originally posted by frala I don’t even know. I’ve gone to funerals of people I’ve never met just bc I was close to their loved one but that might be a southern thing.

    How far south we talking
  15. #15
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    4. 3 family members and my boss

    I was high for 3 of them except for my great grandma
  16. #16
    Johnny you are so full of mess I swear.

  17. #17
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood 4. 3 family members and my boss

    I was high for 3 of them except for my great grandma

    Of course. Go ahead and explain the .3 then.
  18. #18
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by frala Johnny you are so full of mess I swear.


    South of what? The top of antarctica??!?!
  19. #19
    Originally posted by frala Johnny you are so full of mess I swear.


    Ok it’s just I live in Florida and we don’t do that here. You must be in one of the swamp states like Mississippi or something right
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. #20
    Also am I Johnny lol? Is that another southern thing
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