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Iraq - Major Escalation Underway (January 2020)
2020-01-15 at 4:36 PM UTC
2020-01-15 at 4:53 PM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-01-15 at 9:49 PM UTC
2020-01-16 at 1:28 AM UTC
Originally posted by -SpectraL I could post many news stories of gays being executed for homosexuality in Iran, but then again, you can look them up just as easily.
If I could, I'd name five. So far I only got two names. And those names are debatable as they were likely executed for homosexual rape.
Rest of the stories are nameless and appear to come from anti-Iranian propaganda. The typical punishment in Iran for homosexuality is lashing, not capital. The burden of proof is on you. -
2020-01-16 at 1:38 AM UTC
2020-01-16 at 1:38 AM UTC
Originally posted by aldra much as I dislike mandatory homsex/etc propaganda being pushed into the mainstream, it's hard to see this as significantly more damaging than 'beauty pageant' culture for kids
Thats what I meant yet it questions if the children are homosexual by choice or if it's somehow groomed into them with nurture?
I know I would get bashed by the quick-silver Triggered libtardness for saying so but this is why I said Wtf to a whole next level.
or close to -
2020-01-16 at 1:38 AM UTC
2020-01-16 at 1:39 AM UTC
Originally posted by Splam If I could, I'd name five. So far I only got two names. And those names are debatable as they were likely executed for homosexual rape.
Rest of the stories are nameless and appear to come from anti-Iranian propaganda. The typical punishment in Iran for homosexuality is lashing, not capital. The burden of proof is on you.
try googling in farsi. -
2020-01-16 at 1:55 AM UTC
Originally posted by Fuck Your World Thats what I meant yet it questions if the children are homosexual by choice or if it's somehow groomed into them with nurture?
I know I would get bashed by the quick-silver Triggered libtardness for saying so but this is why I said Wtf to a whole next level. or close to
That's the thing. Scientists have been unable to determine if homosexuality is genetic or nurtured.
If it's nurtured, we're best off to get rid of it.
If it's genetic, we'll have to learn to live with it.
Thing is government is pushing this huge experiment on society without knowing the consequences. Same goes for multiculturalism etc. You have no idea the effect on society, but hey let's give it a go. -
2020-01-16 at 1:57 AM UTC
2020-01-16 at 1:57 AM UTC
2020-01-16 at 2:01 AM UTC
Originally posted by -SpectraL New York City, circa 1926.
Bad year for architect except the Chrysler? Tenement buildings in the 20s were shawty as fuck. But the Streamline period of the 30s of Tenement structures still are cherished today. especially in Upper Eastside Manhattan.
which is strange. they built shitty lower class buildings during the roaring 20s yet they made beautiful architect using expensive materials during the Post Wall Street Crash when everyone was broke as fuck. -
2020-01-16 at 2:01 AM UTC
2020-01-16 at 2:09 AM UTC
Originally posted by Fuck Your World Bad year for architect except the Chrysler? Tenement buildings in the 20s were shawty as fuck. But the Streamline period of the 30s of Tenement structures still are cherished today. especially in Upper Eastside Manhattan.
which is strange. they built shitty lower class buildings during the roaring 20s yet they made beautiful architect using expensive materials during the Post Wall Street Crash when everyone was broke as fuck.
Ok, then. Oklahoma City circa, 1899. -
2020-01-16 at 5:06 AM UTChttps://twitter.com/Cuervo3/status/1217549889481183234
"Anti-ISIS operations are suspended here right?"
"Yeah it's not happening"
"So what are you guys doing out here now?"
"..." -
2020-01-16 at 1:39 PM UTC
2020-01-16 at 6:40 PM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-01-16 at 9:37 PM UTC
2020-01-16 at 9:39 PM UTC
2020-01-16 at 9:42 PM UTC